+ if (inst->Type() == PRIM_SVA_SEQ_CONCAT)
+ {
+ int sva_low = atoi(inst->GetAttValue("sva:low"));
+ int sva_high = atoi(inst->GetAttValue("sva:low"));
+ if (sva_low != sva_high)
+ log_error("Ranges on SVA sequence concatenation operator are not supported at the moment.\n");
+ parse_sequence(seq, inst->GetInput1());
+ for (int i = 0; i < sva_low; i++)
+ sequence_ff(seq);
+ parse_sequence(seq, inst->GetInput2());
+ return;
+ }
+ if (inst->Type() == PRIM_SVA_CONSECUTIVE_REPEAT)
+ {
+ int sva_low = atoi(inst->GetAttValue("sva:low"));
+ int sva_high = atoi(inst->GetAttValue("sva:low"));
+ if (sva_low != sva_high)
+ log_error("Ranges on SVA consecutive repeat operator are not supported at the moment.\n");
+ parse_sequence(seq, inst->GetInput());
+ for (int i = 1; i < sva_low; i++) {
+ sequence_ff(seq);
+ parse_sequence(seq, inst->GetInput());
+ }
+ return;
+ }
if (!importer->mode_keep)
log_error("Unsupported Verific SVA primitive %s of type %s.\n", inst->Name(), inst->View()->Owner()->Name());
log_warning("Unsupported Verific SVA primitive %s of type %s.\n", inst->Name(), inst->View()->Owner()->Name());
default clocking @(posedge clk); endclocking
default disable iff (reset);
- assert property (up |=> cnt == $past(cnt) + 8'd1);
- // assert property (up [*2] |=> cnt == $past(cnt, 2) + 8'd2);
- // assert property (up ##1 up |=> cnt == $past(cnt, 2) + 8'd2);
+ assert property (up |=> cnt == $past(cnt) + 8'd 1);
+ assert property (up [*2] |=> cnt == $past(cnt, 2) + 8'd 2);
+ assert property (up ##1 up |=> cnt == $past(cnt, 2) + 8'd 2);
`ifndef FAIL
assume property (down |-> !up);
- assert property (down |=> cnt == $past(cnt) - 8'd1);
+ assert property (up ##1 down |=> cnt == $past(cnt, 2));
+ assert property (down |=> cnt == $past(cnt) - 8'd 1);
property down_n(n);
- down [*n] |=> cnt == $past(cnt, n) + n;
+ down [*n] |=> cnt == $past(cnt, n) - n;
- // assert property (down_n(3));
- // assert property (down_n(5));
+ assert property (down_n(8'd 3));
+ assert property (down_n(8'd 5));