*row* that knows, on a per-operand-number basis, what the actual register
file number is.
+# Example allocation of Function Units
+This is the key diagram showing the relationship between Function Units
+and the Register File(s).
+The Dependency Matrices manage the DAG of read-write relationships:
+each Function Unit indicates which registers it requires for read
+and which it needs permission to write to.
+NOTE: **AT NO TIME** is **any** Function Unit permitted "direct" access to
+global resources by way of any form of "unmanaged" path. Each Function
+Unit may **only** receive incoming data and may **only** pass that data
+out via the set determined path, as controlled by the Dependency Matrices.
+An augmentation of this arrangement, for a modern processor using pipelines,
+is to "double up" (or triple, or quadruple etc.) the number of Function
+Units, but to *share the same pipeline*. See "Concurrent Computation Unit"
+section below for details.
+[[!img multiple_function_units.png size="600x"]]
# Modifications needed to Computation Unit and Group Picker
The scoreboard uses two big NOR gates respectively to determine when there
anywhere in the pipeline from progressing further, thus saving power.
-[[!img multiple_function_units.png size="600x"]]
# Multi-in cascading Priority Picker
Using the Group Picker as a fundamental unit, a cascading chain is created,