The kickoff function for g0 can be invoked without a p, for example
from mcall(exitsyscall0) in exitsyscall after exitsyscall has cleared
the p field. The assignment gp.param = nil will invoke a write barrier.
If gp.param is not already nil, this will require a p. Avoid the problem
for a specific case that is known to be OK: when the value in gp.param
is a *g.
From-SVN: r249595
The first line of this file holds the git revision number of the last
merge done from the gofrontend repository.
fv := gp.entry
param := gp.param
gp.entry = nil
+ // When running on the g0 stack we can wind up here without a p,
+ // for example from mcall(exitsyscall0) in exitsyscall.
+ // Setting gp.param = nil will call a write barrier, and if
+ // there is no p that write barrier will crash. When called from
+ // mcall the gp.param value will be a *g, which we don't need to
+ // shade since we know it will be kept alive elsewhere. In that
+ // case clear the field using uintptr so that the write barrier
+ // does nothing.
+ if gp.m.p == 0 {
+ if gp == gp.m.g0 && gp.param == unsafe.Pointer(gp.m.curg) {
+ *(*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(&gp.param)) = 0
+ } else {
+ throw("no p in kickoff")
+ }
+ }
gp.param = nil