Yosys can be adapted to perform any synthesis job by combining
the existing passes (algorithms) using synthesis scripts and
-adding additional passes as needed by extending the yosys c++
+adding additional passes as needed by extending the yosys C++
+code base.
Yosys is free software licensed under the ISC license (a GPL
-compatible licence that is similar in terms to the MIT license
+compatible license that is similar in terms to the MIT license
or the 2-clause BSD license).
Getting Started
-To build Yosys simply typoe 'make' in this directory. You need
+To build Yosys simply type 'make' in this directory. You need
a C++ compiler with C++11 support (up-to-date CLANG or GCC is
recommended) and some standard tools such as GNU Flex, GNU Bison,
-and GNU Make. It might be neccessary to make some changes to
-the config section of the Makefile.
+and GNU Make. It might be necessary to make some changes to
+the config section of the Makefile. The extensive tests require
+Icarus Verilog.
$ vi Makefile
$ make
$ make test
$ sudo make install
-Yosys can be used using the interactive command shell, using
-synthesis scripts or using command line arguments. Let's perform
+Yosys can be used with the interactive command shell, with
+synthesis scripts or with command line arguments. Let's perform
a simple synthesis job using the interactive command shell:
$ ./yosys
-the command "help" can be used to pritn a list of all available
+the command "help" can be used to print a list of all available
commands and "help <command>" to print details on the specified command:
yosys> help help
yosys> write_ilang
-convert processes (always blocks) to netlist elements and perform
+convert processes ("always" blocks) to netlist elements and perform
some simple optimizations:
yosys> proc; opt
is strongly recommended instead).
- The "nomem2reg" attribute on modules or arrays prohibits the
- automatic early conversion of arrays to seperate registers.
+ automatic early conversion of arrays to separate registers.
- The "nolatches" attribute on modules or always-blocks
prohibits the generation of logic-loops for latches. Instead
the non-standard {* ... *} attribute syntax to set default attributes
for everything that comes after the {* ... *} statement. (Reset
by adding an empty {* *} statement.) The preprocessor define
- __YOSYS_ENABLE_DEFATTR__ must be set in order for this featre to be active.
+ __YOSYS_ENABLE_DEFATTR__ must be set in order for this feature to be active.
TODOs / Open Bugs
- Write "design and implementation of.." document
-- Add brief sourcecode documentation to:
+- Add brief source code documentation to:
- Most passes and kernel functionalities
- Constant functions
- Indexed part selects
- Multi-dimensional arrays
- - ROM modelling using "initial" blocks
+ - ROM modeling using "initial" blocks
- The "defparam <cell_name>.<parameter_name> = <value>;" syntax
- - Builtin primitive gates (and, nand, cmos, nmos, pmos, etc..)
- - Ignore what needs to be ignored (e.g. drive and charge strenghts)
+ - Built-in primitive gates (and, nand, cmos, nmos, pmos, etc..)
+ - Ignore what needs to be ignored (e.g. drive and charge strengths)
- Check standard vs. implementation to identify missing features
- Actually use range information on parameters