Move a 64-bit float from a FPR to a GPR, just copying bits of the IEEE 754
representation directly. This is equivalent to `stfd` followed by `ld`.
-As `fmvtg` is just copying bits, `FPSCR` is not affected in any way.
+As `fmvtg` is just copying bits, `FPSCR` is not affected in any way. `fmvtg` is
+similar to `mfvsrd`, except doesn't require VSX, which is useful for SFFS
Rc=1 tests RT and sets CR0, exactly like all other Scalar Fixed-Point
move a 64-bit float from a GPR to a FPR, just copying bits of the IEEE 754
representation directly. This is equivalent to `std` followed by `lfd`.
-As `fmvfg` is just copying bits, `FPSCR` is not affected in any way.
+As `fmvfg` is just copying bits, `FPSCR` is not affected in any way. `fmvfg` is
+similar to `mtvsrd`, except doesn't require VSX, which is useful for SFFS
Special Registers altered: