Instruction format:
- | 0-5 | 6-10 | 11 | 12-15 | 16-18 | 19-20 | 21-25 | 26-30 | 31 | name |
- | --- | ---- | -- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | -- | ---- |
- | 19 | RT | | mask | BB | | XO[0:4] | XO[5:9] | / | |
- | 19 | RT | 0 | mask | BB | 0 M | XO[0:4] | 0 mode | Rc | crrweird |
- | 19 | RA | 1 | mask | BT | 0 / | XO[0:4] | 0 mode | / | mtcrweird |
- | 19 | BT // | 0 | mask | BB | 1 / | XO[0:4] | 0 mode | / | crweird |
- | 19 | BFT | 1 | mask | BB | 1 M | XO[0:4] | 0 mode | / | crweirder |
+|0-5|6-10 |11|12-15|16-18|19-20|21-25 |26-30 |31|name |
+|---|---- |--|-----|-----|-----|----- |----- |--|---- |
+|19 |RT | |mask |BB | |XO[0:4]|XO[5:9]|/ | |
+|19 |RT |0 |mask |BB | 0 M |XO[0:4]|0 mode |Rc|crrweird |
+|19 |RA |1 |mask |BT | 0 / |XO[0:4]|0 mode |/ |mtcrweird |
+|19 |BT //|0 |mask |BB | 1 / |XO[0:4]|0 mode |/ |crweird |
+|19 |BFT |1 |mask |BB | 1 M |XO[0:4]|0 mode |/ |crweirder |
mode is encoded in XO and is 4 bits
result = n0|n1|n2|n3 if M else n0&n1&n2&n3
RT[63] = result # MSB0 numbering, 63 is LSB
If Rc:
- CR1 = analyse(RT)
+ CR0 = analyse(RT)
+This is a [[openpower/sv/normal]] SVP64 type operation and as
+such can use Rc=1 and RC1 Data-dependent Mode capability
bit 11=1, bit 19=0
n3 = mask[3] & (mode[3] == lsb)
CR{BT} = n0 || n1 || n2 || n3
+This is a [[openpower/sv/cr_int]] SVP64 type operation that has
+3-bit Data-dependent and 3-bit Predicate-result capability
+(BT is 3 bits)
bit 11=0, bit 19=1
crweird: BT, BB, mask.mode
n3 = mask[3] & (mode[3] == creg[3])
CR{BT} = n0 || n1 || n2 || n3
+This is a [[openpower/sv/cr_int]] SVP64 type operation that has
+3-bit Data-dependent and 3-bit Predicate-result capability
+(BT is 3 bits)
bit 11=1, bit 19=1
crweirder: BFT, BB, mask.mode
result = n0|n1|n2|n3 if M else n0&n1&n2&n3
CR{BF}[bit] = result
+This is a [[openpower/sv/cr_int]] SVP64 type operation that has
+5-bit Data-dependent and 5-bit Predicate-result capability
+(BFT is 5 bits)
+**Example Pseudo-ops:**
mtcri BB, mode mtcrweird r0, BB, 0b1111.~mode
mtcrset BB, mask mtcrweird r0, BB, mask.0b0000