StrongSolverTheoryUF::SortModel::SortModel( Node n, context::Context* c, context::UserContext* u, StrongSolverTheoryUF* thss ) : d_type( n.getType() ),
d_thss( thss ), d_regions_index( c, 0 ), d_regions_map( c ), d_split_score( c ), d_disequalities_index( c, 0 ),
d_reps( c, 0 ), d_conflict( c, false ), d_cardinality( c, 1 ), d_aloc_cardinality( u, 0 ),
- d_cardinality_assertions( c ), d_hasCard( c, false ), d_maxNegCard( c, 0 ){
+ d_cardinality_assertions( c ), d_hasCard( c, false ), d_maxNegCard( c, 0 ), d_initialized( u, false ){
d_cardinality_term = n;
//if( d_type.isSort() ){
// TypeEnumerator te(tn);
/** initialize */
void StrongSolverTheoryUF::SortModel::initialize( OutputChannel* out ){
- allocateCardinality( out );
+ if( !d_initialized ){
+ d_initialized = true;
+ allocateCardinality( out );
+ }
/** new node */
Node cn = d_cardinality_literal[ i ];
Assert( !cn.isNull() );
if( d_cardinality_assertions.find( cn )==d_cardinality_assertions.end() ){
- Trace("uf-ss-dec") << "Propagate as decision " << d_type << " " << i << std::endl;
+ Trace("uf-ss-dec") << "UFSS : Get next decision " << d_type << " " << i << std::endl;
return cn;
+ Trace("uf-ss-dec") << "UFSS : no decisions for " << d_type << "." << std::endl;
+ Trace("uf-ss-dec-debug") << " aloc_cardinality = " << d_aloc_cardinality << ", cardinality = " << d_cardinality << ", hasCard = " << d_hasCard << std::endl;
return Node::null();
Node nn = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkSkolem( ss.str(), d_type, "enumeration to meet negative card constraint" );
d_fresh_aloc_reps.push_back( nn );
- if( d_maxNegCard==1 ){
+ if( d_maxNegCard==0 ){
m->d_rep_set.d_type_reps[d_type].push_back( d_fresh_aloc_reps[0] );
//must add lemma
int comCard = 0;
Node com_lit;
do {
- com_lit = d_com_card_literal.find( comCard )!=d_com_card_literal.end() ? d_com_card_literal[comCard] : Node::null();
- if( !com_lit.isNull() && d_com_card_assertions.find( com_lit )==d_com_card_assertions.end() ){
- Trace("uf-ss-dec") << "Decide on combined cardinality : " << com_lit << std::endl;
- return com_lit;
+ if( comCard<d_aloc_com_card.get() ){
+ com_lit = d_com_card_literal.find( comCard )!=d_com_card_literal.end() ? d_com_card_literal[comCard] : Node::null();
+ if( !com_lit.isNull() && d_com_card_assertions.find( com_lit )==d_com_card_assertions.end() ){
+ Trace("uf-ss-dec") << "Decide on combined cardinality : " << com_lit << std::endl;
+ return com_lit;
+ }
+ comCard++;
+ }else{
+ com_lit = Node::null();
- comCard++;
}while( !com_lit.isNull() );
//otherwise, check each individual sort
return n;
+ Trace("uf-ss-dec") << " UF SS decisions." << std::endl;
return Node::null();
Trace("uf-ss-register") << "Preregister " << n << "." << std::endl;
//shouldn't have to preregister this type (it may be that there are no quantifiers over tn)
TypeNode tn = n.getType();
- if( d_rep_model.find( tn )==d_rep_model.end() ){
+ std::map< TypeNode, SortModel* >::iterator it = d_rep_model.find( tn );
+ if( it==d_rep_model.end() ){
SortModel* rm = NULL;
if( tn.isSort() ){
- Trace("uf-ss-register") << "Preregister sort " << tn << "." << std::endl;
+ Trace("uf-ss-register") << "Create sort model " << tn << "." << std::endl;
rm = new SortModel( n, d_th->getSatContext(), d_th->getUserContext(), this );
//getOutputChannel().lemma( n.eqNode( rm->getCardinalityTerm() ) );
//d_rep_model_init[tn] = true;
- Trace("uf-ss-register") << "Already preregistered sort " << tn << "." << std::endl;
+ //ensure sort model is initialized
+ it->second->initialize( d_out );
--- /dev/null
+; COMMAND-LINE: --incremental --fmf-fun --strings-exp
+(set-logic ALL_SUPPORTED)
+(declare-datatypes () (
+(List_T_C (List_T_C$CNil_T_CustomerType) (ListTC (ListTC$head T_CustomerType) (ListTC$tail List_T_C)))
+(T_CustomerType (T_CustomerType$C_T_CustomerType (T_CustomerType$C_T_CustomerType$a_CompanyName Int) (T_CustomerType$C_T_CustomerType$a_ContactName Int) (ID Int)))
+(declare-fun f (List_T_C) Bool)
+(declare-fun tail_uf_1 (List_T_C) List_T_C)
+(declare-fun head_uf_2 (List_T_C) T_CustomerType)
+(declare-sort U 0)
+(declare-fun a (U) List_T_C)
+(declare-fun z (U) U)
+(forall ((?i U))
+(= (f (a ?i)) (not (is-ListTC (a ?i)))
+(forall ((?i U))
+(= (a (z ?i)) (tail_uf_1 (a ?i)))) )
+; EXPECT: sat
+(push 1)
+(pop 1)
+; EXPECT: sat
+(push 1)
+(pop 1)
\ No newline at end of file