# REMAP <a name="remap" />
-* see [[sv/propagation]] for a future way to apply REMAP
REMAP is an advanced form of Vector "Structure Packing" that
provides hardware-level support for commonly-used *nested* loop patterns.
For more general reordering an Indexed REMAP mode is available.
from a linear form to a 2D or 3D transposed form, or "offset" to permit
arbitrary access to elements (when elwidth overrides are used),
independently on each Vector src or dest
+register. Aside from Indexed REMAP this is entirely Hardware-accelerated
+reordering and consequently not costly in terms of register access. It
+will however place a burden on Multi-Issue systems but no more than if -
+exactly as if - the equivalent Scalar instructions were explicitly
+loop-unrolled without SVP64.
The initial primary motivation of REMAP was for Matrix Multiplication, reordering of sequential
data in-place: in-place DCT and FFT were easily justified given the
results are Deterministically computed they may be useful.
Additionally, because the intermediate results are always written out
it is possible to service Precise Interrupts without affecting latency
-(a common limitation of Vector ISAs).
+(a common limitation of Vector ISAs implementing explicit
+Parallel Reduction instructions).
# Basic principle
matrix to create
a 5x4 result:
svshape 5, 4, 3, 0, 0
svremap 15, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0
sv.fmadds *0, *8, *16, *0
* svshape sets up the four SVSHAPE SPRS for a Matrix Schedule
* svremap activates four out of five registers RA RB RC RT RS (15)
# svremap instruction <a name="svremap"> </a>
-There is also a corresponding SVRM-Form for the svremap
-instruction which matches the above SPR:
svremap SVme,mi0,mi1,mi2,mo0,mo2,pst
| -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | ---- | ----- |
| PO | SVme |mi0 | mi1 | mi2 | mo0 | mo1 | pst | rsvd | XO |
+* svremap SVme,mi0,mi1,mi2,mo0,mo1,pst
+ # registers RA RB RC RT EA/FRS SVSHAPE0-3 indices
+ SVSTATE[32:33] <- mi0
+ SVSTATE[34:35] <- mi1
+ SVSTATE[36:37] <- mi2
+ SVSTATE[38:39] <- mo0
+ SVSTATE[40:41] <- mo1
+ # enable bit for RA RB RC RT EA/FRS
+ SVSTATE[42:46] <- SVme
+ # persistence bit (applies to more than one instruction)
+ SVSTATE[62] <- pst
+Special Registers Altered:
+ None
# SHAPE Remapping SPRs
There are four "shape" SPRs, SHAPE0-3, 32-bits in each,