For the new fields added in SVP64, instructions that have any of their
fields set to a reserved value must cause an illegal instruction trap,
-to allow emulation of future instruction sets. Unless otherwise stated, reserved values are always all zeros.
+to allow emulation of future instruction sets. This includes SVP64 SPRs.
+Unless otherwise stated, reserved values are always all zeros.
This is unlike OpenPower ISA v3.1, which in many instances does not require a trap if reserved fields are nonzero. Where the standard OpenPOWER definition
is intended the red keyword `RESERVED` is used.
The significance of identity behaviour is that instructions added under svp64 to the 32 bit suffix are not only accessible to svp64: as long as implementors conform to identity behaviour (set the prefix to all zeros) they may use the instructions without needing to actually implement SV itself.
+Implementors intending only to implement Scalar operations (identity behaviour only)
+are however required to at least support the SVSTATE
+SPR, which if nonzero (no longer identity behaviour) must cause all SVP64 instructions to raise an illegal instruction trap. This allows full
+soft-implementation of SVP64.
# Register Naming and size
SV Registers are simply the INT, FP and CR register files extended