simply make your changes here and run make afterwards - this will
rebuild the target filesystem image. This method allows you to do
anything to the target filesystem, but if you decide to completely
- rebuild your toolchain and tools, these changes will be lost.
- _Changes do not survive the +make clean+ command_.
-* Create your own 'target skeleton'. You can start with the default
- skeleton available under +system/skeleton+ and then customize it to
- suit your needs. The +BR2_ROOTFS_SKELETON_CUSTOM+ and
- +BR2_ROOTFS_SKELETON_CUSTOM_PATH+ will allow you to specify the
- location of your custom skeleton. These options can be found in the
- +System configuration+ menu. At build time, the contents of the
- skeleton are copied to output/target before any package
- installation.
+ rebuild your toolchain and tools, these changes will be lost. This
+ solution is therefore only useful for quick tests only: _changes do
+ not survive the +make clean+ command_. Once you have validated your
+ changes, you should make sure that they will persist after a +make
+ clean+ by using one of the following methods.
* Create a filesystem overlay: a tree of files that are copied directly
over the target filesystem after it has been built. Set
- +BASE_DIR+: the base output directory
+* Create your own 'target skeleton'. You can start with the default
+ skeleton available under +system/skeleton+ and then customize it to
+ suit your needs. The +BR2_ROOTFS_SKELETON_CUSTOM+ and
+ +BR2_ROOTFS_SKELETON_CUSTOM_PATH+ will allow you to specify the
+ location of your custom skeleton. These options can be found in the
+ +System configuration+ menu. At build time, the contents of the
+ skeleton are copied to output/target before any package
+ installation. Note that this method is *not recommended*, as it
+ duplicates the entire skeleton, which prevents from taking advantage
+ of the fixes or improvements brought to the default Buildroot
+ skeleton. The recommended method is to use the _post-build script_
+ mechanism described in the previous item.
Note also that if you want to perform some specific actions *after*
all filesystem images have been created (for example to automatically
extract your root filesystem tarball in a location exported by your