((u-_Int x) (u-_Real (reify_int_term x)))
((*_Int x y) (*_Real (reify_int_term x) (reify_int_term y)))
; Reifying integer division is an error, since it changes the value!
- ((/_Int x y) (fail Real))
+ ((/_Int x y) (fail (term Real)))
; This function recursively converts a real term to a real term.
((/_Real x y) (/_Real (reify_real_term x) (reify_real_term y)))
+; Predicates of the form (term Integer) >= (term Real) or negations thereof
+(declare >=_IntReal (! x (term Int) (! y (term Real) formula)))
+; From an arith predicate, compute the equivalent real predicate
+; All arith predicates are (possibly negated) >='s with a real on the right.
+; Technically it's a real literal on the right, but we don't assume that here.
+(program reify_arith_pred ((p formula)) formula
+ (match p
+ ((not p') (not (reify_arith_pred p')))
+ ((>=_Real x y) (>=_Real (reify_real_term x) (reify_real_term y)))
+ ((>=_Int x y) (>=_Real (reify_int_term x) (reify_int_term y)))
+ ((>=_IntReal x y) (>=_Real (reify_int_term x) (reify_real_term y)))
+ (default (fail formula))
+ ))