Updated/fixed packages: busybox, cdrkit, file, gawk,
gstreamer, intltool, ipsec-tools, iptables, libart, libidn,
- lmbench, lrzsz, netperf, ntfsprogs, openssl, php, qt, sqlite,
- squashfs, tn5250, usbutils, xkeyboard-config
+ lmbench, lrzsz, ncurses, netperf, ntfsprogs, openssl, php, qt,
+ sqlite, squashfs, tn5250, usbutils, xkeyboard-config
Removed packages: modutils
#1987: intltool: Fix spelling mistake
#1999: Typo in path checking
#2035: ipsec-tools-0.7.2 fails to build with gcc-4.4.x
+ #2038: Bump ncurses to 5.7
2010.05, Released May 30th, 2010: