// Update bank state
if (pageMgmt == Enums::open || pageMgmt == Enums::open_adaptive) {
- bank.openRow = dram_pkt->row;
bank.freeAt = curTick() + addDelay + accessLat;
// If you activated a new row do to this access, the next access
bank.tRASDoneAt = actTick + tRAS;
recordActivate(actTick, dram_pkt->rank, dram_pkt->bank);
- // sample the number of bytes accessed and reset it as
- // we are now closing this row
- bytesPerActivate.sample(bank.bytesAccessed);
+ // if we closed an open row as a result of this access,
+ // then sample the number of bytes accessed before
+ // resetting it
+ if (bank.openRow != -1)
+ bytesPerActivate.sample(bank.bytesAccessed);
+ // update the open row
+ bank.openRow = dram_pkt->row;
+ // start counting anew, this covers both the case when we
+ // auto-precharged, and when this access is forced to
+ // precharge
bank.bytesAccessed = 0;
bank.rowAccesses = 0;
DPRINTF(DRAM, "All banks precharged at tick: %ld\n",
+ // sample the bytes per activate here since we are closing
+ // the page
+ bytesPerActivate.sample(bank.bytesAccessed);
DPRINTF(DRAM, "Auto-precharged bank: %d\n", dram_pkt->bankId);