Use range-based for loops whenever applicable.
+Building in Visual Studio
+1. Create an empty Visual C++ Win32 Console App project
+ (recommended name: YosysVS)
+2. Close VS and launch "Git Bash" in the project directory
+3. Prepare sources
+ git clone yosys
+ cd yosys
+ curl -O<version>.zip
+ unzip yosys-win32-<version>.zip
+ unzip yosys-win32-<version>/
+4. Add files to VS project
+ notepad vcxproj_files.txt
+ notepad ../YosysVS/YosysVS.vcxproj
+ (replace the empty <ItemGroup> in YosysVS.vcxproj
+ with the XML text from vcxproj_files.txt)
+5. Open project in VS and go to the project properties:
+ C/C++ -> General -> Additional Include Directories
+ Add: ..\yosys
+ C/C++ -> Preprocessor -> Preprocessor Definitions
+6. Build YosysVS
Checklist for adding internal cell types
echo -en 'This is Yosys $(YOSYS_VER) for Win32.\r\n' > yosys-win32-$(YOSYS_VER)/readme.txt
echo -en 'Documentation at\r\n' >> yosys-win32-$(YOSYS_VER)/readme.txt
sed -e 's,^[^ ]*:,,; s, ,\n,g; s, *\\,,; s,/[^/]*/\.\./,/,g; s,'"$$PWD/"',,' \
- $(addsuffix .d,$(basename $(OBJS))) | sort -u | grep '^[^/]' > srcfiles.txt
- { egrep '\.(h|hh|hpp|inc)$$' srcfiles.txt | sed 's,.*,<ClInclude Include="../yosys/&" />,'; echo; \
- egrep -v '\.(h|hh|hpp|inc)$$' srcfiles.txt | sed 's,.*,<ClCompile Include="../yosys/&" />,'; } > vcxproj_files.txt
+ $(addsuffix .d,$(basename $(OBJS))) | sort -u | grep '^[^/]' | grep -v kernel/version_ > srcfiles.txt
+ { echo '<ItemGroup>'; egrep '\.(h|hh|hpp|inc)$$' srcfiles.txt | sed 's,.*,<ClInclude Include="../yosys/&" />,'; \
+ egrep -v '\.(h|hh|hpp|inc)$$' srcfiles.txt | sed 's,.*,<ClCompile Include="../yosys/&" />,'; echo '</ItemGroup>'; } > vcxproj_files.txt
sed -i 's/$$/\r/' srcfiles.txt vcxproj_files.txt
zip yosys-win32-$(YOSYS_VER)/ $(GENFILES) srcfiles.txt vcxproj_files.txt
zip -r yosys-win32-$(YOSYS_VER).zip yosys-win32-$(YOSYS_VER)/