[submodule "lambdasoc/software/bios"]
path = lambdasoc/software/bios
url = https://github.com/lambdaconcept/lambdasoc-bios
+ branch = sdram-staging
graft lambdasoc/software/bios/3rdparty/llvm-project/compiler-rt/lib/builtins
+graft lambdasoc/software/bios/3rdparty/litex/litex/soc/software/include
+include lambdasoc/software/bios/3rdparty/litex/litex/soc/cores/cpu/minerva/*.h
+graft lambdasoc/software/bios/3rdparty/litex/litex/soc/software/libbase
+graft lambdasoc/software/bios/3rdparty/litex/litex/soc/software/liblitedram
include lambdasoc/software/bios/Makefile
graft lambdasoc/software/bios/src
include lambdasoc/software/bios/toolchain.mk
--- /dev/null
+import argparse
+from nmigen import *
+from nmigen.build import *
+from nmigen_soc import wishbone
+from lambdasoc.cpu.minerva import MinervaCPU
+from lambdasoc.periph.intc import GenericInterruptController
+from lambdasoc.periph.serial import AsyncSerialPeripheral
+from lambdasoc.periph.sram import SRAMPeripheral
+from lambdasoc.periph.timer import TimerPeripheral
+from lambdasoc.periph.sdram import SDRAMPeripheral
+from lambdasoc.soc.cpu import CPUSoC
+from lambdasoc.cores import litedram
+__all__ = ["SDRAMSoC"]
+class SDRAMSoC(CPUSoC, Elaboratable):
+ def __init__(self, *, reset_addr, clk_freq,
+ rom_addr, rom_size,
+ ram_addr, ram_size,
+ uart_addr, uart_divisor, uart_pins,
+ timer_addr, timer_width,
+ sdram_addr, sdram_core, sdram_cache_size):
+ self._arbiter = wishbone.Arbiter(addr_width=30, data_width=32, granularity=8,
+ features={"cti", "bte"})
+ self._decoder = wishbone.Decoder(addr_width=30, data_width=32, granularity=8,
+ features={"cti", "bte"})
+ self.cpu = MinervaCPU(
+ reset_address=reset_addr,
+ with_icache=True, icache_nlines=128, icache_nwords=4, icache_nways=1,
+ icache_base=sdram_addr, icache_limit=sdram_addr + sdram_core.size,
+ with_dcache=True, dcache_nlines=128, dcache_nwords=4, dcache_nways=1,
+ dcache_base=sdram_addr, dcache_limit=sdram_addr + sdram_core.size,
+ with_muldiv=True,
+ )
+ self._arbiter.add(self.cpu.ibus)
+ self._arbiter.add(self.cpu.dbus)
+ self.rom = SRAMPeripheral(size=rom_size, writable=False)
+ self._decoder.add(self.rom.bus, addr=rom_addr)
+ self.ram = SRAMPeripheral(size=ram_size)
+ self._decoder.add(self.ram.bus, addr=ram_addr)
+ self.sdram = SDRAMPeripheral(core=sdram_core, cache_size=sdram_cache_size)
+ self._decoder.add(self.sdram.bus, addr=sdram_addr)
+ self.uart = AsyncSerialPeripheral(divisor=uart_divisor, pins=uart_pins)
+ self._decoder.add(self.uart.bus, addr=uart_addr)
+ self.timer = TimerPeripheral(width=timer_width)
+ self._decoder.add(self.timer.bus, addr=timer_addr)
+ self.intc = GenericInterruptController(width=len(self.cpu.ip))
+ self.intc.add_irq(self.timer.irq, 0)
+ self.intc.add_irq(self.uart .irq, 1)
+ self.memory_map = self._decoder.bus.memory_map
+ self.clk_freq = clk_freq
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ m.domains += [
+ ClockDomain("litedram_input"),
+ ClockDomain("litedram_user"),
+ ClockDomain("sync"),
+ ]
+ m.d.comb += [
+ ClockSignal("litedram_input").eq(platform.request("clk100", 0).i),
+ ClockSignal("sync").eq(ClockSignal("litedram_user")),
+ ResetSignal("sync").eq(ResetSignal("litedram_user")),
+ ]
+ m.submodules.arbiter = self._arbiter
+ m.submodules.cpu = self.cpu
+ m.submodules.decoder = self._decoder
+ m.submodules.rom = self.rom
+ m.submodules.ram = self.ram
+ m.submodules.sdram = self.sdram
+ m.submodules.uart = self.uart
+ m.submodules.timer = self.timer
+ m.submodules.intc = self.intc
+ m.d.comb += [
+ self._arbiter.bus.connect(self._decoder.bus),
+ self.cpu.ip.eq(self.intc.ip),
+ ]
+ return m
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument("--baudrate", type=int,
+ default=9600,
+ help="UART baudrate (default: 9600)")
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ # from nmigen_boards.arty_a7 import ArtyA7_35Platform
+ # platform = ArtyA7_35Platform()
+ # litedram_cfg = litedram.Artix7Config(
+ # memtype = "DDR3",
+ # speedgrade = "-1",
+ # cmd_latency = 0,
+ # module_name = "MT41K128M16",
+ # module_bytes = 2,
+ # module_ranks = 1,
+ # rtt_nom = 60,
+ # rtt_wr = 60,
+ # ron = 34,
+ # input_clk_freq = int(100e6),
+ # user_clk_freq = int(100e6),
+ # iodelay_clk_freq = int(200e6),
+ # )
+ from nmigen_boards.ecpix5 import ECPIX585Platform
+ platform = ECPIX585Platform()
+ litedram_cfg = litedram.ECP5Config(
+ memtype = "DDR3",
+ module_name = "MT41K256M16",
+ module_bytes = 2,
+ module_ranks = 1,
+ input_clk_freq = int(100e6),
+ user_clk_freq = int(70e6),
+ init_clk_freq = int(25e6),
+ )
+ litedram_core = litedram.Core(
+ litedram_cfg,
+ pins = litedram_cfg.request_pins(platform, "ddr3", 0),
+ )
+ litedram_products = litedram_core.build(do_build=True)
+ with litedram_products.extract(f"{litedram_core.name}/{litedram_core.name}.v") as litedram_v:
+ with open(litedram_v, "r") as litedram_v_contents:
+ platform.add_file(litedram_v, litedram_v_contents)
+ soc = SDRAMSoC(
+ reset_addr=0x30000000, clk_freq=litedram_cfg.user_clk_freq,
+ uart_addr=0x00005000, uart_divisor=int(litedram_cfg.user_clk_freq // args.baudrate),
+ uart_pins=platform.request("uart", 0),
+ timer_addr=0x00006000, timer_width=32,
+ rom_addr=0x30000000, rom_size=0x8000,
+ ram_addr=0x30008000, ram_size=0x1000,
+ sdram_addr=0x40000000, sdram_core=litedram_core, sdram_cache_size=8192,
+ )
+ soc.build(do_build=True, do_init=True)
+ platform.build(soc, do_program=True)
--- /dev/null
+from nmigen import *
+from nmigen.asserts import *
+from nmigen.utils import log2_int
+from nmigen_soc import wishbone
+from nmigen_soc.memory import MemoryMap
+from . import Peripheral
+from ..cores import litedram
+__all__ = ["WritebackCache", "SDRAMPeripheral"]
+class WritebackCache(Elaboratable):
+ """Write-back cache.
+ A write-back cache designed to bridge the SoC interconnect to LiteDRAM.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ dram_port : :class:`litedram.NativePort`
+ LiteDRAM user port.
+ size : int
+ Cache size.
+ data_width : int
+ Initiator bus data width.
+ granularity : int
+ Initiator bus granularity.
+ dirty_init : bool
+ Dirty initialization. Defaults to ``False``. May be useful for simulation.
+ Attributes
+ ----------
+ intr_bus : :class:`nmigen_soc.wishbone.Interface`
+ Initiator bus, with support for incremental bursts.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, dram_port, *, size, data_width, granularity=None, dirty_init=False):
+ if not isinstance(dram_port, litedram.NativePort):
+ raise TypeError("DRAM port must be an instance of lambdasoc.cores.litedram.NativePort, "
+ "not {!r}"
+ .format(dram_port))
+ if not isinstance(size, int) or size <= 0 or size & size - 1:
+ raise ValueError("Cache size must be a positive power of two integer, not {!r}"
+ .format(size))
+ if not isinstance(data_width, int) or data_width <= 0 or data_width & data_width - 1:
+ raise ValueError("Data width must be a positive power of two integer, not {!r}"
+ .format(data_width))
+ if dram_port.data_width % data_width != 0:
+ raise ValueError("DRAM port data width must be a multiple of data width, but {} is "
+ "not a multiple of {}"
+ .format(dram_port.data_width, data_width))
+ self.intr_bus = wishbone.Interface(
+ addr_width = dram_port.addr_width + log2_int(dram_port.data_width // data_width),
+ data_width = data_width,
+ granularity = granularity,
+ features = {"cti", "bte"},
+ )
+ intr_map = MemoryMap(
+ addr_width = self.intr_bus.addr_width + log2_int(data_width // granularity),
+ data_width = granularity,
+ )
+ try:
+ intr_map.add_window(dram_port.memory_map)
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ self.intr_bus.memory_map = intr_map
+ self.dram_port = dram_port
+ self.size = size
+ self.dirty_init = bool(dirty_init)
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ ratio = self.dram_port.data_width // self.intr_bus.data_width
+ nb_lines = (self.size * self.intr_bus.granularity) // self.dram_port.data_width
+ intr_adr = Record([
+ ("offset", log2_int(ratio)),
+ ("line", log2_int(nb_lines)),
+ ("tag", len(self.intr_bus.adr) - log2_int(nb_lines) - log2_int(ratio)),
+ ])
+ m.d.comb += intr_adr.eq(self.intr_bus.adr),
+ intr_adr_next = Record.like(intr_adr)
+ with m.Switch(self.intr_bus.bte):
+ with m.Case(wishbone.BurstTypeExt.LINEAR):
+ m.d.comb += intr_adr_next.eq(intr_adr + 1)
+ with m.Case(wishbone.BurstTypeExt.WRAP_4):
+ m.d.comb += intr_adr_next[:2].eq(intr_adr[:2] + 1)
+ m.d.comb += intr_adr_next[2:].eq(intr_adr[2:])
+ with m.Case(wishbone.BurstTypeExt.WRAP_8):
+ m.d.comb += intr_adr_next[:3].eq(intr_adr[:3] + 1)
+ m.d.comb += intr_adr_next[3:].eq(intr_adr[3:])
+ with m.Case(wishbone.BurstTypeExt.WRAP_16):
+ m.d.comb += intr_adr_next[:4].eq(intr_adr[:4] + 1)
+ m.d.comb += intr_adr_next[4:].eq(intr_adr[4:])
+ tag_rp_data = Record([
+ ("tag", intr_adr.tag.shape()),
+ ("dirty", 1),
+ ])
+ tag_wp_data = Record.like(tag_rp_data)
+ tag_mem = Memory(width=len(tag_rp_data), depth=nb_lines)
+ if self.dirty_init:
+ tag_mem.init = [-1 for _ in range(nb_lines)]
+ m.submodules.tag_rp = tag_rp = tag_mem.read_port(transparent=False)
+ m.submodules.tag_wp = tag_wp = tag_mem.write_port()
+ tag_rp.en.reset = 0
+ m.d.comb += [
+ tag_rp_data.eq(tag_rp.data),
+ tag_wp.data.eq(tag_wp_data),
+ ]
+ dat_mem = Memory(width=self.dram_port.data_width, depth=nb_lines)
+ m.submodules.dat_rp = dat_rp = dat_mem.read_port(transparent=False)
+ m.submodules.dat_wp = dat_wp = dat_mem.write_port(granularity=self.intr_bus.granularity)
+ dat_rp.en.reset = 0
+ intr_bus_r = Record.like(self.intr_bus)
+ intr_adr_r = Record.like(intr_adr)
+ m.d.comb += intr_adr_r.eq(intr_bus_r.adr)
+ with m.FSM() as fsm:
+ with m.State("CHECK"):
+ m.d.sync += [
+ intr_bus_r.cyc.eq(self.intr_bus.cyc),
+ intr_bus_r.stb.eq(self.intr_bus.stb),
+ intr_bus_r.adr.eq(self.intr_bus.adr),
+ ]
+ # Tag/Data memory read
+ with m.If(self.intr_bus.cyc & self.intr_bus.stb):
+ with m.If(self.intr_bus.ack & (self.intr_bus.cti == wishbone.CycleType.INCR_BURST)):
+ m.d.comb += [
+ tag_rp.addr.eq(intr_adr_next.line),
+ dat_rp.addr.eq(intr_adr_next.line),
+ ]
+ with m.Else():
+ m.d.comb += [
+ tag_rp.addr.eq(intr_adr.line),
+ dat_rp.addr.eq(intr_adr.line),
+ ]
+ with m.If(~intr_bus_r.cyc | ~intr_bus_r.stb | self.intr_bus.ack):
+ m.d.comb += [
+ tag_rp.en.eq(1),
+ dat_rp.en.eq(1),
+ ]
+ m.d.comb += [
+ self.intr_bus.dat_r.eq(
+ dat_rp.data.word_select(intr_adr.offset, len(self.intr_bus.dat_r))
+ ),
+ ]
+ # Tag/Data memory write
+ m.d.comb += [
+ tag_wp.addr .eq(intr_adr.line),
+ tag_wp_data.tag .eq(intr_adr.tag),
+ tag_wp_data.dirty.eq(1),
+ dat_wp.addr .eq(intr_adr.line),
+ dat_wp.data .eq(Repl(self.intr_bus.dat_w, ratio)),
+ ]
+ with m.If(self.intr_bus.cyc & self.intr_bus.stb):
+ with m.If(intr_adr.tag == tag_rp_data.tag):
+ m.d.comb += self.intr_bus.ack.eq(intr_bus_r.cyc & intr_bus_r.stb)
+ with m.If(self.intr_bus.we & self.intr_bus.ack):
+ m.d.comb += [
+ tag_wp.en.eq(1),
+ dat_wp.en.word_select(intr_adr.offset, len(self.intr_bus.sel)).eq(self.intr_bus.sel),
+ ]
+ with m.Elif(intr_bus_r.cyc & intr_bus_r.stb):
+ m.d.sync += [
+ intr_bus_r.cyc.eq(0),
+ intr_bus_r.stb.eq(0),
+ ]
+ with m.If(tag_rp_data.dirty):
+ m.next = "EVICT"
+ with m.Else():
+ m.next = "REFILL"
+ with m.State("EVICT"):
+ evict_done = Record([("cmd", 1), ("w", 1)])
+ with m.If(evict_done.all()):
+ m.d.sync += evict_done.eq(0)
+ m.next = "REFILL"
+ # Command
+ m.d.comb += [
+ self.dram_port.cmd.valid.eq(~evict_done.cmd),
+ self.dram_port.cmd.last .eq(0),
+ self.dram_port.cmd.addr .eq(Cat(intr_adr_r.line, tag_rp_data.tag)),
+ self.dram_port.cmd.we .eq(1),
+ ]
+ with m.If(self.dram_port.cmd.valid & self.dram_port.cmd.ready):
+ m.d.sync += evict_done.cmd.eq(1)
+ # Write
+ m.d.comb += [
+ self.dram_port.w.valid.eq(~evict_done.w),
+ self.dram_port.w.we .eq(Repl(Const(1), self.dram_port.data_width // 8)),
+ self.dram_port.w.data .eq(dat_rp.data),
+ ]
+ with m.If(self.dram_port.w.valid & self.dram_port.w.ready):
+ m.d.sync += evict_done.w.eq(1)
+ with m.State("REFILL"):
+ refill_done = Record([("cmd", 1), ("r", 1)])
+ with m.If(refill_done.all()):
+ m.d.sync += refill_done.eq(0)
+ m.next = "CHECK"
+ # Command
+ m.d.comb += [
+ self.dram_port.cmd.valid.eq(~refill_done.cmd),
+ self.dram_port.cmd.last .eq(1),
+ self.dram_port.cmd.addr .eq(Cat(intr_adr_r.line, intr_adr_r.tag)),
+ self.dram_port.cmd.we .eq(0),
+ ]
+ with m.If(self.dram_port.cmd.valid & self.dram_port.cmd.ready):
+ m.d.sync += refill_done.cmd.eq(1)
+ # Read
+ m.d.comb += [
+ self.dram_port.r.ready.eq(~refill_done.r),
+ tag_wp.addr .eq(intr_adr_r.line),
+ tag_wp.en .eq((self.dram_port.r.valid & self.dram_port.r.ready)),
+ tag_wp_data.tag .eq(intr_adr_r.tag),
+ tag_wp_data.dirty.eq(0),
+ dat_wp.addr .eq(intr_adr_r.line),
+ dat_wp.en .eq(Repl((self.dram_port.r.valid & self.dram_port.r.ready), len(dat_wp.en))),
+ dat_wp.data .eq(self.dram_port.r.data),
+ ]
+ with m.If(self.dram_port.r.valid & self.dram_port.r.ready):
+ m.d.sync += refill_done.r.eq(1)
+ if platform == "formal":
+ with m.If(Initial()):
+ m.d.comb += [
+ Assume(fsm.ongoing("CHECK")),
+ Assume(~intr_bus_r.cyc),
+ Assume(~evict_done.any()),
+ Assume(~refill_done.any()),
+ ]
+ return m
+class SDRAMPeripheral(Peripheral, Elaboratable):
+ """SDRAM controller peripheral.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ core : :class:`litedram.Core`
+ LiteDRAM core.
+ cache_size : int
+ Cache size, in bytes.
+ cache_dirty_init : boot
+ Initialize cache as dirty. Defaults to `False`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *, core, cache_size, cache_dirty_init=False):
+ super().__init__()
+ if not isinstance(core, litedram.Core):
+ raise TypeError("LiteDRAM core must be an instance of lambdasoc.cores.litedram.Core, "
+ "not {!r}"
+ .format(core))
+ self.core = core
+ data_width = core.ctrl_bus.data_width
+ granularity = core.ctrl_bus.granularity
+ self._data_bus = self.window(
+ addr_width = core.user_port.addr_width
+ + log2_int(core.user_port.data_width // 8)
+ - log2_int(data_width // granularity),
+ data_width = data_width,
+ granularity = granularity,
+ features = {"cti", "bte"},
+ )
+ self._ctrl_bus = self.window(
+ addr_width = core._ctrl_bus.addr_width,
+ data_width = core._ctrl_bus.data_width,
+ granularity = core._ctrl_bus.granularity,
+ addr = core.size,
+ )
+ self._cache = WritebackCache(
+ core.user_port,
+ size = cache_size,
+ data_width = data_width,
+ granularity = granularity,
+ dirty_init = cache_dirty_init,
+ )
+ self._ctrl_bus.memory_map.add_window(core.ctrl_bus.memory_map)
+ self._data_bus.memory_map.add_window(self._cache.intr_bus.memory_map)
+ self._bridge = self.bridge(data_width=data_width, granularity=granularity)
+ self.bus = self._bridge.bus
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ m.submodules.bridge = self._bridge
+ m.submodules.cache = self._cache
+ m.submodules.core = self.core
+ m.d.comb += [
+ self._cache.intr_bus.adr .eq(self._data_bus.adr),
+ self._cache.intr_bus.cyc .eq(self._data_bus.cyc),
+ self._cache.intr_bus.stb .eq(self._data_bus.stb),
+ self._cache.intr_bus.sel .eq(self._data_bus.sel),
+ self._cache.intr_bus.we .eq(self._data_bus.we),
+ self._cache.intr_bus.dat_w.eq(self._data_bus.dat_w),
+ self._cache.intr_bus.cti .eq(self._data_bus.cti),
+ self._cache.intr_bus.bte .eq(self._data_bus.bte),
+ self._data_bus.ack .eq(self._cache.intr_bus.ack),
+ self._data_bus.dat_r.eq(self._cache.intr_bus.dat_r),
+ self.core.ctrl_bus.adr .eq(self._ctrl_bus.adr),
+ self.core.ctrl_bus.cyc .eq(self._ctrl_bus.cyc),
+ self.core.ctrl_bus.stb .eq(self._ctrl_bus.stb),
+ self.core.ctrl_bus.sel .eq(self._ctrl_bus.sel),
+ self.core.ctrl_bus.we .eq(self._ctrl_bus.we),
+ self.core.ctrl_bus.dat_w.eq(self._ctrl_bus.dat_w),
+ self._ctrl_bus.ack .eq(self.core.ctrl_bus.ack),
+ self._ctrl_bus.dat_r.eq(self.core.ctrl_bus.dat_r),
+ ]
+ return m
+import os
from .base import *
from ..cpu import CPU
from ..periph.intc import InterruptController
from ..periph.sram import SRAMPeripheral
+from ..periph.sdram import SDRAMPeripheral
from ..periph.serial import AsyncSerialPeripheral
from ..periph.timer import TimerPeripheral
cpu = socproperty(CPU)
intc = socproperty(InterruptController)
rom = socproperty(SRAMPeripheral)
- ram = socproperty(SRAMPeripheral) # TODO: abstract class for storage peripherals.
+ ram = socproperty(SRAMPeripheral)
+ sdram = socproperty(SDRAMPeripheral, weak=True)
uart = socproperty(AsyncSerialPeripheral)
timer = socproperty(TimerPeripheral)
clk_freq = socproperty(int)
def build(self, name=None,
+ litedram_dir="build/litedram",
build_dir="build/soc", do_build=True,
- plan = BIOSBuilder().prepare(self, build_dir, name)
+ plan = BIOSBuilder().prepare(self, build_dir, name,
+ litedram_dir=os.path.abspath(litedram_dir))
if not do_build:
return plan
if not do_init:
return products
- with products.extract("bios.bin") as bios_filename:
+ with products.extract("bios/bios.bin") as bios_filename:
with open(bios_filename, "rb") as f:
words = iter(lambda: f.read(self.cpu.data_width // 8), b'')
bios = [int.from_bytes(w, self.cpu.byteorder) for w in words]
+ {% if soc.sdram is not none %}
+ CONFIG_SDRAM_START={{hex(periph_addr(soc.sdram))}}
+ CONFIG_SDRAM_SIZE={{hex(soc.sdram.core.size)}}
+ {% else %}
+ {% endif %}
+ """,
+ "litex_config.h": r"""
+ // {{autogenerated}}
+ #define LX_CONFIG_TIMER_START {{hex(periph_addr(soc.timer))}}
+ {% if soc.sdram is not none %}
+ #define LX_CONFIG_SDRAM_START {{hex(periph_addr(soc.sdram))}}UL
+ #define LX_CONFIG_SDRAM_SIZE {{hex(soc.sdram.core.size)}}UL
+ #define LX_CONFIG_SDRAM_CACHE_SIZE {{soc.sdram._cache.size}}
+ #define LX_CONFIG_MEMTEST_DATA_SIZE 2*1024*1024
+ {% endif %}
+ #endif
command_templates = [
+ {% if soc.sdram is not none %}
+ litedram_dir={{litedram_dir}}/{{soc.sdram.core.name}}
+ {% endif %}
make -C {{software_dir}}/bios 1>&2
- def prepare(self, soc, build_dir, name):
+ def prepare(self, soc, build_dir, name, litedram_dir):
if not isinstance(soc, CPUSoC):
raise TypeError("SoC must be an instance of CPUSoC, not {!r}"
- return super().prepare(soc, build_dir, name)
+ return super().prepare(soc, build_dir, name, litedram_dir=litedram_dir)
-Subproject commit f8b86196a85c45cb6407876c98b6433698e2e8ae
+Subproject commit 57ce4bad04dfd1148d5e438d68100703925a1edf
--- /dev/null
+# nmigen: UnusedElaboratable=no
+import unittest
+from nmigen import *
+from nmigen.test.utils import *
+from nmigen.asserts import *
+from nmigen.utils import log2_int
+from nmigen_soc import wishbone
+from ..periph.sdram import *
+from ..cores import litedram
+from .utils.wishbone import WishboneSubordinateSpec
+from .utils.formal import FormalTestCase
+class WritebackCacheSpec(Elaboratable):
+ def __init__(self, dut):
+ self.dut = dut
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ m.submodules.dut = dut = self.dut
+ # Wishbone interface
+ m.submodules.wb_sub_spec = WishboneSubordinateSpec(self.dut.intr_bus)
+ ratio = dut.dram_port.data_width // dut.intr_bus.data_width
+ nb_lines = (dut.size * dut.intr_bus.granularity) // dut.dram_port.data_width
+ intr_bus_adr = Record([
+ ("offset", log2_int(ratio)),
+ ("line", log2_int(nb_lines)),
+ ("tag", dut.intr_bus.addr_width - log2_int(nb_lines) - log2_int(ratio)),
+ ])
+ m.d.comb += [
+ Assert(len(intr_bus_adr) == len(dut.intr_bus.adr)),
+ intr_bus_adr.eq(dut.intr_bus.adr),
+ ]
+ dram_spec_addr = AnyConst(dut.dram_port.addr_width)
+ dram_spec_data = Signal(dut.dram_port.data_width)
+ dram_spec_line = Array(
+ Signal(dut.intr_bus.data_width, name=f"dram_spec_word_{i}")
+ for i in range(ratio)
+ )
+ m.d.comb += dram_spec_data.eq(Cat(dram_spec_line))
+ with m.If(Initial()):
+ m.d.comb += Assume(dram_spec_data == 0)
+ intr_dram_addr = Signal.like(dram_spec_addr)
+ m.d.comb += intr_dram_addr.eq(Cat(intr_bus_adr.line, intr_bus_adr.tag))
+ with m.If(dut.intr_bus.cyc & dut.intr_bus.stb & dut.intr_bus.ack
+ & (intr_dram_addr == dram_spec_addr)
+ & dut.intr_bus.we):
+ dram_spec_word = dram_spec_line[intr_bus_adr.offset]
+ for i, sel_bit in enumerate(dut.intr_bus.sel):
+ dram_spec_bits = dram_spec_word .word_select(i, dut.intr_bus.granularity)
+ intr_data_bits = dut.intr_bus.dat_w.word_select(i, dut.intr_bus.granularity)
+ with m.If(sel_bit):
+ m.d.sync += dram_spec_bits.eq(intr_data_bits)
+ # * A cache hit at `dram_spec_addr` must be coherent with `dram_spec_data`.
+ with m.If(dut.intr_bus.cyc & dut.intr_bus.stb & dut.intr_bus.ack
+ & (intr_dram_addr == dram_spec_addr)):
+ dram_spec_word = dram_spec_line[intr_bus_adr.offset]
+ m.d.comb += Assert(dut.intr_bus.dat_r == dram_spec_word)
+ # DRAM interface
+ dram_cmd = Record([
+ ("addr", dut.dram_port.addr_width),
+ ("we", 1),
+ ])
+ dram_data = Record([
+ ("r", dut.dram_port.data_width),
+ ("w", dut.dram_port.data_width),
+ ])
+ dram_done = Record([
+ ("cmd", 1),
+ ("r", 1),
+ ("w", 1),
+ ])
+ with m.If(Initial()):
+ m.d.comb += Assume(~dram_done.any())
+ with m.If(dut.dram_port.cmd.valid & dut.dram_port.cmd.ready):
+ m.d.sync += [
+ dram_done.cmd.eq(1),
+ dram_cmd.addr.eq(dut.dram_port.cmd.addr),
+ dram_cmd.we .eq(dut.dram_port.cmd.we),
+ ]
+ with m.If(dut.dram_port.w.valid & dut.dram_port.w.ready):
+ m.d.sync += [
+ dram_done.w.eq(1),
+ dram_data.w.eq(dut.dram_port.w.data),
+ ]
+ with m.If(dut.dram_port.r.ready & dut.dram_port.r.valid):
+ m.d.sync += [
+ dram_done.r.eq(1),
+ dram_data.r.eq(dut.dram_port.r.data),
+ ]
+ with m.If(dram_done.cmd & dram_done.r):
+ with m.If(dram_cmd.addr == dram_spec_addr):
+ m.d.comb += Assume(dram_data.r == dram_spec_data)
+ # Some of the following constraints are tighter than what the LiteDRAM native interface
+ # actually allows. We may relax them in the future to improve cache performance.
+ # * A new command must not be initiated before the previous one has completed.
+ with m.If(dut.dram_port.cmd.valid):
+ m.d.comb += Assert(~dram_done.cmd)
+ with m.If(dut.dram_port.w.valid):
+ m.d.comb += Assert(~dram_done.w)
+ with m.If(dut.dram_port.r.ready):
+ m.d.comb += Assert(~dram_done.r)
+ # * A command may either be a read or a write, but not both.
+ with m.If(dram_done.cmd):
+ with m.If(dram_cmd.we):
+ m.d.comb += Assert(~dram_done.r)
+ with m.Else():
+ m.d.comb += Assert(~dram_done.w)
+ m.d.comb += [
+ Assert(dram_done.r.implies(~dram_done.w)),
+ Assert(dram_done.w.implies(~dram_done.r)),
+ ]
+ # * A read command consists of:
+ # - a transaction on the `dram.cmd` stream with `dram.cmd.we` de-asserted;
+ # - a transaction on the `dram.r` stream.
+ with m.If(dram_done.cmd & dram_done.r):
+ m.d.comb += Assert(~dram_cmd.we)
+ m.d.sync += [
+ dram_done.cmd.eq(0),
+ dram_done.r .eq(0),
+ ]
+ # * A write command consists of:
+ # - a transaction on the `dram.cmd` stream with `dram.cmd.we` asserted;
+ # - a transaction on the `dram.w` stream.
+ with m.If(dram_done.cmd & dram_done.w):
+ m.d.comb += Assert(dram_cmd.we)
+ m.d.sync += [
+ dram_done.cmd.eq(0),
+ dram_done.w .eq(0),
+ ]
+ # * A DRAM write at `dram_spec_addr` must be coherent with `dram_spec_data`.
+ with m.If(dram_done.cmd & dram_done.w):
+ with m.If(dram_cmd.addr == dram_spec_addr):
+ m.d.comb += Assert(dram_data.w == dram_spec_data)
+ # For fairness, assume that any stream transaction completes in at most 3 clock cycles.
+ dram_wait = Record([
+ ("cmd", range(2)),
+ ("r", range(2)),
+ ("w", range(2)),
+ ])
+ with m.If(dut.dram_port.cmd.valid & ~dut.dram_port.cmd.ready):
+ m.d.sync += dram_wait.cmd.eq(dram_wait.cmd + 1)
+ with m.Else():
+ m.d.sync += dram_wait.cmd.eq(0)
+ with m.If(dut.dram_port.w.valid & ~dut.dram_port.w.ready):
+ m.d.sync += dram_wait.w.eq(dram_wait.w + 1)
+ with m.Else():
+ m.d.sync += dram_wait.w.eq(0)
+ with m.If(dut.dram_port.r.ready & ~dut.dram_port.r.valid):
+ m.d.sync += dram_wait.r.eq(dram_wait.r + 1)
+ with m.Else():
+ m.d.sync += dram_wait.r.eq(0)
+ m.d.comb += [
+ Assume(dram_wait.cmd < 2),
+ Assume(dram_wait.r < 2),
+ Assume(dram_wait.w < 2),
+ ]
+ return m
+class WritebackCacheTestCase(FormalTestCase):
+ def test_wrong_dram_port(self):
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
+ r"DRAM port must be an instance of lambdasoc\.cores\.litedram\.NativePort, "
+ r"not 'foo'"):
+ WritebackCache(dram_port="foo", size=8, data_width=16)
+ def test_wrong_size(self):
+ dram_port = litedram.NativePort(addr_width=23, data_width=32)
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
+ r"Cache size must be a positive power of two integer, not 'foo'"):
+ WritebackCache(dram_port, size="foo", data_width=16)
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
+ r"Cache size must be a positive power of two integer, not -1"):
+ WritebackCache(dram_port, size=-1, data_width=16)
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
+ r"Cache size must be a positive power of two integer, not 42"):
+ WritebackCache(dram_port, size=42, data_width=16)
+ def test_wrong_data_width(self):
+ dram_port = litedram.NativePort(addr_width=23, data_width=32)
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
+ r"Data width must be a positive power of two integer, not 'foo'"):
+ WritebackCache(dram_port, size=8, data_width="foo")
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
+ r"Data width must be a positive power of two integer, not -1"):
+ WritebackCache(dram_port, size=8, data_width=-1)
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
+ r"Data width must be a positive power of two integer, not 42"):
+ WritebackCache(dram_port, size=8, data_width=42)
+ def test_wrong_ratio(self):
+ dram_port = litedram.NativePort(addr_width=23, data_width=32)
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError,
+ r"DRAM port data width must be a multiple of data width, but 32 is not a multiple "
+ r"of 64"):
+ WritebackCache(dram_port, size=8, data_width=64)
+ def check(self, dut):
+ m = Module()
+ m.domains.sync = ClockDomain(reset_less=True)
+ m.submodules.spec = WritebackCacheSpec(dut)
+ self.assertFormal(m, mode="hybrid", depth=10)
+ def test_spec_simple(self):
+ dram_port = litedram.NativePort(addr_width=23, data_width=32)
+ dut = WritebackCache(dram_port, size=8, data_width=16, granularity=8)
+ self.check(dut)
+class SDRAMPeripheralTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_wrong_core(self):
+ with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError,
+ r"LiteDRAM core must be an instance of lambdasoc\.cores\.litedram\.Core, "
+ r"not 'foo'"):
+ sdram = SDRAMPeripheral(core="foo", cache_size=8)
--- /dev/null
+import os
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import textwrap
+import traceback
+import unittest
+from nmigen.hdl.ast import *
+from nmigen.hdl.ir import *
+from nmigen.back import rtlil
+from .toolchain import require_tool
+__all__ = ["FormalTestCase"]
+class FormalTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def assertFormal(self, spec, mode="bmc", depth=1):
+ caller, *_ = traceback.extract_stack(limit=2)
+ spec_root, _ = os.path.splitext(caller.filename)
+ spec_dir = os.path.dirname(spec_root)
+ spec_name = "{}_{}".format(
+ os.path.basename(spec_root).replace("test_", "spec_"),
+ caller.name.replace("test_", "")
+ )
+ # The sby -f switch seems not fully functional when sby is reading from stdin.
+ if os.path.exists(os.path.join(spec_dir, spec_name)):
+ shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(spec_dir, spec_name))
+ if mode == "hybrid":
+ # A mix of BMC and k-induction.
+ script = "setattr -unset init w:* a:nmigen.sample_reg %d"
+ mode = "bmc"
+ else:
+ script = ""
+ config = textwrap.dedent("""\
+ [options]
+ mode {mode}
+ depth {depth}
+ wait on
+ [engines]
+ smtbmc
+ [script]
+ read_ilang top.il
+ prep
+ {script}
+ [file top.il]
+ {rtlil}
+ """).format(
+ mode=mode,
+ depth=depth,
+ script=script,
+ rtlil=rtlil.convert(Fragment.get(spec, platform="formal"))
+ )
+ with subprocess.Popen([require_tool("sby"), "-f", "-d", spec_name], cwd=spec_dir,
+ universal_newlines=True,
+ stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as proc:
+ stdout, stderr = proc.communicate(config)
+ if proc.returncode != 0:
+ self.fail("Formal verification failed:\n" + stdout)
--- /dev/null
+import os
+import shutil
+__all__ = ["ToolNotFound", "tool_env_var", "has_tool", "require_tool"]
+class ToolNotFound(Exception):
+ pass
+def tool_env_var(name):
+ return name.upper().replace("-", "_")
+def _get_tool(name):
+ return os.environ.get(tool_env_var(name), name)
+def has_tool(name):
+ return shutil.which(_get_tool(name)) is not None
+def require_tool(name):
+ env_var = tool_env_var(name)
+ path = _get_tool(name)
+ if shutil.which(path) is None:
+ if env_var in os.environ:
+ raise ToolNotFound("Could not find required tool {} in {} as "
+ "specified via the {} environment variable".
+ format(name, path, env_var))
+ else:
+ raise ToolNotFound("Could not find required tool {} in PATH. Place "
+ "it directly in PATH or specify path explicitly "
+ "via the {} environment variable".
+ format(name, env_var))
+ return path
from nmigen import *
+from nmigen.asserts import *
from nmigen_soc import wishbone
-__all__ = ["wb_read", "wb_write"]
+__all__ = ["wb_read", "wb_write", "WishboneSubordinateSpec"]
def wb_read(bus, addr, sel, timeout=32):
yield bus.cyc.eq(0)
yield bus.stb.eq(0)
yield bus.we.eq(0)
+class WishboneSubordinateSpec(Elaboratable):
+ def __init__(self, bus):
+ if not isinstance(bus, wishbone.Interface):
+ raise TypeError("Bus must be an instance of wishbone.Interface, not {!r}"
+ .format(bus))
+ self.bus = bus
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ with m.If(Initial()):
+ m.d.comb += [
+ Assume(~self.bus.cyc),
+ Assume(~self.bus.stb),
+ Assert(~self.bus.ack),
+ ]
+ with m.If(~self.bus.cyc & ~Past(self.bus.cyc)):
+ m.d.comb += Assert(~self.bus.ack)
+ with m.If(Past(self.bus.cyc) & Past(self.bus.stb)):
+ # Assume that input signals are held until the transaction is acknowledged.
+ with m.If(~Past(self.bus.ack)):
+ m.d.comb += [
+ Assume(self.bus.adr == Past(self.bus.adr)),
+ Assume(self.bus.we == Past(self.bus.we)),
+ Assume(self.bus.dat_w == Past(self.bus.dat_w)),
+ Assume(self.bus.sel == Past(self.bus.sel)),
+ ]
+ if hasattr(self.bus, "cti"):
+ m.d.comb += Assume(self.bus.cti == Past(self.bus.cti))
+ if hasattr(self.bus, "bte"):
+ m.d.comb += Assume(self.bus.bte == Past(self.bus.bte))
+ if hasattr(self.bus, "cti"):
+ # The previous transaction was acknowledged, and this is an incrementing burst.
+ with m.Elif(Past(self.bus.cti) == wishbone.CycleType.INCR_BURST):
+ if hasattr(self.bus, "bte"):
+ with m.Switch(self.bus.bte):
+ with m.Case(wishbone.BurstTypeExt.LINEAR):
+ m.d.comb += Assume(self.bus.adr == Past(self.bus.adr) + 1)
+ with m.Case(wishbone.BurstTypeExt.WRAP_4):
+ m.d.comb += [
+ Assume(self.bus.adr[:2] == Past(self.bus.adr)[:2] + 1),
+ Assume(self.bus.adr[2:] == Past(self.bus.adr)[2:]),
+ ]
+ with m.Case(wishbone.BurstTypeExt.WRAP_8):
+ m.d.comb += [
+ Assume(self.bus.adr[:3] == Past(self.bus.adr)[:3] + 1),
+ Assume(self.bus.adr[3:] == Past(self.bus.adr)[3:]),
+ ]
+ with m.Case(wishbone.BurstTypeExt.WRAP_16):
+ m.d.comb += [
+ Assume(self.bus.adr[:4] == Past(self.bus.adr)[:4] + 1),
+ Assume(self.bus.adr[4:] == Past(self.bus.adr)[4:]),
+ ]
+ else:
+ m.d.comb += Assume(self.bus.adr == Past(self.bus.adr) + 1)
+ # The previous transaction was acknowledged, and this is either not a burst, or the
+ # end of a burst.
+ with m.Else():
+ m.d.comb += Assume(~self.bus.cyc)
+ return m