if(safeAddToMap(d_membership_constraints_cache, rel_rep, tup_rep)) {
bool true_eq = areEqual(r, d_trueNode);
Node reason = true_eq ? n : n.negate();
addToMap(d_membership_exp_cache, rel_rep, reason);
- Trace("rels-mem") << "[******] exp: " << reason << " for " << rel_rep << std::endl;
if(true_eq) {
addToMembershipDB(rel_rep, tup_rep, reason);
MEM_IT mem_it = d_membership_db.find(tc_r_rep);
if(mem_it != d_membership_db.end()) {
+ Trace("rels-tc-lemma") << "*** relation = " << tc_r_rep << std::endl;
for(std::vector<Node>::iterator pair_it = mem_it->second.begin();
pair_it != mem_it->second.end(); pair_it++) {
+ Trace("rels-tc-lemma") << " member = " << *pair_it << std::endl;
Node fst_rep = getRepresentative(RelsUtils::nthElementOfTuple(*pair_it, 0));
Node snd_rep = getRepresentative(RelsUtils::nthElementOfTuple(*pair_it, 1));
TC_PAIR_IT pair_set_it = tc_graph.find(fst_rep);
void TheorySetsRels::applyTCRule(Node exp, Node tc_term) {
Trace("rels-debug") << "\n[sets-rels] *********** Applying TRANSITIVE CLOSURE rule on "
<< tc_term << " with explanation " << exp << std::endl;
- Node tc_rep = getRepresentative(tc_term);
- Node tc_r_rep = getRepresentative(tc_term[0]);
+ Node tc_rep = getRepresentative(tc_term);
// build the TC graph for tc_rep if it was not created before
if( d_rel_nodes.find(tc_rep) == d_rel_nodes.end() ) {
Trace("rels-debug") << "[sets-rels] Start building the TC graph!" << std::endl;
+ Node tc_r_rep = getRepresentative(tc_term[0]);
buildTCGraph(tc_r_rep, tc_rep, tc_term);
while(set_it != mem_it->second.end()) {
std::hash_set<Node, NodeHashFunction> hasSeen;
+ bool isReachable = false;
Node fst = RelsUtils::nthElementOfTuple(*set_it, 0);
Node snd = RelsUtils::nthElementOfTuple(*set_it, 1);
Node fst_rep = getRepresentative(fst);
Node snd_rep = getRepresentative(RelsUtils::nthElementOfTuple(*set_it, 1));
TC_IT tc_graph_it = d_membership_tc_cache.find(tc_rep);
- if((tc_graph_it != d_membership_tc_cache.end() && !isTCReachable(fst_rep, snd_rep, hasSeen, tc_graph_it->second)) ||
+ isTCReachable(fst_rep, snd_rep, hasSeen, tc_graph_it->second, isReachable);
+ if((tc_graph_it != d_membership_tc_cache.end() && !isReachable) ||
(tc_graph_it == d_membership_tc_cache.end())) {
Node reason = explain(MEMBER(*set_it, mem_it->first));
Node sk_1 = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkSkolem("sde", fst_rep.getType());
(AND(MEMBER(RelsUtils::constructPair(tc_r_rep, fst_rep, sk_1), tc_r_rep),
(AND(MEMBER(RelsUtils::constructPair(tc_r_rep, sk_2, snd_rep), tc_r_rep),
(OR(sk_eq, MEMBER(RelsUtils::constructPair(tc_rep, sk_1, sk_2), tc_rep)))))))));
- Trace("rels-lemma") << "[sets-rels-lemma] Process a TC lemma : "
+ Trace("rels-tc-lemma") << "[sets-rels-lemma] Process a TC lemma : "
<< tc_lemma << std::endl;
d_sets_theory.d_out->requirePhase(Rewriter::rewrite(mem_of_r), true);
bool TheorySetsRels::isTCReachable(Node start, Node dest, std::hash_set<Node, NodeHashFunction>& hasSeen,
- std::map< Node, std::hash_set< Node, NodeHashFunction > >& tc_graph) {
+ std::map< Node, std::hash_set< Node, NodeHashFunction > >& tc_graph, bool& isReachable) {
if(hasSeen.find(start) == hasSeen.end()) {
if(pair_set_it != tc_graph.end()) {
if(pair_set_it->second.find(dest) != pair_set_it->second.end()) {
- return true;
+ isReachable = isReachable || true;
} else {
std::hash_set< Node, NodeHashFunction >::iterator set_it = pair_set_it->second.begin();
while(set_it != pair_set_it->second.end()) {
// need to check if *set_it has been looked already
if(hasSeen.find(*set_it) == hasSeen.end()) {
- isTCReachable(*set_it, dest, hasSeen, tc_graph);
+ isTCReachable(*set_it, dest, hasSeen, tc_graph, isReachable);
- return false;
+ isReachable = isReachable || false;
void TheorySetsRels::sendSplit(Node a, Node b, const char * c) {