Alias for ARR.
+2 Explanation of symbols used
+2.1 Functions
+ abs(x) Absolute value of x.
+ |x|
+ (x < 0.0) ? -x : x
+ ceil(x) Ceiling of x.
+ clamp(x,y,z) Clamp x between y and z.
+ (x < y) ? y : (x > z) ? z : x
+ cos(x) Cosine of x.
+ floor(x) Floor of x.
+ lg2(x) Logarithm base 2 of x.
+ max(x,y) Maximum of x and y.
+ (x > y) ? x : y
+ min(x,y) Minimum of x and y.
+ (x < y) ? x : y
+ partialx(x) Derivative of x relative to fragment's X.
+ partialy(x) Derivative of x relative to fragment's Y.
+ pop() Pop from stack.
+ pow(x,y) Raise x to power of y.
+ push(x) Push x on stack.
+ round(x) Round x.
+ sin(x) Sine of x.
+ sqrt(x) Square root of x.
+ trunc(x) Truncate x.
+2.2 Keywords
+ discard Discard fragment.
+ dst First destination register.
+ dst0 First destination register.
+ pc Program counter.
+ src First source register.
+ src0 First source register.
+ src1 Second source register.
+ src2 Third source register.
+ target Label of target instruction.