!(resource->target == PIPE_BUFFER
- && !util_ranges_intersect(&rsrc->valid_buffer_range, box->x, box->x + box->width))) {
+ && !util_ranges_intersect(&rsrc->valid_buffer_range, box->x, box->x + box->width)) &&
+ panfrost_pending_batches_access_bo(ctx, bo)) {
- /* It is often faster to copy the whole resource than to flush
- * readers */
+ /* When a resource to be modified is already being used by a
+ * pending batch, it is often faster to copy the whole BO than
+ * to flush and split the frame in two. This also mostly
+ * mitigates broken depth reload.
+ */
panfrost_flush_batches_accessing_bo(ctx, bo, PAN_BO_ACCESS_WRITE);
panfrost_bo_wait(bo, INT64_MAX, PAN_BO_ACCESS_WRITE);