--- /dev/null
+(set-logic QF_UFLIA)
+(declare-sort U 0)
+(set-info :source "Currently this example asserts both a literal and its negation to a theory.")
+(set-info :status unsat)
+(set-info :category "industrial")
+(set-info :difficulty 0)
+(declare-fun arg0 () Int)
+(declare-fun arg1 () Int)
+(declare-fun fmt0 () Int)
+(declare-fun fmt1 () Int)
+(declare-fun distance () Int)
+(declare-fun fmt_length () Int)
+(declare-fun adr_lo () Int)
+(declare-fun adr_medlo () Int)
+(declare-fun adr_medhi () Int)
+(declare-fun adr_hi () Int)
+(declare-fun format (Int) Int)
+(declare-fun percent () Int)
+(declare-fun s () Int)
+(declare-fun s_count (Int) Int)
+(declare-fun x () Int)
+(declare-fun x_count (Int) Int)
+(assert (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0))
+(assert (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0))
+(assert (<= adr_hi 6))
+(assert (>= adr_hi 6))
+(assert (<= x 120))
+(assert (>= x 120))
+(assert (<= adr_medhi 5))
+(assert (>= adr_medhi 5))
+(assert (<= percent 37))
+(assert (>= percent 37))
+(assert (<= s 115))
+(assert (>= s 115))
+(assert (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) distance) 0))
+(assert (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) distance fmt_length) 4)))
+(assert (<= adr_medlo 4))
+(assert (>= adr_medlo 4))
+(assert (<= adr_lo 3))
+(assert (>= adr_lo 3))
+(assert (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1))))
+(assert (<= distance 18))
+(assert (>= distance 18))
+(assert (<= fmt_length 13))
+(assert (>= fmt_length 13))
+(assert (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0))
+(assert (not (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1) fmt_length) 1)))
+(assert (<= fmt0 0))
+(assert (>= fmt0 0))
+(assert (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0))
+(assert (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0))
+(assert (<= distance 18))
+(assert (>= distance 18))
+(assert (<= fmt_length 13))
+(assert (>= fmt_length 13))
+(assert (<= adr_lo 3))
+(assert (>= adr_lo 3))
+(assert (<= adr_medlo 4))
+(assert (>= adr_medlo 4))
+(assert (<= adr_medhi 5))
+(assert (>= adr_medhi 5))
+(assert (<= adr_hi 6))
+(assert (>= adr_hi 6))
+(assert (<= percent 37))
+(assert (>= percent 37))
+(assert (<= s 115))
+(assert (>= s 115))
+(assert (<= x 120))
+(assert (>= x 120))
+(assert (<= fmt0 0))
+(assert (>= fmt0 0))
+(assert (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0))
+(assert (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0))
+(assert (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0))
+(assert (not (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1) fmt_length) 1)))
+(assert (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1))))
+(assert (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) distance) 0))
+(assert (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) distance fmt_length) 4)))
+(assert (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0))
+(assert (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0))) (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0))) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1))))))
+(assert (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1))) (not (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2))) (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (not (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2))))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2))) (not (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3))) (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (not (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3))) (not (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4))) (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (not (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4))) (not (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5))) (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (not (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5))) (not (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))) (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6))) (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))) (not (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))) (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6))) (not (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)))) (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)))) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7))) (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)))) (not (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)))) (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7))) (not (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)))) (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)))) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8))) (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)))) (not (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)))) (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8))) (not (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)))) (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)))) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9))) (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)))) (not (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)))) (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9))) (not (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10)))) (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10)))) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10))) (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10)))) (not (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10)))) (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10))) (not (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10)))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11)))) (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11)))) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11))) (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11)))) (not (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10)))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11)))) (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11))) (not (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11)))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 12)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 12)))) (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 12))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 12)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 12)))) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 12))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 12))) (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 12))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 12)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 12)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11)))) (and (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 12)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 12)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0))) (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0))) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (not (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (not (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1)))))
+(assert (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1)) (not (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (not (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (not (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2)))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2)) (not (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))) (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))) (not (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))) (not (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3)) (not (or (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4))) (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4))) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4))) (not (or (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4))) (not (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4)) (not (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5))) (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5))) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5))) (not (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5))) (not (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5)) (not (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6))) (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6))) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6))) (not (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6))) (not (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6)) (not (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7))) (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7))) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7))) (not (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7))) (not (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7)) (not (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 8) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 8))) (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 8)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 8) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 8))) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 8)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 8)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 8)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 8) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 8))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 8) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 8))) (not (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 8) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 8))) (not (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 8) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 8)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 8) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 8)) (not (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 8) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 8))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 9) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 9))) (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 9)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 9) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 9))) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 9)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 9)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 9)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 9) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 9))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 8) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 8))) (and (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 9) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 9))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (not (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (not (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (not (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (not (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 0) 3) (>= (format 0) 3))) (<= (format 0) 3)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 0) 3) (>= (format 0) 3))) (>= (format 0) 3)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 0) 3)) (not (>= (format 0) 3)) (and (<= (format 0) 3) (>= (format 0) 3))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (format 0) 3) (>= (format 0) 3))) (not (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (format 0) 3) (>= (format 0) 3))) (not (and (<= (format 0) 3) (>= (format 0) 3)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (format 0) 3) (>= (format 0) 3)) (not (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (format 0) 3) (>= (format 0) 3))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 0) 4) (>= (format 0) 4))) (<= (format 0) 4)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 0) 4) (>= (format 0) 4))) (>= (format 0) 4)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 0) 4)) (not (>= (format 0) 4)) (and (<= (format 0) 4) (>= (format 0) 4))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (format 0) 3) (>= (format 0) 3))) (and (<= (format 0) 4) (>= (format 0) 4))) (not (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (format 0) 3) (>= (format 0) 3))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (format 0) 3) (>= (format 0) 3))) (and (<= (format 0) 4) (>= (format 0) 4))) (not (and (<= (format 0) 4) (>= (format 0) 4)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (format 0) 3) (>= (format 0) 3))) (and (<= (format 0) 4) (>= (format 0) 4)) (not (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (format 0) 3) (>= (format 0) 3))) (and (<= (format 0) 4) (>= (format 0) 4))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 0) 5) (>= (format 0) 5))) (<= (format 0) 5)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 0) 5) (>= (format 0) 5))) (>= (format 0) 5)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 0) 5)) (not (>= (format 0) 5)) (and (<= (format 0) 5) (>= (format 0) 5))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (format 0) 3) (>= (format 0) 3))) (and (<= (format 0) 4) (>= (format 0) 4))) (and (<= (format 0) 5) (>= (format 0) 5))) (not (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (format 0) 3) (>= (format 0) 3))) (and (<= (format 0) 4) (>= (format 0) 4))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (format 0) 3) (>= (format 0) 3))) (and (<= (format 0) 4) (>= (format 0) 4))) (and (<= (format 0) 5) (>= (format 0) 5))) (not (and (<= (format 0) 5) (>= (format 0) 5)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (format 0) 3) (>= (format 0) 3))) (and (<= (format 0) 4) (>= (format 0) 4))) (and (<= (format 0) 5) (>= (format 0) 5)) (not (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (format 0) 3) (>= (format 0) 3))) (and (<= (format 0) 4) (>= (format 0) 4))) (and (<= (format 0) 5) (>= (format 0) 5))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 0) 6) (>= (format 0) 6))) (<= (format 0) 6)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 0) 6) (>= (format 0) 6))) (>= (format 0) 6)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 0) 6)) (not (>= (format 0) 6)) (and (<= (format 0) 6) (>= (format 0) 6))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (format 0) 3) (>= (format 0) 3))) (and (<= (format 0) 4) (>= (format 0) 4))) (and (<= (format 0) 5) (>= (format 0) 5))) (and (<= (format 0) 6) (>= (format 0) 6))) (not (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (format 0) 3) (>= (format 0) 3))) (and (<= (format 0) 4) (>= (format 0) 4))) (and (<= (format 0) 5) (>= (format 0) 5))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (format 0) 3) (>= (format 0) 3))) (and (<= (format 0) 4) (>= (format 0) 4))) (and (<= (format 0) 5) (>= (format 0) 5))) (and (<= (format 0) 6) (>= (format 0) 6))) (not (and (<= (format 0) 6) (>= (format 0) 6)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (format 0) 3) (>= (format 0) 3))) (and (<= (format 0) 4) (>= (format 0) 4))) (and (<= (format 0) 5) (>= (format 0) 5))) (and (<= (format 0) 6) (>= (format 0) 6)) (not (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (format 0) 3) (>= (format 0) 3))) (and (<= (format 0) 4) (>= (format 0) 4))) (and (<= (format 0) 5) (>= (format 0) 5))) (and (<= (format 0) 6) (>= (format 0) 6))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 0) 255) (>= (format 0) 255))) (<= (format 0) 255)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 0) 255) (>= (format 0) 255))) (>= (format 0) 255)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 0) 255)) (not (>= (format 0) 255)) (and (<= (format 0) 255) (>= (format 0) 255))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (and (<= (format 0) 3) (>= (format 0) 3))) (and (<= (format 0) 4) (>= (format 0) 4))) (and (<= (format 0) 5) (>= (format 0) 5))) (and (<= (format 0) 6) (>= (format 0) 6))) (and (<= (format 0) 255) (>= (format 0) 255))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (not (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 1) 3) (>= (format 1) 3))) (<= (format 1) 3)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 1) 3) (>= (format 1) 3))) (>= (format 1) 3)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 1) 3)) (not (>= (format 1) 3)) (and (<= (format 1) 3) (>= (format 1) 3))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (format 1) 3) (>= (format 1) 3))) (not (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (format 1) 3) (>= (format 1) 3))) (not (and (<= (format 1) 3) (>= (format 1) 3)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (format 1) 3) (>= (format 1) 3)) (not (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (format 1) 3) (>= (format 1) 3))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 1) 4) (>= (format 1) 4))) (<= (format 1) 4)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 1) 4) (>= (format 1) 4))) (>= (format 1) 4)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 1) 4)) (not (>= (format 1) 4)) (and (<= (format 1) 4) (>= (format 1) 4))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (format 1) 3) (>= (format 1) 3))) (and (<= (format 1) 4) (>= (format 1) 4))) (not (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (format 1) 3) (>= (format 1) 3))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (format 1) 3) (>= (format 1) 3))) (and (<= (format 1) 4) (>= (format 1) 4))) (not (and (<= (format 1) 4) (>= (format 1) 4)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (format 1) 3) (>= (format 1) 3))) (and (<= (format 1) 4) (>= (format 1) 4)) (not (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (format 1) 3) (>= (format 1) 3))) (and (<= (format 1) 4) (>= (format 1) 4))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 1) 5) (>= (format 1) 5))) (<= (format 1) 5)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 1) 5) (>= (format 1) 5))) (>= (format 1) 5)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 1) 5)) (not (>= (format 1) 5)) (and (<= (format 1) 5) (>= (format 1) 5))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (format 1) 3) (>= (format 1) 3))) (and (<= (format 1) 4) (>= (format 1) 4))) (and (<= (format 1) 5) (>= (format 1) 5))) (not (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (format 1) 3) (>= (format 1) 3))) (and (<= (format 1) 4) (>= (format 1) 4))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (format 1) 3) (>= (format 1) 3))) (and (<= (format 1) 4) (>= (format 1) 4))) (and (<= (format 1) 5) (>= (format 1) 5))) (not (and (<= (format 1) 5) (>= (format 1) 5)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (format 1) 3) (>= (format 1) 3))) (and (<= (format 1) 4) (>= (format 1) 4))) (and (<= (format 1) 5) (>= (format 1) 5)) (not (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (format 1) 3) (>= (format 1) 3))) (and (<= (format 1) 4) (>= (format 1) 4))) (and (<= (format 1) 5) (>= (format 1) 5))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 1) 6) (>= (format 1) 6))) (<= (format 1) 6)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 1) 6) (>= (format 1) 6))) (>= (format 1) 6)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 1) 6)) (not (>= (format 1) 6)) (and (<= (format 1) 6) (>= (format 1) 6))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (format 1) 3) (>= (format 1) 3))) (and (<= (format 1) 4) (>= (format 1) 4))) (and (<= (format 1) 5) (>= (format 1) 5))) (and (<= (format 1) 6) (>= (format 1) 6))) (not (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (format 1) 3) (>= (format 1) 3))) (and (<= (format 1) 4) (>= (format 1) 4))) (and (<= (format 1) 5) (>= (format 1) 5))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (format 1) 3) (>= (format 1) 3))) (and (<= (format 1) 4) (>= (format 1) 4))) (and (<= (format 1) 5) (>= (format 1) 5))) (and (<= (format 1) 6) (>= (format 1) 6))) (not (and (<= (format 1) 6) (>= (format 1) 6)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (format 1) 3) (>= (format 1) 3))) (and (<= (format 1) 4) (>= (format 1) 4))) (and (<= (format 1) 5) (>= (format 1) 5))) (and (<= (format 1) 6) (>= (format 1) 6)) (not (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (format 1) 3) (>= (format 1) 3))) (and (<= (format 1) 4) (>= (format 1) 4))) (and (<= (format 1) 5) (>= (format 1) 5))) (and (<= (format 1) 6) (>= (format 1) 6))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 1) 255) (>= (format 1) 255))) (<= (format 1) 255)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 1) 255) (>= (format 1) 255))) (>= (format 1) 255)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 1) 255)) (not (>= (format 1) 255)) (and (<= (format 1) 255) (>= (format 1) 255))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (format 1) 3) (>= (format 1) 3))) (and (<= (format 1) 4) (>= (format 1) 4))) (and (<= (format 1) 5) (>= (format 1) 5))) (and (<= (format 1) 6) (>= (format 1) 6))) (and (<= (format 1) 255) (>= (format 1) 255))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (not (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 2) 3) (>= (format 2) 3))) (<= (format 2) 3)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 2) 3) (>= (format 2) 3))) (>= (format 2) 3)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 2) 3)) (not (>= (format 2) 3)) (and (<= (format 2) 3) (>= (format 2) 3))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (format 2) 3) (>= (format 2) 3))) (not (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (format 2) 3) (>= (format 2) 3))) (not (and (<= (format 2) 3) (>= (format 2) 3)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (format 2) 3) (>= (format 2) 3)) (not (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (format 2) 3) (>= (format 2) 3))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 2) 4) (>= (format 2) 4))) (<= (format 2) 4)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 2) 4) (>= (format 2) 4))) (>= (format 2) 4)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 2) 4)) (not (>= (format 2) 4)) (and (<= (format 2) 4) (>= (format 2) 4))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (format 2) 3) (>= (format 2) 3))) (and (<= (format 2) 4) (>= (format 2) 4))) (not (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (format 2) 3) (>= (format 2) 3))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (format 2) 3) (>= (format 2) 3))) (and (<= (format 2) 4) (>= (format 2) 4))) (not (and (<= (format 2) 4) (>= (format 2) 4)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (format 2) 3) (>= (format 2) 3))) (and (<= (format 2) 4) (>= (format 2) 4)) (not (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (format 2) 3) (>= (format 2) 3))) (and (<= (format 2) 4) (>= (format 2) 4))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 2) 5) (>= (format 2) 5))) (<= (format 2) 5)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 2) 5) (>= (format 2) 5))) (>= (format 2) 5)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 2) 5)) (not (>= (format 2) 5)) (and (<= (format 2) 5) (>= (format 2) 5))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (format 2) 3) (>= (format 2) 3))) (and (<= (format 2) 4) (>= (format 2) 4))) (and (<= (format 2) 5) (>= (format 2) 5))) (not (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (format 2) 3) (>= (format 2) 3))) (and (<= (format 2) 4) (>= (format 2) 4))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (format 2) 3) (>= (format 2) 3))) (and (<= (format 2) 4) (>= (format 2) 4))) (and (<= (format 2) 5) (>= (format 2) 5))) (not (and (<= (format 2) 5) (>= (format 2) 5)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (format 2) 3) (>= (format 2) 3))) (and (<= (format 2) 4) (>= (format 2) 4))) (and (<= (format 2) 5) (>= (format 2) 5)) (not (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (format 2) 3) (>= (format 2) 3))) (and (<= (format 2) 4) (>= (format 2) 4))) (and (<= (format 2) 5) (>= (format 2) 5))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 2) 6) (>= (format 2) 6))) (<= (format 2) 6)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 2) 6) (>= (format 2) 6))) (>= (format 2) 6)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 2) 6)) (not (>= (format 2) 6)) (and (<= (format 2) 6) (>= (format 2) 6))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (format 2) 3) (>= (format 2) 3))) (and (<= (format 2) 4) (>= (format 2) 4))) (and (<= (format 2) 5) (>= (format 2) 5))) (and (<= (format 2) 6) (>= (format 2) 6))) (not (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (format 2) 3) (>= (format 2) 3))) (and (<= (format 2) 4) (>= (format 2) 4))) (and (<= (format 2) 5) (>= (format 2) 5))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (format 2) 3) (>= (format 2) 3))) (and (<= (format 2) 4) (>= (format 2) 4))) (and (<= (format 2) 5) (>= (format 2) 5))) (and (<= (format 2) 6) (>= (format 2) 6))) (not (and (<= (format 2) 6) (>= (format 2) 6)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (format 2) 3) (>= (format 2) 3))) (and (<= (format 2) 4) (>= (format 2) 4))) (and (<= (format 2) 5) (>= (format 2) 5))) (and (<= (format 2) 6) (>= (format 2) 6)) (not (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (format 2) 3) (>= (format 2) 3))) (and (<= (format 2) 4) (>= (format 2) 4))) (and (<= (format 2) 5) (>= (format 2) 5))) (and (<= (format 2) 6) (>= (format 2) 6))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 2) 255) (>= (format 2) 255))) (<= (format 2) 255)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 2) 255) (>= (format 2) 255))) (>= (format 2) 255)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 2) 255)) (not (>= (format 2) 255)) (and (<= (format 2) 255) (>= (format 2) 255))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (format 2) 3) (>= (format 2) 3))) (and (<= (format 2) 4) (>= (format 2) 4))) (and (<= (format 2) 5) (>= (format 2) 5))) (and (<= (format 2) 6) (>= (format 2) 6))) (and (<= (format 2) 255) (>= (format 2) 255))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (not (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (not (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (not (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 3) 3) (>= (format 3) 3))) (<= (format 3) 3)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 3) 3) (>= (format 3) 3))) (>= (format 3) 3)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 3) 3)) (not (>= (format 3) 3)) (and (<= (format 3) 3) (>= (format 3) 3))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (format 3) 3) (>= (format 3) 3))) (not (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (format 3) 3) (>= (format 3) 3))) (not (and (<= (format 3) 3) (>= (format 3) 3)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (format 3) 3) (>= (format 3) 3)) (not (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (format 3) 3) (>= (format 3) 3))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 3) 4) (>= (format 3) 4))) (<= (format 3) 4)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 3) 4) (>= (format 3) 4))) (>= (format 3) 4)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 3) 4)) (not (>= (format 3) 4)) (and (<= (format 3) 4) (>= (format 3) 4))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (format 3) 3) (>= (format 3) 3))) (and (<= (format 3) 4) (>= (format 3) 4))) (not (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (format 3) 3) (>= (format 3) 3))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (format 3) 3) (>= (format 3) 3))) (and (<= (format 3) 4) (>= (format 3) 4))) (not (and (<= (format 3) 4) (>= (format 3) 4)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (format 3) 3) (>= (format 3) 3))) (and (<= (format 3) 4) (>= (format 3) 4)) (not (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (format 3) 3) (>= (format 3) 3))) (and (<= (format 3) 4) (>= (format 3) 4))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 3) 5) (>= (format 3) 5))) (<= (format 3) 5)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 3) 5) (>= (format 3) 5))) (>= (format 3) 5)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 3) 5)) (not (>= (format 3) 5)) (and (<= (format 3) 5) (>= (format 3) 5))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (format 3) 3) (>= (format 3) 3))) (and (<= (format 3) 4) (>= (format 3) 4))) (and (<= (format 3) 5) (>= (format 3) 5))) (not (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (format 3) 3) (>= (format 3) 3))) (and (<= (format 3) 4) (>= (format 3) 4))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (format 3) 3) (>= (format 3) 3))) (and (<= (format 3) 4) (>= (format 3) 4))) (and (<= (format 3) 5) (>= (format 3) 5))) (not (and (<= (format 3) 5) (>= (format 3) 5)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (format 3) 3) (>= (format 3) 3))) (and (<= (format 3) 4) (>= (format 3) 4))) (and (<= (format 3) 5) (>= (format 3) 5)) (not (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (format 3) 3) (>= (format 3) 3))) (and (<= (format 3) 4) (>= (format 3) 4))) (and (<= (format 3) 5) (>= (format 3) 5))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 3) 6) (>= (format 3) 6))) (<= (format 3) 6)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 3) 6) (>= (format 3) 6))) (>= (format 3) 6)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 3) 6)) (not (>= (format 3) 6)) (and (<= (format 3) 6) (>= (format 3) 6))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (format 3) 3) (>= (format 3) 3))) (and (<= (format 3) 4) (>= (format 3) 4))) (and (<= (format 3) 5) (>= (format 3) 5))) (and (<= (format 3) 6) (>= (format 3) 6))) (not (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (format 3) 3) (>= (format 3) 3))) (and (<= (format 3) 4) (>= (format 3) 4))) (and (<= (format 3) 5) (>= (format 3) 5))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (format 3) 3) (>= (format 3) 3))) (and (<= (format 3) 4) (>= (format 3) 4))) (and (<= (format 3) 5) (>= (format 3) 5))) (and (<= (format 3) 6) (>= (format 3) 6))) (not (and (<= (format 3) 6) (>= (format 3) 6)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (format 3) 3) (>= (format 3) 3))) (and (<= (format 3) 4) (>= (format 3) 4))) (and (<= (format 3) 5) (>= (format 3) 5))) (and (<= (format 3) 6) (>= (format 3) 6)) (not (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (format 3) 3) (>= (format 3) 3))) (and (<= (format 3) 4) (>= (format 3) 4))) (and (<= (format 3) 5) (>= (format 3) 5))) (and (<= (format 3) 6) (>= (format 3) 6))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 3) 255) (>= (format 3) 255))) (<= (format 3) 255)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 3) 255) (>= (format 3) 255))) (>= (format 3) 255)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 3) 255)) (not (>= (format 3) 255)) (and (<= (format 3) 255) (>= (format 3) 255))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (format 3) 3) (>= (format 3) 3))) (and (<= (format 3) 4) (>= (format 3) 4))) (and (<= (format 3) 5) (>= (format 3) 5))) (and (<= (format 3) 6) (>= (format 3) 6))) (and (<= (format 3) 255) (>= (format 3) 255))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (not (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (not (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (not (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 4) 3) (>= (format 4) 3))) (<= (format 4) 3)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 4) 3) (>= (format 4) 3))) (>= (format 4) 3)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 4) 3)) (not (>= (format 4) 3)) (and (<= (format 4) 3) (>= (format 4) 3))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (format 4) 3) (>= (format 4) 3))) (not (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (format 4) 3) (>= (format 4) 3))) (not (and (<= (format 4) 3) (>= (format 4) 3)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (format 4) 3) (>= (format 4) 3)) (not (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (format 4) 3) (>= (format 4) 3))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 4) 4) (>= (format 4) 4))) (<= (format 4) 4)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 4) 4) (>= (format 4) 4))) (>= (format 4) 4)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 4) 4)) (not (>= (format 4) 4)) (and (<= (format 4) 4) (>= (format 4) 4))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (format 4) 3) (>= (format 4) 3))) (and (<= (format 4) 4) (>= (format 4) 4))) (not (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (format 4) 3) (>= (format 4) 3))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (format 4) 3) (>= (format 4) 3))) (and (<= (format 4) 4) (>= (format 4) 4))) (not (and (<= (format 4) 4) (>= (format 4) 4)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (format 4) 3) (>= (format 4) 3))) (and (<= (format 4) 4) (>= (format 4) 4)) (not (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (format 4) 3) (>= (format 4) 3))) (and (<= (format 4) 4) (>= (format 4) 4))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 4) 5) (>= (format 4) 5))) (<= (format 4) 5)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 4) 5) (>= (format 4) 5))) (>= (format 4) 5)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 4) 5)) (not (>= (format 4) 5)) (and (<= (format 4) 5) (>= (format 4) 5))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (format 4) 3) (>= (format 4) 3))) (and (<= (format 4) 4) (>= (format 4) 4))) (and (<= (format 4) 5) (>= (format 4) 5))) (not (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (format 4) 3) (>= (format 4) 3))) (and (<= (format 4) 4) (>= (format 4) 4))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (format 4) 3) (>= (format 4) 3))) (and (<= (format 4) 4) (>= (format 4) 4))) (and (<= (format 4) 5) (>= (format 4) 5))) (not (and (<= (format 4) 5) (>= (format 4) 5)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (format 4) 3) (>= (format 4) 3))) (and (<= (format 4) 4) (>= (format 4) 4))) (and (<= (format 4) 5) (>= (format 4) 5)) (not (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (format 4) 3) (>= (format 4) 3))) (and (<= (format 4) 4) (>= (format 4) 4))) (and (<= (format 4) 5) (>= (format 4) 5))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 4) 6) (>= (format 4) 6))) (<= (format 4) 6)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 4) 6) (>= (format 4) 6))) (>= (format 4) 6)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 4) 6)) (not (>= (format 4) 6)) (and (<= (format 4) 6) (>= (format 4) 6))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (format 4) 3) (>= (format 4) 3))) (and (<= (format 4) 4) (>= (format 4) 4))) (and (<= (format 4) 5) (>= (format 4) 5))) (and (<= (format 4) 6) (>= (format 4) 6))) (not (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (format 4) 3) (>= (format 4) 3))) (and (<= (format 4) 4) (>= (format 4) 4))) (and (<= (format 4) 5) (>= (format 4) 5))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (format 4) 3) (>= (format 4) 3))) (and (<= (format 4) 4) (>= (format 4) 4))) (and (<= (format 4) 5) (>= (format 4) 5))) (and (<= (format 4) 6) (>= (format 4) 6))) (not (and (<= (format 4) 6) (>= (format 4) 6)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (format 4) 3) (>= (format 4) 3))) (and (<= (format 4) 4) (>= (format 4) 4))) (and (<= (format 4) 5) (>= (format 4) 5))) (and (<= (format 4) 6) (>= (format 4) 6)) (not (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (format 4) 3) (>= (format 4) 3))) (and (<= (format 4) 4) (>= (format 4) 4))) (and (<= (format 4) 5) (>= (format 4) 5))) (and (<= (format 4) 6) (>= (format 4) 6))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 4) 255) (>= (format 4) 255))) (<= (format 4) 255)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 4) 255) (>= (format 4) 255))) (>= (format 4) 255)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 4) 255)) (not (>= (format 4) 255)) (and (<= (format 4) 255) (>= (format 4) 255))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (format 4) 3) (>= (format 4) 3))) (and (<= (format 4) 4) (>= (format 4) 4))) (and (<= (format 4) 5) (>= (format 4) 5))) (and (<= (format 4) 6) (>= (format 4) 6))) (and (<= (format 4) 255) (>= (format 4) 255))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (not (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (not (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (not (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 5) 3) (>= (format 5) 3))) (<= (format 5) 3)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 5) 3) (>= (format 5) 3))) (>= (format 5) 3)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 5) 3)) (not (>= (format 5) 3)) (and (<= (format 5) 3) (>= (format 5) 3))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (format 5) 3) (>= (format 5) 3))) (not (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (format 5) 3) (>= (format 5) 3))) (not (and (<= (format 5) 3) (>= (format 5) 3)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (format 5) 3) (>= (format 5) 3)) (not (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (format 5) 3) (>= (format 5) 3))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 5) 4) (>= (format 5) 4))) (<= (format 5) 4)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 5) 4) (>= (format 5) 4))) (>= (format 5) 4)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 5) 4)) (not (>= (format 5) 4)) (and (<= (format 5) 4) (>= (format 5) 4))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (format 5) 3) (>= (format 5) 3))) (and (<= (format 5) 4) (>= (format 5) 4))) (not (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (format 5) 3) (>= (format 5) 3))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (format 5) 3) (>= (format 5) 3))) (and (<= (format 5) 4) (>= (format 5) 4))) (not (and (<= (format 5) 4) (>= (format 5) 4)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (format 5) 3) (>= (format 5) 3))) (and (<= (format 5) 4) (>= (format 5) 4)) (not (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (format 5) 3) (>= (format 5) 3))) (and (<= (format 5) 4) (>= (format 5) 4))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 5) 5) (>= (format 5) 5))) (<= (format 5) 5)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 5) 5) (>= (format 5) 5))) (>= (format 5) 5)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 5) 5)) (not (>= (format 5) 5)) (and (<= (format 5) 5) (>= (format 5) 5))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (format 5) 3) (>= (format 5) 3))) (and (<= (format 5) 4) (>= (format 5) 4))) (and (<= (format 5) 5) (>= (format 5) 5))) (not (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (format 5) 3) (>= (format 5) 3))) (and (<= (format 5) 4) (>= (format 5) 4))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (format 5) 3) (>= (format 5) 3))) (and (<= (format 5) 4) (>= (format 5) 4))) (and (<= (format 5) 5) (>= (format 5) 5))) (not (and (<= (format 5) 5) (>= (format 5) 5)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (format 5) 3) (>= (format 5) 3))) (and (<= (format 5) 4) (>= (format 5) 4))) (and (<= (format 5) 5) (>= (format 5) 5)) (not (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (format 5) 3) (>= (format 5) 3))) (and (<= (format 5) 4) (>= (format 5) 4))) (and (<= (format 5) 5) (>= (format 5) 5))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 5) 6) (>= (format 5) 6))) (<= (format 5) 6)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 5) 6) (>= (format 5) 6))) (>= (format 5) 6)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 5) 6)) (not (>= (format 5) 6)) (and (<= (format 5) 6) (>= (format 5) 6))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (format 5) 3) (>= (format 5) 3))) (and (<= (format 5) 4) (>= (format 5) 4))) (and (<= (format 5) 5) (>= (format 5) 5))) (and (<= (format 5) 6) (>= (format 5) 6))) (not (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (format 5) 3) (>= (format 5) 3))) (and (<= (format 5) 4) (>= (format 5) 4))) (and (<= (format 5) 5) (>= (format 5) 5))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (format 5) 3) (>= (format 5) 3))) (and (<= (format 5) 4) (>= (format 5) 4))) (and (<= (format 5) 5) (>= (format 5) 5))) (and (<= (format 5) 6) (>= (format 5) 6))) (not (and (<= (format 5) 6) (>= (format 5) 6)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (format 5) 3) (>= (format 5) 3))) (and (<= (format 5) 4) (>= (format 5) 4))) (and (<= (format 5) 5) (>= (format 5) 5))) (and (<= (format 5) 6) (>= (format 5) 6)) (not (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (format 5) 3) (>= (format 5) 3))) (and (<= (format 5) 4) (>= (format 5) 4))) (and (<= (format 5) 5) (>= (format 5) 5))) (and (<= (format 5) 6) (>= (format 5) 6))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 5) 255) (>= (format 5) 255))) (<= (format 5) 255)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 5) 255) (>= (format 5) 255))) (>= (format 5) 255)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 5) 255)) (not (>= (format 5) 255)) (and (<= (format 5) 255) (>= (format 5) 255))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (format 5) 3) (>= (format 5) 3))) (and (<= (format 5) 4) (>= (format 5) 4))) (and (<= (format 5) 5) (>= (format 5) 5))) (and (<= (format 5) 6) (>= (format 5) 6))) (and (<= (format 5) 255) (>= (format 5) 255))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (not (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 6) 3) (>= (format 6) 3))) (<= (format 6) 3)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 6) 3) (>= (format 6) 3))) (>= (format 6) 3)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 6) 3)) (not (>= (format 6) 3)) (and (<= (format 6) 3) (>= (format 6) 3))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (format 6) 3) (>= (format 6) 3))) (not (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (format 6) 3) (>= (format 6) 3)) (not (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (format 6) 3) (>= (format 6) 3))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 6) 4) (>= (format 6) 4))) (<= (format 6) 4)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 6) 4) (>= (format 6) 4))) (>= (format 6) 4)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 6) 4)) (not (>= (format 6) 4)) (and (<= (format 6) 4) (>= (format 6) 4))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (format 6) 3) (>= (format 6) 3))) (and (<= (format 6) 4) (>= (format 6) 4))) (not (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (format 6) 3) (>= (format 6) 3))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (format 6) 3) (>= (format 6) 3))) (and (<= (format 6) 4) (>= (format 6) 4))) (not (and (<= (format 6) 4) (>= (format 6) 4)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (format 6) 3) (>= (format 6) 3))) (and (<= (format 6) 4) (>= (format 6) 4)) (not (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (format 6) 3) (>= (format 6) 3))) (and (<= (format 6) 4) (>= (format 6) 4))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 6) 5) (>= (format 6) 5))) (<= (format 6) 5)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 6) 5) (>= (format 6) 5))) (>= (format 6) 5)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 6) 5)) (not (>= (format 6) 5)) (and (<= (format 6) 5) (>= (format 6) 5))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (format 6) 3) (>= (format 6) 3))) (and (<= (format 6) 4) (>= (format 6) 4))) (and (<= (format 6) 5) (>= (format 6) 5))) (not (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (format 6) 3) (>= (format 6) 3))) (and (<= (format 6) 4) (>= (format 6) 4))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (format 6) 3) (>= (format 6) 3))) (and (<= (format 6) 4) (>= (format 6) 4))) (and (<= (format 6) 5) (>= (format 6) 5))) (not (and (<= (format 6) 5) (>= (format 6) 5)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (format 6) 3) (>= (format 6) 3))) (and (<= (format 6) 4) (>= (format 6) 4))) (and (<= (format 6) 5) (>= (format 6) 5)) (not (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (format 6) 3) (>= (format 6) 3))) (and (<= (format 6) 4) (>= (format 6) 4))) (and (<= (format 6) 5) (>= (format 6) 5))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 6) 6) (>= (format 6) 6))) (<= (format 6) 6)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 6) 6) (>= (format 6) 6))) (>= (format 6) 6)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 6) 6)) (not (>= (format 6) 6)) (and (<= (format 6) 6) (>= (format 6) 6))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (format 6) 3) (>= (format 6) 3))) (and (<= (format 6) 4) (>= (format 6) 4))) (and (<= (format 6) 5) (>= (format 6) 5))) (and (<= (format 6) 6) (>= (format 6) 6))) (not (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (format 6) 3) (>= (format 6) 3))) (and (<= (format 6) 4) (>= (format 6) 4))) (and (<= (format 6) 5) (>= (format 6) 5))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (format 6) 3) (>= (format 6) 3))) (and (<= (format 6) 4) (>= (format 6) 4))) (and (<= (format 6) 5) (>= (format 6) 5))) (and (<= (format 6) 6) (>= (format 6) 6))) (not (and (<= (format 6) 6) (>= (format 6) 6)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (format 6) 3) (>= (format 6) 3))) (and (<= (format 6) 4) (>= (format 6) 4))) (and (<= (format 6) 5) (>= (format 6) 5))) (and (<= (format 6) 6) (>= (format 6) 6)) (not (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (format 6) 3) (>= (format 6) 3))) (and (<= (format 6) 4) (>= (format 6) 4))) (and (<= (format 6) 5) (>= (format 6) 5))) (and (<= (format 6) 6) (>= (format 6) 6))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 6) 255) (>= (format 6) 255))) (<= (format 6) 255)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 6) 255) (>= (format 6) 255))) (>= (format 6) 255)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 6) 255)) (not (>= (format 6) 255)) (and (<= (format 6) 255) (>= (format 6) 255))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (format 6) 3) (>= (format 6) 3))) (and (<= (format 6) 4) (>= (format 6) 4))) (and (<= (format 6) 5) (>= (format 6) 5))) (and (<= (format 6) 6) (>= (format 6) 6))) (and (<= (format 6) 255) (>= (format 6) 255))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (not (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 7) 3) (>= (format 7) 3))) (<= (format 7) 3)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 7) 3) (>= (format 7) 3))) (>= (format 7) 3)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 7) 3)) (not (>= (format 7) 3)) (and (<= (format 7) 3) (>= (format 7) 3))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (format 7) 3) (>= (format 7) 3))) (not (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (format 7) 3) (>= (format 7) 3))) (not (and (<= (format 7) 3) (>= (format 7) 3)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (format 7) 3) (>= (format 7) 3)) (not (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (format 7) 3) (>= (format 7) 3))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 7) 4) (>= (format 7) 4))) (<= (format 7) 4)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 7) 4) (>= (format 7) 4))) (>= (format 7) 4)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 7) 4)) (not (>= (format 7) 4)) (and (<= (format 7) 4) (>= (format 7) 4))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (format 7) 3) (>= (format 7) 3))) (and (<= (format 7) 4) (>= (format 7) 4))) (not (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (format 7) 3) (>= (format 7) 3))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (format 7) 3) (>= (format 7) 3))) (and (<= (format 7) 4) (>= (format 7) 4))) (not (and (<= (format 7) 4) (>= (format 7) 4)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (format 7) 3) (>= (format 7) 3))) (and (<= (format 7) 4) (>= (format 7) 4)) (not (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (format 7) 3) (>= (format 7) 3))) (and (<= (format 7) 4) (>= (format 7) 4))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 7) 5) (>= (format 7) 5))) (<= (format 7) 5)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 7) 5) (>= (format 7) 5))) (>= (format 7) 5)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 7) 5)) (not (>= (format 7) 5)) (and (<= (format 7) 5) (>= (format 7) 5))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (format 7) 3) (>= (format 7) 3))) (and (<= (format 7) 4) (>= (format 7) 4))) (and (<= (format 7) 5) (>= (format 7) 5))) (not (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (format 7) 3) (>= (format 7) 3))) (and (<= (format 7) 4) (>= (format 7) 4))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (format 7) 3) (>= (format 7) 3))) (and (<= (format 7) 4) (>= (format 7) 4))) (and (<= (format 7) 5) (>= (format 7) 5))) (not (and (<= (format 7) 5) (>= (format 7) 5)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (format 7) 3) (>= (format 7) 3))) (and (<= (format 7) 4) (>= (format 7) 4))) (and (<= (format 7) 5) (>= (format 7) 5)) (not (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (format 7) 3) (>= (format 7) 3))) (and (<= (format 7) 4) (>= (format 7) 4))) (and (<= (format 7) 5) (>= (format 7) 5))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 7) 6) (>= (format 7) 6))) (<= (format 7) 6)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 7) 6) (>= (format 7) 6))) (>= (format 7) 6)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 7) 6)) (not (>= (format 7) 6)) (and (<= (format 7) 6) (>= (format 7) 6))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (format 7) 3) (>= (format 7) 3))) (and (<= (format 7) 4) (>= (format 7) 4))) (and (<= (format 7) 5) (>= (format 7) 5))) (and (<= (format 7) 6) (>= (format 7) 6))) (not (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (format 7) 3) (>= (format 7) 3))) (and (<= (format 7) 4) (>= (format 7) 4))) (and (<= (format 7) 5) (>= (format 7) 5))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (format 7) 3) (>= (format 7) 3))) (and (<= (format 7) 4) (>= (format 7) 4))) (and (<= (format 7) 5) (>= (format 7) 5))) (and (<= (format 7) 6) (>= (format 7) 6))) (not (and (<= (format 7) 6) (>= (format 7) 6)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (format 7) 3) (>= (format 7) 3))) (and (<= (format 7) 4) (>= (format 7) 4))) (and (<= (format 7) 5) (>= (format 7) 5))) (and (<= (format 7) 6) (>= (format 7) 6)) (not (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (format 7) 3) (>= (format 7) 3))) (and (<= (format 7) 4) (>= (format 7) 4))) (and (<= (format 7) 5) (>= (format 7) 5))) (and (<= (format 7) 6) (>= (format 7) 6))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 7) 255) (>= (format 7) 255))) (<= (format 7) 255)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 7) 255) (>= (format 7) 255))) (>= (format 7) 255)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 7) 255)) (not (>= (format 7) 255)) (and (<= (format 7) 255) (>= (format 7) 255))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (format 7) 3) (>= (format 7) 3))) (and (<= (format 7) 4) (>= (format 7) 4))) (and (<= (format 7) 5) (>= (format 7) 5))) (and (<= (format 7) 6) (>= (format 7) 6))) (and (<= (format 7) 255) (>= (format 7) 255))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (not (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (not (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (not (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (not (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 8) 3) (>= (format 8) 3))) (<= (format 8) 3)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 8) 3) (>= (format 8) 3))) (>= (format 8) 3)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 8) 3)) (not (>= (format 8) 3)) (and (<= (format 8) 3) (>= (format 8) 3))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (format 8) 3) (>= (format 8) 3))) (not (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (format 8) 3) (>= (format 8) 3))) (not (and (<= (format 8) 3) (>= (format 8) 3)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (format 8) 3) (>= (format 8) 3)) (not (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (format 8) 3) (>= (format 8) 3))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 8) 4) (>= (format 8) 4))) (<= (format 8) 4)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 8) 4) (>= (format 8) 4))) (>= (format 8) 4)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 8) 4)) (not (>= (format 8) 4)) (and (<= (format 8) 4) (>= (format 8) 4))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (format 8) 3) (>= (format 8) 3))) (and (<= (format 8) 4) (>= (format 8) 4))) (not (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (format 8) 3) (>= (format 8) 3))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (format 8) 3) (>= (format 8) 3))) (and (<= (format 8) 4) (>= (format 8) 4))) (not (and (<= (format 8) 4) (>= (format 8) 4)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (format 8) 3) (>= (format 8) 3))) (and (<= (format 8) 4) (>= (format 8) 4)) (not (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (format 8) 3) (>= (format 8) 3))) (and (<= (format 8) 4) (>= (format 8) 4))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 8) 5) (>= (format 8) 5))) (<= (format 8) 5)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 8) 5) (>= (format 8) 5))) (>= (format 8) 5)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 8) 5)) (not (>= (format 8) 5)) (and (<= (format 8) 5) (>= (format 8) 5))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (format 8) 3) (>= (format 8) 3))) (and (<= (format 8) 4) (>= (format 8) 4))) (and (<= (format 8) 5) (>= (format 8) 5))) (not (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (format 8) 3) (>= (format 8) 3))) (and (<= (format 8) 4) (>= (format 8) 4))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (format 8) 3) (>= (format 8) 3))) (and (<= (format 8) 4) (>= (format 8) 4))) (and (<= (format 8) 5) (>= (format 8) 5))) (not (and (<= (format 8) 5) (>= (format 8) 5)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (format 8) 3) (>= (format 8) 3))) (and (<= (format 8) 4) (>= (format 8) 4))) (and (<= (format 8) 5) (>= (format 8) 5)) (not (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (format 8) 3) (>= (format 8) 3))) (and (<= (format 8) 4) (>= (format 8) 4))) (and (<= (format 8) 5) (>= (format 8) 5))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 8) 6) (>= (format 8) 6))) (<= (format 8) 6)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 8) 6) (>= (format 8) 6))) (>= (format 8) 6)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 8) 6)) (not (>= (format 8) 6)) (and (<= (format 8) 6) (>= (format 8) 6))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (format 8) 3) (>= (format 8) 3))) (and (<= (format 8) 4) (>= (format 8) 4))) (and (<= (format 8) 5) (>= (format 8) 5))) (and (<= (format 8) 6) (>= (format 8) 6))) (not (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (format 8) 3) (>= (format 8) 3))) (and (<= (format 8) 4) (>= (format 8) 4))) (and (<= (format 8) 5) (>= (format 8) 5))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (format 8) 3) (>= (format 8) 3))) (and (<= (format 8) 4) (>= (format 8) 4))) (and (<= (format 8) 5) (>= (format 8) 5))) (and (<= (format 8) 6) (>= (format 8) 6))) (not (and (<= (format 8) 6) (>= (format 8) 6)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (format 8) 3) (>= (format 8) 3))) (and (<= (format 8) 4) (>= (format 8) 4))) (and (<= (format 8) 5) (>= (format 8) 5))) (and (<= (format 8) 6) (>= (format 8) 6)) (not (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (format 8) 3) (>= (format 8) 3))) (and (<= (format 8) 4) (>= (format 8) 4))) (and (<= (format 8) 5) (>= (format 8) 5))) (and (<= (format 8) 6) (>= (format 8) 6))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 8) 255) (>= (format 8) 255))) (<= (format 8) 255)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 8) 255) (>= (format 8) 255))) (>= (format 8) 255)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 8) 255)) (not (>= (format 8) 255)) (and (<= (format 8) 255) (>= (format 8) 255))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (format 8) 3) (>= (format 8) 3))) (and (<= (format 8) 4) (>= (format 8) 4))) (and (<= (format 8) 5) (>= (format 8) 5))) (and (<= (format 8) 6) (>= (format 8) 6))) (and (<= (format 8) 255) (>= (format 8) 255))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (not (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (not (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (not (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (not (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 9) 3) (>= (format 9) 3))) (<= (format 9) 3)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 9) 3) (>= (format 9) 3))) (>= (format 9) 3)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 9) 3)) (not (>= (format 9) 3)) (and (<= (format 9) 3) (>= (format 9) 3))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (format 9) 3) (>= (format 9) 3))) (not (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (format 9) 3) (>= (format 9) 3))) (not (and (<= (format 9) 3) (>= (format 9) 3)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (format 9) 3) (>= (format 9) 3)) (not (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (format 9) 3) (>= (format 9) 3))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 9) 4) (>= (format 9) 4))) (<= (format 9) 4)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 9) 4) (>= (format 9) 4))) (>= (format 9) 4)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 9) 4)) (not (>= (format 9) 4)) (and (<= (format 9) 4) (>= (format 9) 4))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (format 9) 3) (>= (format 9) 3))) (and (<= (format 9) 4) (>= (format 9) 4))) (not (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (format 9) 3) (>= (format 9) 3))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (format 9) 3) (>= (format 9) 3))) (and (<= (format 9) 4) (>= (format 9) 4))) (not (and (<= (format 9) 4) (>= (format 9) 4)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (format 9) 3) (>= (format 9) 3))) (and (<= (format 9) 4) (>= (format 9) 4)) (not (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (format 9) 3) (>= (format 9) 3))) (and (<= (format 9) 4) (>= (format 9) 4))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 9) 5) (>= (format 9) 5))) (<= (format 9) 5)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 9) 5) (>= (format 9) 5))) (>= (format 9) 5)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 9) 5)) (not (>= (format 9) 5)) (and (<= (format 9) 5) (>= (format 9) 5))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (format 9) 3) (>= (format 9) 3))) (and (<= (format 9) 4) (>= (format 9) 4))) (and (<= (format 9) 5) (>= (format 9) 5))) (not (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (format 9) 3) (>= (format 9) 3))) (and (<= (format 9) 4) (>= (format 9) 4))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (format 9) 3) (>= (format 9) 3))) (and (<= (format 9) 4) (>= (format 9) 4))) (and (<= (format 9) 5) (>= (format 9) 5))) (not (and (<= (format 9) 5) (>= (format 9) 5)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (format 9) 3) (>= (format 9) 3))) (and (<= (format 9) 4) (>= (format 9) 4))) (and (<= (format 9) 5) (>= (format 9) 5)) (not (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (format 9) 3) (>= (format 9) 3))) (and (<= (format 9) 4) (>= (format 9) 4))) (and (<= (format 9) 5) (>= (format 9) 5))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 9) 6) (>= (format 9) 6))) (<= (format 9) 6)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 9) 6) (>= (format 9) 6))) (>= (format 9) 6)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 9) 6)) (not (>= (format 9) 6)) (and (<= (format 9) 6) (>= (format 9) 6))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (format 9) 3) (>= (format 9) 3))) (and (<= (format 9) 4) (>= (format 9) 4))) (and (<= (format 9) 5) (>= (format 9) 5))) (and (<= (format 9) 6) (>= (format 9) 6))) (not (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (format 9) 3) (>= (format 9) 3))) (and (<= (format 9) 4) (>= (format 9) 4))) (and (<= (format 9) 5) (>= (format 9) 5))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (format 9) 3) (>= (format 9) 3))) (and (<= (format 9) 4) (>= (format 9) 4))) (and (<= (format 9) 5) (>= (format 9) 5))) (and (<= (format 9) 6) (>= (format 9) 6))) (not (and (<= (format 9) 6) (>= (format 9) 6)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (format 9) 3) (>= (format 9) 3))) (and (<= (format 9) 4) (>= (format 9) 4))) (and (<= (format 9) 5) (>= (format 9) 5))) (and (<= (format 9) 6) (>= (format 9) 6)) (not (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (format 9) 3) (>= (format 9) 3))) (and (<= (format 9) 4) (>= (format 9) 4))) (and (<= (format 9) 5) (>= (format 9) 5))) (and (<= (format 9) 6) (>= (format 9) 6))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 9) 255) (>= (format 9) 255))) (<= (format 9) 255)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 9) 255) (>= (format 9) 255))) (>= (format 9) 255)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 9) 255)) (not (>= (format 9) 255)) (and (<= (format 9) 255) (>= (format 9) 255))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (format 9) 3) (>= (format 9) 3))) (and (<= (format 9) 4) (>= (format 9) 4))) (and (<= (format 9) 5) (>= (format 9) 5))) (and (<= (format 9) 6) (>= (format 9) 6))) (and (<= (format 9) 255) (>= (format 9) 255))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (not (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (not (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (not (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (not (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 10) 3) (>= (format 10) 3))) (<= (format 10) 3)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 10) 3) (>= (format 10) 3))) (>= (format 10) 3)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 10) 3)) (not (>= (format 10) 3)) (and (<= (format 10) 3) (>= (format 10) 3))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (format 10) 3) (>= (format 10) 3))) (not (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (format 10) 3) (>= (format 10) 3))) (not (and (<= (format 10) 3) (>= (format 10) 3)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (format 10) 3) (>= (format 10) 3)) (not (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (format 10) 3) (>= (format 10) 3))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 10) 4) (>= (format 10) 4))) (<= (format 10) 4)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 10) 4) (>= (format 10) 4))) (>= (format 10) 4)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 10) 4)) (not (>= (format 10) 4)) (and (<= (format 10) 4) (>= (format 10) 4))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (format 10) 3) (>= (format 10) 3))) (and (<= (format 10) 4) (>= (format 10) 4))) (not (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (format 10) 3) (>= (format 10) 3))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (format 10) 3) (>= (format 10) 3))) (and (<= (format 10) 4) (>= (format 10) 4))) (not (and (<= (format 10) 4) (>= (format 10) 4)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (format 10) 3) (>= (format 10) 3))) (and (<= (format 10) 4) (>= (format 10) 4)) (not (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (format 10) 3) (>= (format 10) 3))) (and (<= (format 10) 4) (>= (format 10) 4))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 10) 5) (>= (format 10) 5))) (<= (format 10) 5)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 10) 5) (>= (format 10) 5))) (>= (format 10) 5)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 10) 5)) (not (>= (format 10) 5)) (and (<= (format 10) 5) (>= (format 10) 5))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (format 10) 3) (>= (format 10) 3))) (and (<= (format 10) 4) (>= (format 10) 4))) (and (<= (format 10) 5) (>= (format 10) 5))) (not (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (format 10) 3) (>= (format 10) 3))) (and (<= (format 10) 4) (>= (format 10) 4))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (format 10) 3) (>= (format 10) 3))) (and (<= (format 10) 4) (>= (format 10) 4))) (and (<= (format 10) 5) (>= (format 10) 5))) (not (and (<= (format 10) 5) (>= (format 10) 5)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (format 10) 3) (>= (format 10) 3))) (and (<= (format 10) 4) (>= (format 10) 4))) (and (<= (format 10) 5) (>= (format 10) 5)) (not (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (format 10) 3) (>= (format 10) 3))) (and (<= (format 10) 4) (>= (format 10) 4))) (and (<= (format 10) 5) (>= (format 10) 5))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 10) 6) (>= (format 10) 6))) (<= (format 10) 6)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 10) 6) (>= (format 10) 6))) (>= (format 10) 6)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 10) 6)) (not (>= (format 10) 6)) (and (<= (format 10) 6) (>= (format 10) 6))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (format 10) 3) (>= (format 10) 3))) (and (<= (format 10) 4) (>= (format 10) 4))) (and (<= (format 10) 5) (>= (format 10) 5))) (and (<= (format 10) 6) (>= (format 10) 6))) (not (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (format 10) 3) (>= (format 10) 3))) (and (<= (format 10) 4) (>= (format 10) 4))) (and (<= (format 10) 5) (>= (format 10) 5))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (format 10) 3) (>= (format 10) 3))) (and (<= (format 10) 4) (>= (format 10) 4))) (and (<= (format 10) 5) (>= (format 10) 5))) (and (<= (format 10) 6) (>= (format 10) 6))) (not (and (<= (format 10) 6) (>= (format 10) 6)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (format 10) 3) (>= (format 10) 3))) (and (<= (format 10) 4) (>= (format 10) 4))) (and (<= (format 10) 5) (>= (format 10) 5))) (and (<= (format 10) 6) (>= (format 10) 6)) (not (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (format 10) 3) (>= (format 10) 3))) (and (<= (format 10) 4) (>= (format 10) 4))) (and (<= (format 10) 5) (>= (format 10) 5))) (and (<= (format 10) 6) (>= (format 10) 6))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 10) 255) (>= (format 10) 255))) (<= (format 10) 255)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 10) 255) (>= (format 10) 255))) (>= (format 10) 255)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 10) 255)) (not (>= (format 10) 255)) (and (<= (format 10) 255) (>= (format 10) 255))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (format 10) 3) (>= (format 10) 3))) (and (<= (format 10) 4) (>= (format 10) 4))) (and (<= (format 10) 5) (>= (format 10) 5))) (and (<= (format 10) 6) (>= (format 10) 6))) (and (<= (format 10) 255) (>= (format 10) 255))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (not (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (not (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (not (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (not (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 11) 3) (>= (format 11) 3))) (<= (format 11) 3)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 11) 3) (>= (format 11) 3))) (>= (format 11) 3)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 11) 3)) (not (>= (format 11) 3)) (and (<= (format 11) 3) (>= (format 11) 3))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (format 11) 3) (>= (format 11) 3))) (not (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (format 11) 3) (>= (format 11) 3))) (not (and (<= (format 11) 3) (>= (format 11) 3)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (format 11) 3) (>= (format 11) 3)) (not (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (format 11) 3) (>= (format 11) 3))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 11) 4) (>= (format 11) 4))) (<= (format 11) 4)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 11) 4) (>= (format 11) 4))) (>= (format 11) 4)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 11) 4)) (not (>= (format 11) 4)) (and (<= (format 11) 4) (>= (format 11) 4))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (format 11) 3) (>= (format 11) 3))) (and (<= (format 11) 4) (>= (format 11) 4))) (not (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (format 11) 3) (>= (format 11) 3))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (format 11) 3) (>= (format 11) 3))) (and (<= (format 11) 4) (>= (format 11) 4))) (not (and (<= (format 11) 4) (>= (format 11) 4)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (format 11) 3) (>= (format 11) 3))) (and (<= (format 11) 4) (>= (format 11) 4)) (not (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (format 11) 3) (>= (format 11) 3))) (and (<= (format 11) 4) (>= (format 11) 4))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 11) 5) (>= (format 11) 5))) (<= (format 11) 5)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 11) 5) (>= (format 11) 5))) (>= (format 11) 5)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 11) 5)) (not (>= (format 11) 5)) (and (<= (format 11) 5) (>= (format 11) 5))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (format 11) 3) (>= (format 11) 3))) (and (<= (format 11) 4) (>= (format 11) 4))) (and (<= (format 11) 5) (>= (format 11) 5))) (not (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (format 11) 3) (>= (format 11) 3))) (and (<= (format 11) 4) (>= (format 11) 4))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (format 11) 3) (>= (format 11) 3))) (and (<= (format 11) 4) (>= (format 11) 4))) (and (<= (format 11) 5) (>= (format 11) 5))) (not (and (<= (format 11) 5) (>= (format 11) 5)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (format 11) 3) (>= (format 11) 3))) (and (<= (format 11) 4) (>= (format 11) 4))) (and (<= (format 11) 5) (>= (format 11) 5)) (not (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (format 11) 3) (>= (format 11) 3))) (and (<= (format 11) 4) (>= (format 11) 4))) (and (<= (format 11) 5) (>= (format 11) 5))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 11) 6) (>= (format 11) 6))) (<= (format 11) 6)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 11) 6) (>= (format 11) 6))) (>= (format 11) 6)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 11) 6)) (not (>= (format 11) 6)) (and (<= (format 11) 6) (>= (format 11) 6))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (format 11) 3) (>= (format 11) 3))) (and (<= (format 11) 4) (>= (format 11) 4))) (and (<= (format 11) 5) (>= (format 11) 5))) (and (<= (format 11) 6) (>= (format 11) 6))) (not (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (format 11) 3) (>= (format 11) 3))) (and (<= (format 11) 4) (>= (format 11) 4))) (and (<= (format 11) 5) (>= (format 11) 5))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (format 11) 3) (>= (format 11) 3))) (and (<= (format 11) 4) (>= (format 11) 4))) (and (<= (format 11) 5) (>= (format 11) 5))) (and (<= (format 11) 6) (>= (format 11) 6))) (not (and (<= (format 11) 6) (>= (format 11) 6)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (format 11) 3) (>= (format 11) 3))) (and (<= (format 11) 4) (>= (format 11) 4))) (and (<= (format 11) 5) (>= (format 11) 5))) (and (<= (format 11) 6) (>= (format 11) 6)) (not (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (format 11) 3) (>= (format 11) 3))) (and (<= (format 11) 4) (>= (format 11) 4))) (and (<= (format 11) 5) (>= (format 11) 5))) (and (<= (format 11) 6) (>= (format 11) 6))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 11) 255) (>= (format 11) 255))) (<= (format 11) 255)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 11) 255) (>= (format 11) 255))) (>= (format 11) 255)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 11) 255)) (not (>= (format 11) 255)) (and (<= (format 11) 255) (>= (format 11) 255))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (format 11) 3) (>= (format 11) 3))) (and (<= (format 11) 4) (>= (format 11) 4))) (and (<= (format 11) 5) (>= (format 11) 5))) (and (<= (format 11) 6) (>= (format 11) 6))) (and (<= (format 11) 255) (>= (format 11) 255))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (not (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (not (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (not (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (not (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 12) 3) (>= (format 12) 3))) (<= (format 12) 3)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 12) 3) (>= (format 12) 3))) (>= (format 12) 3)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 12) 3)) (not (>= (format 12) 3)) (and (<= (format 12) 3) (>= (format 12) 3))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (format 12) 3) (>= (format 12) 3))) (not (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (format 12) 3) (>= (format 12) 3))) (not (and (<= (format 12) 3) (>= (format 12) 3)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (format 12) 3) (>= (format 12) 3)) (not (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (format 12) 3) (>= (format 12) 3))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 12) 4) (>= (format 12) 4))) (<= (format 12) 4)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 12) 4) (>= (format 12) 4))) (>= (format 12) 4)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 12) 4)) (not (>= (format 12) 4)) (and (<= (format 12) 4) (>= (format 12) 4))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (format 12) 3) (>= (format 12) 3))) (and (<= (format 12) 4) (>= (format 12) 4))) (not (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (format 12) 3) (>= (format 12) 3))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (format 12) 3) (>= (format 12) 3))) (and (<= (format 12) 4) (>= (format 12) 4))) (not (and (<= (format 12) 4) (>= (format 12) 4)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (format 12) 3) (>= (format 12) 3))) (and (<= (format 12) 4) (>= (format 12) 4)) (not (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (format 12) 3) (>= (format 12) 3))) (and (<= (format 12) 4) (>= (format 12) 4))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 12) 5) (>= (format 12) 5))) (<= (format 12) 5)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 12) 5) (>= (format 12) 5))) (>= (format 12) 5)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 12) 5)) (not (>= (format 12) 5)) (and (<= (format 12) 5) (>= (format 12) 5))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (format 12) 3) (>= (format 12) 3))) (and (<= (format 12) 4) (>= (format 12) 4))) (and (<= (format 12) 5) (>= (format 12) 5))) (not (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (format 12) 3) (>= (format 12) 3))) (and (<= (format 12) 4) (>= (format 12) 4))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (format 12) 3) (>= (format 12) 3))) (and (<= (format 12) 4) (>= (format 12) 4))) (and (<= (format 12) 5) (>= (format 12) 5))) (not (and (<= (format 12) 5) (>= (format 12) 5)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (format 12) 3) (>= (format 12) 3))) (and (<= (format 12) 4) (>= (format 12) 4))) (and (<= (format 12) 5) (>= (format 12) 5)) (not (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (format 12) 3) (>= (format 12) 3))) (and (<= (format 12) 4) (>= (format 12) 4))) (and (<= (format 12) 5) (>= (format 12) 5))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 12) 6) (>= (format 12) 6))) (<= (format 12) 6)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 12) 6) (>= (format 12) 6))) (>= (format 12) 6)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 12) 6)) (not (>= (format 12) 6)) (and (<= (format 12) 6) (>= (format 12) 6))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (format 12) 3) (>= (format 12) 3))) (and (<= (format 12) 4) (>= (format 12) 4))) (and (<= (format 12) 5) (>= (format 12) 5))) (and (<= (format 12) 6) (>= (format 12) 6))) (not (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (format 12) 3) (>= (format 12) 3))) (and (<= (format 12) 4) (>= (format 12) 4))) (and (<= (format 12) 5) (>= (format 12) 5))))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (format 12) 3) (>= (format 12) 3))) (and (<= (format 12) 4) (>= (format 12) 4))) (and (<= (format 12) 5) (>= (format 12) 5))) (and (<= (format 12) 6) (>= (format 12) 6))) (not (and (<= (format 12) 6) (>= (format 12) 6)))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (format 12) 3) (>= (format 12) 3))) (and (<= (format 12) 4) (>= (format 12) 4))) (and (<= (format 12) 5) (>= (format 12) 5))) (and (<= (format 12) 6) (>= (format 12) 6)) (not (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (format 12) 3) (>= (format 12) 3))) (and (<= (format 12) 4) (>= (format 12) 4))) (and (<= (format 12) 5) (>= (format 12) 5))) (and (<= (format 12) 6) (>= (format 12) 6))))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 12) 255) (>= (format 12) 255))) (<= (format 12) 255)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (format 12) 255) (>= (format 12) 255))) (>= (format 12) 255)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 12) 255)) (not (>= (format 12) 255)) (and (<= (format 12) 255) (>= (format 12) 255))))
+(assert (or (or (or (or (or (or (or (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (format 12) 3) (>= (format 12) 3))) (and (<= (format 12) 4) (>= (format 12) 4))) (and (<= (format 12) 5) (>= (format 12) 5))) (and (<= (format 12) 6) (>= (format 12) 6))) (and (<= (format 12) 255) (>= (format 12) 255))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (s_count 0) 1) (>= (s_count 0) 1))) (<= (s_count 0) 1)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (s_count 0) 1) (>= (s_count 0) 1))) (>= (s_count 0) 1)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (s_count 0) 1)) (not (>= (s_count 0) 1)) (and (<= (s_count 0) 1) (>= (s_count 0) 1))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)))) (and (<= (s_count 0) 1) (>= (s_count 0) 1))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (s_count 0) 0) (>= (s_count 0) 0))) (<= (s_count 0) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (s_count 0) 0) (>= (s_count 0) 0))) (>= (s_count 0) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (s_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (s_count 0) 0)) (and (<= (s_count 0) 0) (>= (s_count 0) 0))))
+(assert (or (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (s_count 0) 0) (>= (s_count 0) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) (- 1)))) (<= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) (- 1)))) (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) (- 1))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0))) (<= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0))) (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0))))
+(assert (or (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) (- 1)))) (<= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) (- 1)))) (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) (- 1))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0))) (<= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0))) (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0))))
+(assert (or (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) (- 1)))) (<= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) (- 1)))) (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) (- 1))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0))) (<= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0))) (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0))))
+(assert (or (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) (- 1)))) (<= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) (- 1)))) (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) (- 1))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0))) (<= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0))) (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0))))
+(assert (or (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) (- 1)))) (<= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) (- 1)))) (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) (- 1))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0))) (<= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0))) (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0))))
+(assert (or (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1)))) (<= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1)))) (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0))) (<= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0))) (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0))))
+(assert (or (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) (- 1)))) (<= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) (- 1)))) (>= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) (- 1))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) 0))) (<= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) 0))) (>= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) 0))))
+(assert (or (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 7) (* (- 1) (s_count 8))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 7) (* (- 1) (s_count 8))) (- 1)))) (<= (+ (s_count 7) (* (- 1) (s_count 8))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 7) (* (- 1) (s_count 8))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 7) (* (- 1) (s_count 8))) (- 1)))) (>= (+ (s_count 7) (* (- 1) (s_count 8))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (s_count 7) (* (- 1) (s_count 8))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 7) (* (- 1) (s_count 8))) (- 1))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 7) (* (- 1) (s_count 8))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 7) (* (- 1) (s_count 8))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 7) (* (- 1) (s_count 8))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 7) (* (- 1) (s_count 8))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 7) (* (- 1) (s_count 8))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 7) (* (- 1) (s_count 8))) 0))) (<= (+ (s_count 7) (* (- 1) (s_count 8))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 7) (* (- 1) (s_count 8))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 7) (* (- 1) (s_count 8))) 0))) (>= (+ (s_count 7) (* (- 1) (s_count 8))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (s_count 7) (* (- 1) (s_count 8))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 7) (* (- 1) (s_count 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ (s_count 7) (* (- 1) (s_count 8))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 7) (* (- 1) (s_count 8))) 0))))
+(assert (or (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 7) (* (- 1) (s_count 8))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 7) (* (- 1) (s_count 8))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 8) (* (- 1) (s_count 9))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 8) (* (- 1) (s_count 9))) (- 1)))) (<= (+ (s_count 8) (* (- 1) (s_count 9))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 8) (* (- 1) (s_count 9))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 8) (* (- 1) (s_count 9))) (- 1)))) (>= (+ (s_count 8) (* (- 1) (s_count 9))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (s_count 8) (* (- 1) (s_count 9))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 8) (* (- 1) (s_count 9))) (- 1))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 8) (* (- 1) (s_count 9))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 8) (* (- 1) (s_count 9))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 8) (* (- 1) (s_count 9))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 8) (* (- 1) (s_count 9))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 8) (* (- 1) (s_count 9))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 8) (* (- 1) (s_count 9))) 0))) (<= (+ (s_count 8) (* (- 1) (s_count 9))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 8) (* (- 1) (s_count 9))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 8) (* (- 1) (s_count 9))) 0))) (>= (+ (s_count 8) (* (- 1) (s_count 9))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (s_count 8) (* (- 1) (s_count 9))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 8) (* (- 1) (s_count 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ (s_count 8) (* (- 1) (s_count 9))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 8) (* (- 1) (s_count 9))) 0))))
+(assert (or (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 8) (* (- 1) (s_count 9))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 8) (* (- 1) (s_count 9))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 9) (* (- 1) (s_count 10))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 9) (* (- 1) (s_count 10))) (- 1)))) (<= (+ (s_count 9) (* (- 1) (s_count 10))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 9) (* (- 1) (s_count 10))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 9) (* (- 1) (s_count 10))) (- 1)))) (>= (+ (s_count 9) (* (- 1) (s_count 10))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (s_count 9) (* (- 1) (s_count 10))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 9) (* (- 1) (s_count 10))) (- 1))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 9) (* (- 1) (s_count 10))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 9) (* (- 1) (s_count 10))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 9) (* (- 1) (s_count 10))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 9) (* (- 1) (s_count 10))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 9) (* (- 1) (s_count 10))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 9) (* (- 1) (s_count 10))) 0))) (<= (+ (s_count 9) (* (- 1) (s_count 10))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 9) (* (- 1) (s_count 10))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 9) (* (- 1) (s_count 10))) 0))) (>= (+ (s_count 9) (* (- 1) (s_count 10))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (s_count 9) (* (- 1) (s_count 10))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 9) (* (- 1) (s_count 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ (s_count 9) (* (- 1) (s_count 10))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 9) (* (- 1) (s_count 10))) 0))))
+(assert (or (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 9) (* (- 1) (s_count 10))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 9) (* (- 1) (s_count 10))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 10) (* (- 1) (s_count 11))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 10) (* (- 1) (s_count 11))) (- 1)))) (<= (+ (s_count 10) (* (- 1) (s_count 11))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 10) (* (- 1) (s_count 11))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 10) (* (- 1) (s_count 11))) (- 1)))) (>= (+ (s_count 10) (* (- 1) (s_count 11))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (s_count 10) (* (- 1) (s_count 11))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 10) (* (- 1) (s_count 11))) (- 1))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 10) (* (- 1) (s_count 11))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 10) (* (- 1) (s_count 11))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 10) (* (- 1) (s_count 11))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 10) (* (- 1) (s_count 11))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 10) (* (- 1) (s_count 11))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 10) (* (- 1) (s_count 11))) 0))) (<= (+ (s_count 10) (* (- 1) (s_count 11))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 10) (* (- 1) (s_count 11))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 10) (* (- 1) (s_count 11))) 0))) (>= (+ (s_count 10) (* (- 1) (s_count 11))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (s_count 10) (* (- 1) (s_count 11))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 10) (* (- 1) (s_count 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ (s_count 10) (* (- 1) (s_count 11))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 10) (* (- 1) (s_count 11))) 0))))
+(assert (or (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 11))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 10) (* (- 1) (s_count 11))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 10) (* (- 1) (s_count 11))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 13))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 13))) 0))) (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 13))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 13))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 13))) 0))) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 13))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 13))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 13))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 13))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 13))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 13))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 13))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 13))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 13))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 13))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 13))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 13))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 13))) 0))) (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 13))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 13))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 11) (* (- 1) (s_count 12))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 11) (* (- 1) (s_count 12))) (- 1)))) (<= (+ (s_count 11) (* (- 1) (s_count 12))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 11) (* (- 1) (s_count 12))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 11) (* (- 1) (s_count 12))) (- 1)))) (>= (+ (s_count 11) (* (- 1) (s_count 12))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (s_count 11) (* (- 1) (s_count 12))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 11) (* (- 1) (s_count 12))) (- 1))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 11) (* (- 1) (s_count 12))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 11) (* (- 1) (s_count 12))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 13))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 13))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 11) (* (- 1) (s_count 12))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count 11) (* (- 1) (s_count 12))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 11) (* (- 1) (s_count 12))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 11) (* (- 1) (s_count 12))) 0))) (<= (+ (s_count 11) (* (- 1) (s_count 12))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (s_count 11) (* (- 1) (s_count 12))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 11) (* (- 1) (s_count 12))) 0))) (>= (+ (s_count 11) (* (- 1) (s_count 12))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (s_count 11) (* (- 1) (s_count 12))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 11) (* (- 1) (s_count 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ (s_count 11) (* (- 1) (s_count 12))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 11) (* (- 1) (s_count 12))) 0))))
+(assert (or (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (and (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 13))) 0) (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 13))) 0))) (and (<= (+ (s_count 11) (* (- 1) (s_count 12))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count 11) (* (- 1) (s_count 12))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (x_count 0) 1) (>= (x_count 0) 1))) (<= (x_count 0) 1)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (x_count 0) 1) (>= (x_count 0) 1))) (>= (x_count 0) 1)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (x_count 0) 1)) (not (>= (x_count 0) 1)) (and (<= (x_count 0) 1) (>= (x_count 0) 1))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)))) (and (<= (x_count 0) 1) (>= (x_count 0) 1))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (x_count 0) 0) (>= (x_count 0) 0))) (<= (x_count 0) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (x_count 0) 0) (>= (x_count 0) 0))) (>= (x_count 0) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (x_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (x_count 0) 0)) (and (<= (x_count 0) 0) (>= (x_count 0) 0))))
+(assert (or (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (and (<= (x_count 0) 0) (>= (x_count 0) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1)))) (<= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1)))) (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1))) (and (<= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0) (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0))) (<= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0) (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0))) (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0) (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0))))
+(assert (or (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (and (<= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0) (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) (- 1)))) (<= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) (- 1)))) (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) (- 1))) (and (<= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0) (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0))) (<= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0) (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0))) (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0) (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0))))
+(assert (or (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (and (<= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0) (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) (- 1)))) (<= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) (- 1)))) (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) (- 1))) (and (<= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0) (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0))) (<= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0) (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0))) (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0) (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0))))
+(assert (or (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (and (<= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0) (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) (- 1)))) (<= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) (- 1)))) (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) (- 1))) (and (<= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0) (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0))) (<= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0) (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0))) (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0) (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0))))
+(assert (or (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (and (<= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0) (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) (- 1)))) (<= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) (- 1)))) (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) (- 1))) (and (<= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0) (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0))) (<= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0) (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0))) (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0) (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0))))
+(assert (or (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (and (<= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0) (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))) (not (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) (- 1)))) (<= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) (- 1)))) (>= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) (- 1))) (and (<= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0) (>= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0))) (<= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (and (<= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0) (>= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0))) (>= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0) (>= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0))))
+(assert (or (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))) (and (<= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0) (>= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (and (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (and (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0) (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)))) (and (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11))) (not (>= (+ (x_count 8) (* (- 1) (x_count 9))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 8) (* (- 1) (x_count 9))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 7) (* (- 1) (x_count 8))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 7) (* (- 1) (x_count 8))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 6) (* (- 1) (x_count 7))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 6) (* (- 1) (x_count 7))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (<= (x_count 0) 1)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (<= (s_count 0) 1)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 8) (* (- 1) (s_count 9))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 8) (* (- 1) (s_count 9))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 7) (* (- 1) (s_count 8))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 7) (* (- 1) (s_count 8))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (<= (x_count 0) 1)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (<= (s_count 0) 1)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0)) (not (= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)) (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (not (>= x 120)) (not (<= (format 10) 6))))
+(assert (or (= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 8) (* (- 1) (s_count 9))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 8) (* (- 1) (s_count 9))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 7) (* (- 1) (s_count 8))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 7) (* (- 1) (s_count 8))) 0)) (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) (- 1))) (<= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) (- 1)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)) (not (<= (s_count 0) 0)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (<= (x_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 6) (* (- 1) (x_count 7))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 7) (* (- 1) (x_count 8))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 8) (* (- 1) (x_count 9))) (- 1))) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11)))))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) (- 1))) (not (= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (<= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) (- 1)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)) (not (<= (s_count 0) 0)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (<= (x_count 0) 1)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 6) (* (- 1) (x_count 7))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 7) (* (- 1) (x_count 8))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 8) (* (- 1) (x_count 9))) (- 1))) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11)))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (>= x 120)) (not (<= (format 2) 6))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (>= x 120)) (not (<= percent 37)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (<= percent 37)) (not (>= s 115)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) (- 1))) (not (= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (<= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) (- 1)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)) (not (<= (s_count 0) 0)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (<= (x_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 6) (* (- 1) (x_count 7))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 7) (* (- 1) (x_count 8))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 8) (* (- 1) (x_count 9))) (- 1))) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11)))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (>= x 120)) (not (>= (+ adr_lo (* (- 1) (format arg1))) 0)) (not (<= adr_lo 3)) (not (= (+ (format arg1) (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (>= x 120)) (not (<= s 115)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))))
+(assert (or (= (+ (format 2) (* (- 1) (format (+ 1 fmt1)))) 0) (not (>= (+ (format 2) (* (- 1) (format (+ 1 fmt1)))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (format 2) (* (- 1) (format (+ 1 fmt1)))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format (+ 1 fmt1)))) 0)) (<= (+ (format 2) (* (- 1) (format (+ 1 fmt1)))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format (+ 1 fmt1)))) 0)) (>= (+ (format 2) (* (- 1) (format (+ 1 fmt1)))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (= arg1 2)) (= (+ (format arg1) (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (>= s 115)) (not (>= (+ adr_lo (* (- 1) (format arg1))) 0)) (not (<= adr_lo 3)) (not (= (+ (format arg1) (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (<= distance 18)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 3))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (<= distance 18)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 4))))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) (- 1))) (not (= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (<= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) (- 1)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (<= (s_count 0) 0)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (<= (x_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 6) (* (- 1) (x_count 7))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 7) (* (- 1) (x_count 8))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 8) (* (- 1) (x_count 9))) (- 1))) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11)))))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) (- 1))) (not (= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (<= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) (- 1)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)) (not (<= (s_count 0) 1)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (<= (x_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 6) (* (- 1) (x_count 7))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 7) (* (- 1) (x_count 8))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 8) (* (- 1) (x_count 9))) (- 1))) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11)))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (<= s 115)) (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (>= x 120))))
+(assert (or (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11)) (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11))) (not (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 11)))))
+(assert (or (not (<= fmt1 10)) (not (= fmt1 11))))
+(assert (or (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10)) (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10))) (not (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10)))))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9))) (not (>= (+ (x_count 6) (* (- 1) (x_count 7))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 6) (* (- 1) (x_count 7))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (<= (x_count 0) 1)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (<= (s_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0)) (not (= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)) (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) 0))))
+(assert (or (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)) (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9))) (not (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)))))
+(assert (or (not (>= fmt1 10)) (not (<= fmt1 9))))
+(assert (or (not (>= fmt1 10)) (not (= fmt1 9))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ (x_count 7) (* (- 1) (x_count 8))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 7) (* (- 1) (x_count 8))) 0)) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 10))) (not (>= (+ (x_count 6) (* (- 1) (x_count 7))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 6) (* (- 1) (x_count 7))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= fmt1 8)) (not (>= fmt1 9))))
+(assert (or (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)) (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8))) (not (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)))))
+(assert (or (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)) (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7))) (not (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)))))
+(assert (or (not (>= fmt1 7)) (not (<= fmt0 0)) (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7))))
+(assert (or (not (<= fmt1 8)) (not (= fmt1 10))))
+(assert (or (not (<= fmt1 8)) (not (= fmt1 9))))
+(assert (or (not (>= fmt1 8)) (not (= fmt1 7))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ (x_count 6) (* (- 1) (x_count 7))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 6) (* (- 1) (x_count 7))) 0)) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8))) (not (>= (+ (x_count 6) (* (- 1) (x_count 7))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 6) (* (- 1) (x_count 7))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= fmt1 7)) (not (= fmt1 8))))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7))) (not (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)))
+(assert (or (>= fmt1 7) (not (= fmt1 7))))
+(assert (or (= fmt1 6) (not (= fmt1 6))))
+(assert (or (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))))
+(assert (or (= fmt1 6) (not (= fmt1 6))))
+(assert (or (= fmt1 6) (<= fmt1 5) (>= fmt1 7)))
+(assert (or (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6))) (not (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))))
+(assert (or (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6))) (not (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))))
+(assert (or (>= fmt1 5) (not (= fmt1 6))))
+(assert (or (= fmt1 3) (not (= fmt1 3))))
+(assert (or (= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (not (= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))))
+(assert (or (= fmt1 3) (not (= fmt1 3))))
+(assert (or (= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (not (= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (= fmt1 3) (not (>= fmt1 3)) (not (<= fmt1 3))))
+(assert (or (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3))) (not (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))))
+(assert (or (<= fmt1 3) (not (<= fmt0 0)) (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))))
+(assert (or (= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1))) (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2)) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2))) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))))
+(assert (or (>= fmt1 3) (not (= fmt1 3))))
+(assert (or (= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (not (= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0))))
+(assert (or (= fmt1 2) (not (= fmt1 2))))
+(assert (or (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))))
+(assert (or (= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (not (= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0))))
+(assert (or (= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0))))
+(assert (or (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2))) (not (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))))
+(assert (or (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2)) (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)))
+(assert (or (= fmt1 2) (not (>= fmt1 2)) (not (<= fmt1 2))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 1) (>= fmt1 2) (not (>= fmt0 0))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1))) (not (= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3))) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))))
+(assert (or (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))))
+(assert (or (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3))) (not (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)))))
+(assert (or (not (<= fmt1 2)) (not (>= fmt1 3))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (not (= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))))
+(assert (or (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2))) (not (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))))
+(assert (or (not (>= fmt0 0)) (not (<= fmt1 3)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3))))
+(assert (or (not (>= fmt1 5)) (not (= fmt1 2))))
+(assert (or (not (>= fmt1 5)) (not (= fmt1 3))))
+(assert (or (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2) (not (>= fmt0 0)) (not (<= arg1 2))))
+(assert (or (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)) (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5)))
+(assert (or (<= arg1 2) (not (= arg1 2))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (<= distance 18)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 5))))
+(assert (or (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (not (= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0))))
+(assert (or (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 8) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (<= fmt_length 13)) (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) distance fmt_length) 4)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (<= distance 18)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 7))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3))) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3))) (not (= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5))) (not (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)))
+(assert (or (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5))) (not (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))))
+(assert (or (not (<= fmt0 0)) (not (>= fmt1 5)) (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5))))
+(assert (or (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)) (not (= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3))) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))))
+(assert (or (>= fmt1 5) (not (= fmt1 5))))
+(assert (or (= fmt1 4) (not (= fmt1 4))))
+(assert (or (= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (not (= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))))
+(assert (or (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))))
+(assert (or (= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (not (= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))))
+(assert (or (= fmt1 4) (<= fmt1 3) (>= fmt1 5)))
+(assert (or (= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2))) (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))))
+(assert (or (= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1))))
+(assert (or (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1))) (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2))) (not (= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)) (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3))))
+(assert (or (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4))) (not (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (not (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (<= (x_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (<= (s_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0)) (not (= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1))) (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) (- 1))) (<= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) (- 1)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (<= (s_count 0) 0)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (<= (x_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (>= s 115)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (<= percent 37))))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) 0)) (<= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (<= (s_count 0) 0)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (<= (x_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) 0) (not (>= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (format 4) 255)) (not (<= s 115)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (<= percent 37)) (not (>= s 115)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= s 115)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (<= (format 6) 6))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (not (<= s 115)) (not (>= x 120)) (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))))
+(assert (or (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 7))) 0) (not (>= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 7))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 7))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (<= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 7))) 0) (not (<= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 6) (* (- 1) (x_count 7))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0))))
+(assert (or (<= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) 0) (>= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4))) (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (<= (s_count 0) 1)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (<= (x_count 0) 1)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0))))
+(assert (or (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)) (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4))) (not (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4)))))
+(assert (or (not (<= fmt1 2)) (not (= fmt1 4))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (not (= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (not (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (<= (x_count 0) 1)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (<= (s_count 0) 1)) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))))
+(assert (or (not (<= percent 37)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (>= x 120)) (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (not (= (+ (format 1) (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= fmt1 3)) (not (= fmt1 2))))
+(assert (or (= arg1 6) (not (= arg1 6))))
+(assert (or (= arg1 6) (not (= arg1 6))))
+(assert (or (= arg1 6) (not (= arg1 6))))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3))) (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (>= fmt1 9)) (not (<= fmt1 5))))
+(assert (or (not (>= fmt1 9)) (not (= fmt1 5))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (<= distance 18)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 8)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 8))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3))) (not (= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8))) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 9)))))
+(assert (or (= arg1 6) (not (>= arg1 6)) (not (<= arg1 6))))
+(assert (or (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)) (not (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8))) (not (<= fmt0 0)) (<= arg1 6)))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3))) (not (<= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)) (not (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (<= (x_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (<= (s_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) (- 1))) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2))) (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 3))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (not (<= percent 37)) (not (>= x 120)) (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (not (= (+ (format 3) (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1))) (not (= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (not (= fmt1 6)) (not (= (+ (format 12) (* (- 1) (format (+ 1 fmt1)))) 0)) (not (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (not (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 12))) 0)) (= (+ (format 3) (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)))
+(assert (or (= fmt1 6) (not (>= fmt1 6)) (not (<= fmt1 6))))
+(assert (or (not (>= fmt0 0)) (not (<= fmt1 5)) (>= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5))))
+(assert (or (= (+ (format 12) (* (- 1) (format (+ 1 fmt1)))) 0) (not (>= (+ (format 12) (* (- 1) (format (+ 1 fmt1)))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (format 12) (* (- 1) (format (+ 1 fmt1)))) 0))))
+(assert (or (<= (+ (format 12) (* (- 1) (format (+ 1 fmt1)))) 0) (>= (+ (format 12) (* (- 1) (format (+ 1 fmt1)))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (>= fmt1 6)) (not (= fmt1 5))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (<= (s_count 0) 1)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) (- 1))) (not (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1))) (>= (x_count 0) 1) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6)))))
+(assert (or (not (>= fmt1 7)) (not (<= fmt1 6))))
+(assert (or (not (>= fmt1 7)) (not (= fmt1 6))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) (- 1))) (not (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (<= (x_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (<= (s_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) (- 1))) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7)))))
+(assert (or (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0) (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 1)))))
+(assert (or (= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 1) (not (= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 1))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (<= (s_count 0) 1)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) (- 1))) (not (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1))) (>= (x_count 0) 1) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6)) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 5)))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (not (<= percent 37)) (not (>= s 115)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (= fmt1 4)) (= (+ (format 2) (* (- 1) (format (+ 1 fmt1)))) 0) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ (format 2) (* (- 1) (format (+ 1 fmt1)))) 0)) (>= (+ (format 2) (* (- 1) (format (+ 1 fmt1)))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format fmt1))) 0) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (not (= fmt1 4)) (not (= arg1 6)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (= (+ (format arg1) (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (<= (s_count 0) 1)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) (- 1))) (not (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1))) (>= (x_count 0) 1) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6)) (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (<= percent 37)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (>= s 115)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (not (= (+ (format 2) (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (not (= arg1 6)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (= (+ (format arg1) (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (= (+ (format 2) (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)))
+(assert (or (= (+ (format arg1) (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (not (>= (+ (format arg1) (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (format arg1) (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))))
+(assert (or (>= (+ (format arg1) (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (<= (+ (format arg1) (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format fmt1))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format fmt1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (not (= fmt1 4)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (= (+ (format 2) (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 4))) (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (<= (s_count 0) 1)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) (- 1))) (not (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (<= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1)) (not (<= (x_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 2)) (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= fmt1 8)) (not (= fmt1 4))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) (- 1))) (not (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (<= (x_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (<= (s_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) (- 1))) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format fmt1))) 0)) (not (<= percent 37)) (not (>= s 115)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (not (= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= s 115)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (format arg1) (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (<= percent 37)) (not (= (+ (format arg1) (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= x 120)) (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (<= s 115)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format (+ 1 fmt1)))) 0)) (not (= (+ (format 2) (* (- 1) (format (+ 1 fmt1)))) 0))))
+(assert (or (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format (+ 1 fmt1)))) 0) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (= fmt1 7)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0))))
+(assert (or (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format fmt1))) 0) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) (- 1))) (not (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (<= (x_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (<= (s_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) (- 1))) (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (= fmt1 7)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7))) (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0) (not (= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (= (+ (format arg1) (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0) (not (= arg1 6))))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ (format arg1) (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (>= (+ (format arg1) (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (= fmt1 8)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (= (+ (format 2) (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))))
+(assert (or (= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (not (>= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))))
+(assert (or (>= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (<= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format fmt1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (>= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (= fmt1 8)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (= fmt1 8)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (= (+ (format 2) (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format (+ 1 fmt1)))) 0)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format (+ 1 fmt1)))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (= fmt1 8)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (= (+ (format 2) (* (- 1) (format (+ 1 fmt1)))) 0) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) (- 1))) (>= (s_count 0) 1) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (not (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (<= (x_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6)) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)))))
+(assert (or (= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (not (>= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))))
+(assert (or (>= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (<= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) (- 1))) (>= (s_count 0) 1) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) (- 1))) (not (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (<= (x_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6)) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format fmt1))) 0)) (not (>= s 115)) (not (<= percent 37)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (not (= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= x 120)) (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (<= percent 37)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (not (= (+ (format arg1) (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (= (+ (format arg1) (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= x 120)) (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (<= percent 37)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (not (= (+ (format 2) (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (= fmt1 8)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (format 8) 6)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (not (>= percent 37))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) (- 1))) (<= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) (- 1)) (not (<= (s_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) (- 1))) (not (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (<= (x_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6)) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)))))
+(assert (or (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0) (not (>= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (<= s 115)) (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (>= x 120))))
+(assert (or (>= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0) (<= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)))
+(assert (or (>= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 7))) 0) (not (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 7))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)) (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8))) (not (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (<= (s_count 0) 1)) (<= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) (- 1)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (>= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (<= (x_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6)) (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8))) (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (<= (x_count 0) 1)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)) (not (<= (s_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1))) (not (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 7))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 6) (* (- 1) (x_count 7))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (<= (x_count 0) 1)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)) (not (<= (s_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1))) (>= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 7))) 0) (not (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 6) (* (- 1) (x_count 7))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (<= (x_count 0) 1)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)) (not (<= (s_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) (- 1))) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8))) (not (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= x 120)) (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0)) (not (<= s 115)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 5))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (<= (x_count 0) 1)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)) (not (<= (s_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8))) (not (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (not (= (+ (format arg1) (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (= arg1 6)) (= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)))
+(assert (or (= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (not (>= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0))))
+(assert (or (<= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (not (= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))))
+(assert (or (= (+ (format arg1) (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (not (>= (+ (format arg1) (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (format arg1) (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0))))
+(assert (or (<= (+ (format arg1) (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (>= (+ (format arg1) (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)))
+(assert (or (<= (+ (format arg1) (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (not (= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))))
+(assert (or (>= (+ (format arg1) (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (not (<= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt1)) 0)) (not (= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))))
+(assert (or (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format (+ 1 fmt1)))) 0) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (= fmt1 6))))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (<= (x_count 0) 1)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)) (not (<= (s_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0)) (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0) (not (= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)) (= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) 0)) (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) 0))))
+(assert (or (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0) (not (>= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0))))
+(assert (or (>= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0) (<= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)))
+(assert (or (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0) (not (>= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0))))
+(assert (or (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0) (not (>= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0))))
+(assert (or (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0) (not (>= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0))))
+(assert (or (>= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0) (<= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0)))
+(assert (or (>= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0) (<= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)))
+(assert (or (>= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0) (<= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6))) (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)) (>= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 6))) (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (<= (x_count 0) 1)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (<= (s_count 0) 1)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 7))) (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 0)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (<= (x_count 0) 1)) (not (<= (s_count 0) 1)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2)))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (>= s 115)) (not (<= percent 37)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (= (+ (format 1) (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= x 120)) (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (<= percent 37)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (= (+ (format 1) (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)) (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)))
+(assert (or (<= (+ (s_count 6) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) (- 1)) (>= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 7))) 0) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1))) (<= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)))
+(assert (or (<= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0) (not (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (>= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (<= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (not (= fmt1 2)) (= (+ (format 1) (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)))
+(assert (or (>= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (not (= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))))
+(assert (or (>= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format fmt1))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (<= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (= fmt1 2)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 3))) 0)) (= (+ (format 1) (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format (+ 1 fmt1)))) 0)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format (+ 1 fmt1)))) 0)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 2))) (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)) (>= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)) (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0) (not (<= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)) (>= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (>= fmt1 8)) (not (<= fmt1 6))))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8))) (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0) (not (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0))))
+(assert (or (= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)) (<= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) (- 1))) (<= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) (- 1)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (<= (x_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) (- 1))) (not (<= (s_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)))))
+(assert (or (not (>= s 115)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format (+ 1 fmt1)))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (<= percent 37)) (not (= (+ (format 1) (* (- 1) (format (+ 1 fmt1)))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (<= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (not (>= x 120)) (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (<= percent 37)) (not (= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (= fmt1 8)) (not (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0) (not (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) (- 1))) (<= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) (- 1)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (<= (x_count 0) 1)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (<= (s_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)))))
+(assert (or (not (>= s 115)) (not (<= (+ s (* (- 1) (format (+ 1 fmt1)))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (not (<= percent 37)) (not (= (+ (format 0) (* (- 1) (format (+ 1 fmt1)))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (format 8) 255)) (not (<= percent 37)) (not (<= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)) (not (= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= x 120)) (not (<= s 115)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0)) (not (= (+ (format 1) (* (- 1) (format 10))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= x 120)) (not (<= s 115)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (= (+ (format 1) (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)) (not (>= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ x (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (not (= (+ (format 1) (* (- 1) (format 2))) 0)) (= (+ (format 1) (* (- 1) (format 7))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (= fmt1 8)) (= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)))
+(assert (or (<= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0) (>= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 4))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (not (>= (format 8) 255)) (not (<= s 115)) (not (>= (+ s (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 1))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ (format fmt1) (* (- 1) (format 8))) 0)) (not (<= percent 37)) (not (>= (format 8) 255)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format fmt1))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (= fmt1 8)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 9))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (not (<= (+ percent (* (- 1) (format 0))) 0)) (= (+ (format 0) (* (- 1) (format (+ 1 fmt1)))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) (- 1))) (<= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) (- 1)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (<= (x_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (<= (s_count 0) 1)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)))))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) (- 1))) (<= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) (- 1)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (<= (x_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (<= (s_count 0) 1)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8)))))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)) (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0) (not (<= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) 0)) (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)) (>= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ fmt0 (* (- 1) fmt1)) (- 8))) (not (>= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 4) (* (- 1) (x_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0)) (not (<= (+ (x_count 5) (* (- 1) (x_count 6))) 0)) (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0)))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) (- 1))) (<= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) (- 1)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (<= (x_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (<= (s_count 0) 1)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0))))
+(assert (or (not (= (+ (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 2) (* (- 1) (s_count 3))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (s_count 1) (* (- 1) (s_count 2))) (- 1))) (<= (+ (s_count 3) (* (- 1) (s_count 4))) (- 1)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 4) (* (- 1) (s_count 5))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 5) (* (- 1) (s_count 6))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ arg1 (* (- 1) fmt0)) 6)) (not (<= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) fmt0) distance) 0)) (not (>= distance 18)) (not (>= (+ arg0 (* (- 1) arg1) (* 4 (s_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1))) (* 4 (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)))) 0)) (not (<= (x_count 0) 1)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 0) (* (- 1) (x_count 1))) 0)) (not (<= (s_count 0) 0)) (not (>= (+ (s_count 0) (* (- 1) (s_count 1))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 1) (* (- 1) (x_count 2))) 0)) (not (>= (+ (x_count 3) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) (- 1))) (not (>= (+ (x_count 2) (* (- 1) (x_count 3))) 0)) (not (= (+ (x_count (+ (- 2) (* (- 1) fmt0) fmt1)) (* (- 1) (x_count 4))) 0))))