# and pretend we LDed the data in bit-reversed order as well
vec = [vec[ri[i]] for i in range(n)]
+ # reference list for not needing to do data-swaps, just swap what
+ # *indices* are referenced (two levels of indirection at the moment)
+ ji = list(range(n))
# start the inner butterfly
size = n
while size >= 2:
print (" xform jr", j, jr)
for ci, (jl, jh) in enumerate(zip(j, jr)):
- t1, t2 = vec[ri[jl]], vec[ri[jh]]
+ t1, t2 = vec[ri[ji[jl]]], vec[ri[ji[jh]]]
coeff = (math.cos((ci + 0.5) * math.pi / size) * 2.0)
# normally DCT would use jl+halfsize not jh, here.
# to be able to work in-place, the idea is to perform a
# swap afterwards.
- vec[ri[jl]] = t1 + t2
- vec[ri[jh]] = (t1 - t2) * (1/coeff)
+ vec[ri[ji[jl]]] = t1 + t2
+ vec[ri[ji[jh]]] = (t1 - t2) * (1/coeff)
print ("coeff", size, i, "ci", ci,
"jl", ri[jl], "jh", ri[jh],
- "i/n", (ci+0.5)/size, coeff, vec[ri[jl]], vec[ri[jh]])
+ "i/n", (ci+0.5)/size, coeff, vec[ri[ji[jl]]],
+ vec[ri[ji[jh]]])
# instead of using jl+halfsize, perform a swap here.
# use half of j/jr because actually jl+halfsize = reverse(j)
hz2 = halfsize // 2 # can be zero which stops reversing 1-item lists
for ci, (jl, jh) in enumerate(zip(j[:hz2], jr[:hz2])):
jlh = jl+halfsize
# swap
- tmp = vec[ri[jlh]]
- vec[ri[jlh]] = vec[ri[jh]]
- vec[ri[jh]] = tmp
- print (" swap", size, i, ri[jlh], ri[jh])
+ if False:
+ tmp = vec[ri[jlh]]
+ vec[ri[jlh]] = vec[ri[jh]]
+ vec[ri[jh]] = tmp
+ else:
+ tmp1 = ji[jlh]
+ tmp2 = ji[jh]
+ ji[jlh] = tmp2
+ ji[jh] = tmp1
+ print (" swap", size, i, ji[jlh], ji[jh])
size //= 2
print("post-swapped", ri)
+ print("ji-swapped", ji)
print("transform2 pre-itersum", vec)
+ # ok so the above in-place-ness caused the order to change.
+ # need to work out how to invert it back into the correct order
+ idx_search = range(n)
+ ir = [idx_search[reverse_bits(i, levels)] for i in range(n)]
+ print("transform2 expected bit-rev", ir)
+ vv = [0] * n
+ for i in range(n):
+ vv[i] = ir[ji[i]]
+ print("restored", vv)
+ vv = [vv[reverse_bits(i, levels)] for i in range(n)]
+ print("restored-inverted", vv)
+ # this is TEMPORARY! it should be possible to establish
+ # a *LOAD* schedule which has everything work out such that
+ # all data ends up *in* this order at the end of the inner butterfly
+ vec2 = deepcopy(vec)
+ for i in range(n):
+ vec[i] = vec2[vv[i]]
+ # now things are in the right order for the outer butterfly.
n = len(vec)
size = n // 2
while size >= 2: