-static void
+static void UNUSED /* FINISHME */
tu_bind_dynamic_state(struct tu_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer,
const struct tu_dynamic_state *src)
uint32_t copy_mask = src->mask;
uint32_t dest_mask = 0;
+ tu_use_args(cmd_buffer); /* FINISHME */
/* Make sure to copy the number of viewports/scissors because they can
* only be specified at pipeline creation time.
/* We just allocate all the samplers at the end of the struct */
uint32_t *samplers = (uint32_t *)&set_layout->binding[max_binding + 1];
+ (void) samplers; /* TODO: Use me */
VkDescriptorSetLayoutBinding *bindings =
create_sorted_bindings(pCreateInfo->pBindings, pCreateInfo->bindingCount);
VkDescriptorPool *pDescriptorPool)
TU_FROM_HANDLE(tu_device, device, _device);
- struct tu_descriptor_pool *pool;
+ tu_use_args(device);
+ tu_stub();
return VK_SUCCESS;
TU_FROM_HANDLE(tu_device, device, _device);
TU_FROM_HANDLE(tu_descriptor_pool, pool, descriptorPool);
+ tu_use_args(device, pool);
+ tu_stub();
return VK_SUCCESS;
TU_FROM_HANDLE(tu_device, device, _device);
TU_FROM_HANDLE(tu_descriptor_pool, pool, pAllocateInfo->descriptorPool);
+ tu_use_args(device, pool);
+ tu_stub();
return VK_SUCCESS;
TU_FROM_HANDLE(tu_device, device, _device);
TU_FROM_HANDLE(tu_descriptor_pool, pool, descriptorPool);
+ tu_use_args(device, pool);
+ tu_stub();
return VK_SUCCESS;
sizeof(struct tu_descriptor_update_template) +
sizeof(struct tu_descriptor_update_template_entry) * entry_count;
struct tu_descriptor_update_template *templ;
- uint32_t i;
templ = vk_alloc2(
&device->alloc, pAllocator, size, 8, VK_SYSTEM_ALLOCATION_SCOPE_OBJECT);
return vk_error(device->instance, VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY);
*pDescriptorUpdateTemplate = tu_descriptor_update_template_to_handle(templ);
+ tu_use_args(set_layout);
+ tu_stub();
return VK_SUCCESS;
tu_descriptor_update_template, templ, descriptorUpdateTemplate);
+ tu_use_args(templ);
#define tu_assert(x)
-#define stub_return(v) \
+/* Suppress -Wunused in stub functions */
+#define tu_use_args(...) __tu_use_args(0, ##__VA_ARGS__)
+static inline void __tu_use_args(int ignore, ...) {}
+#define tu_stub_return(v) \
do { \
tu_finishme("stub %s", __func__); \
return (v); \
} while (0)
-#define stub() \
+#define tu_stub() \
do { \
tu_finishme("stub %s", __func__); \
return; \