--- /dev/null
+! { dg-do compile }
+! { dg-options "-fcoarray=single" }
+! Test the fix for PR96737 in which the 'TYPE_CANONICAL' was not campatible
+! in the submodule.
+! Contributed by Andre Vehreschild <vehre@gcc.gnu.org>
+module surface_packages
+ implicit none
+ type flux_planes
+ integer, allocatable :: normals(:,:)
+ end type
+ type package
+ integer id
+ type(flux_planes), allocatable :: surface_fluxes(:)
+ integer, allocatable :: positions(:,:,:,:)
+ end type
+ type surfaces
+ type(package), allocatable :: halo_outbox(:,:,:)
+ contains
+ procedure, nopass :: set_halo_outbox
+ procedure, nopass :: get_surface_normal_spacing
+ end type
+ type problem_discretization
+ type(surfaces) block_surfaces
+ end type
+ interface
+ module subroutine set_halo_outbox(my_halo_outbox)
+ implicit none
+ type(package), intent(in) :: my_halo_outbox(:,:,:)
+ end subroutine
+ module subroutine get_surface_normal_spacing
+ end subroutine
+ end interface
+end module
+submodule(surface_packages) implementation
+ implicit none
+ type(surfaces), save :: singleton[*]
+ module procedure get_surface_normal_spacing
+ integer i, b, d, f
+ do i=1,num_images()
+ associate( positions => reshape(i*[5,4,3,2], [2,1,1,2]), normals => reshape(i*[6,6,6], [3,1]) )
+ do b=1,size(singleton[i]%halo_outbox,1)
+ do d=1,size(singleton[i]%halo_outbox,2)
+ do f=1,size(singleton[i]%halo_outbox,3)
+ if ( .not. all([singleton[i]%halo_outbox(b,d,f)%positions == positions]) ) error stop "positions"
+ if ( .not. all([singleton[i]%halo_outbox(b,d,f)%surface_fluxes(1)%normals == normals] ) ) error stop "normals"
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ end associate
+ end do
+ end procedure
+ module procedure set_halo_outbox
+ singleton%halo_outbox = my_halo_outbox
+ sync all
+ end procedure
+end submodule
+program main
+ use surface_packages, only : problem_discretization, package
+ implicit none
+ type(problem_discretization) global_grid
+ type(package), allocatable :: bare(:,:,:)
+ integer i, j, k
+ associate( me=>this_image() )
+ allocate( bare(me,3,2) )
+ do i=1, size(bare,1)
+ bare(i,:,:)%id = i
+ do j=1, size(bare,2)
+ do k=1, size(bare,3)
+ bare(i,j,k)%positions = reshape(me*[5,4,3,2], [2,1,1,2])
+ allocate( bare(i,j,k)%surface_fluxes(1) )
+ bare(i,j,k)%surface_fluxes(1)%normals = reshape(me*[6,6,6], [3,1])
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ call global_grid%block_surfaces%set_halo_outbox(bare)
+ call global_grid%block_surfaces%get_surface_normal_spacing
+ end associate
+ sync all
+ if (this_image()==1) print *,"Test passed"
+end program main