upvar 1 $options_var options
if { [istarget "aarch64*-*-*"] } {
- if {[info exists ARM_CC_FOR_TARGET]} {
- lappend options "compiler=${ARM_CC_FOR_TARGET}"
+ if {[arm_cc_for_target] != ""} {
+ lappend options "compiler=[arm_cc_for_target]"
return 1
} else {
unsupported "ARM compiler is not known"
return $values
+# Return the compiler that can generate 32-bit ARM executables. Used
+# when testing biarch support on Aarch64. If ARM_CC_FOR_TARGET is
+# set, use that. If not, try a few common compiler names, making sure
+# that the executable they produce can run.
+gdb_caching_proc arm_cc_for_target {
+ if {[info exists ARM_CC_FOR_TARGET]} {
+ # If the user specified the compiler explicitly, then don't
+ # check whether the resulting binary runs outside GDB. Assume
+ # that it does, and if it turns out it doesn't, then the user
+ # should get loud FAILs, instead of UNSUPPORTED.
+ }
+ # Fallback to a few common compiler names. Also confirm the
+ # produced binary actually runs on the system before declaring
+ # we've found the right compiler.
+ if [istarget "*-linux*-*"] {
+ set compilers {
+ arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc
+ arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc
+ arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc
+ }
+ } else {
+ set compilers {}
+ }
+ foreach compiler $compilers {
+ if {![is_remote host] && [which $compiler] == 0} {
+ # Avoid "default_target_compile: Can't find
+ # $compiler." warning issued from gdb_compile.
+ continue
+ }
+ set src { int main() { return 0; } }
+ if {[gdb_simple_compile aarch64-32bit \
+ $src \
+ executable [list compiler=$compiler]]} {
+ set result [remote_exec target $obj]
+ set status [lindex $result 0]
+ set output [lindex $result 1]
+ file delete $obj
+ if { $output == "" && $status == 0} {
+ return $compiler
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ""
# Always load compatibility stuff.
load_lib future.exp