user_port0_wdata_data(WBL*(i+1)-1 downto WBL*i) <= stq_data;
end loop;
+ -- Note: Current litedram ignores user_port0_wdata_valid. We
+ -- must make sure to always have the data available at the
+ -- output of the store queue when we send the write command.
+ --
+ -- Thankfully this is always the case with this design.
+ --
user_port0_wdata_valid <= storeq_rd_valid;
storeq_rd_ready <= user_port0_wdata_ready;
user_port0_cmd_valid <= refill_cmd_valid;
user_port0_cmd_we <= '0';
end if;
+ -- Note: litedram ignores this signal and assumes we are
+ -- always ready to accept read data.
user_port0_rdata_ready <= '1'; -- Always 1
end process;