// Whether we must use "basic" sygus algorithms. A non-basic sygus algorithm
// is one that is specialized for returning a single solution. Non-basic
- // sygus algorithms currently include the PBE solver, static template
- // inference for invariant synthesis, and single invocation techniques.
+ // sygus algorithms currently include the PBE solver, UNIF+PI, static
+ // template inference for invariant synthesis, and single invocation
+ // techniques.
bool reqBasicSygus = false;
if (options::produceAbducts())
if (!options::sygusUnifPbe.wasSetByUser())
- // also disable PBE-specific symmetry breaking unless PBE was enabled
- if (!options::sygusSymBreakPbe.wasSetByUser())
- {
- options::sygusSymBreakPbe.set(false);
- }
+ }
+ if (options::sygusUnifPi.wasSetByUser())
+ {
+ options::sygusUnifPi.set(options::SygusUnifPiMode::NONE);
if (!options::sygusInvTemplMode.wasSetByUser())