blend->blend1.write_disable_b = false;
blend->blend1.write_disable_a = false;
+ /* When blitting from an XRGB source to a ARGB destination, we need to
+ * interpret the missing channel as 1.0. Blending can do that for us:
+ * we simply use the RGB values from the fragment shader ("source RGB"),
+ * but smash the alpha channel to 1.
+ */
+ if (_mesa_get_format_bits(params->>format, GL_ALPHA_BITS) > 0 &&
+ _mesa_get_format_bits(params->>format, GL_ALPHA_BITS) == 0) {
+ blend->blend0.blend_enable = 1;
+ blend->blend0.ia_blend_enable = 1;
+ blend->blend0.blend_func = BRW_BLENDFUNCTION_ADD;
+ blend->blend0.ia_blend_func = BRW_BLENDFUNCTION_ADD;
+ blend->blend0.source_blend_factor = BRW_BLENDFACTOR_SRC_COLOR;
+ blend->blend0.dest_blend_factor = BRW_BLENDFACTOR_ZERO;
+ blend->blend0.ia_source_blend_factor = BRW_BLENDFACTOR_ONE;
+ blend->blend0.ia_dest_blend_factor = BRW_BLENDFACTOR_ZERO;
+ }
return cc_blend_state_offset;