NEXTPNR ?= nextpnr-ecp5
ECPPACK ?= ecppack
OPENOCD ?= openocd
+VUNITRUN ?= python3 ./
# We need a version of GHDL built with either the LLVM or gcc backend.
# Fedora provides this, but other distros may not. Another option is to use
NEXTPNR = $(DOCKERBIN) $(DOCKERARGS) hdlc/nextpnr:ecp5 nextpnr-ecp5
ECPPACK = $(DOCKERBIN) $(DOCKERARGS) hdlc/prjtrellis ecppack
OPENOCD = $(DOCKERBIN) $(DOCKERARGS) --device /dev/bus/usb hdlc/prog openocd
+VUNITRUN = $(DOCKERBIN) $(DOCKERARGS) ghdl/vunit:llvm python3 ./
+VUNITARGS += -p10
all = core_tb icache_tb dcache_tb dmi_dtm_tb \
wishbone_bram_tb soc_reset_tb
tests_console: $(tests_console)
check: $(tests) tests_console test_micropython test_micropython_long tests_unit
check_light: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 test_micropython test_micropython_long tests_console tests_unit