log("reset value in the next cycle regardless of the data-in value at the time of\n");
log("the clock edge.\n");
- log("Currently only $adff and $dffsr cells are supported by this pass.\n");
+ log("Currently only $adff, $dffsr, and $dlatch cells are supported by this pass.\n");
void execute(std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design) YS_OVERRIDE
cell->type = "$dff";
+ if (cell->type.in("$dlatch"))
+ {
+ bool en_pol = cell->parameters["\\EN_POLARITY"].as_bool();
+ SigSpec sig_en = cell->getPort("\\EN");
+ SigSpec sig_d = cell->getPort("\\D");
+ SigSpec sig_q = cell->getPort("\\Q");
+ log("Replacing %s.%s (%s): EN=%s, D=%s, Q=%s\n",
+ log_id(module), log_id(cell), log_id(cell->type),
+ log_signal(sig_en), log_signal(sig_d), log_signal(sig_q));
+ Const init_val;
+ for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(sig_q); i++) {
+ SigBit bit = sigmap(sig_q[i]);
+ init_val.bits.push_back(initbits.count(bit) ? initbits.at(bit) : State::Sx);
+ del_initbits.insert(bit);
+ }
+ Wire *new_q = module->addWire(NEW_ID, GetSize(sig_q));
+ new_q->attributes["\\init"] = init_val;
+ if (en_pol) {
+ module->addMux(NEW_ID, new_q, sig_d, sig_en, sig_q);
+ } else {
+ module->addMux(NEW_ID, sig_d, new_q, sig_en, sig_q);
+ }
+ cell->setPort("\\Q", new_q);
+ cell->unsetPort("\\EN");
+ cell->unsetParam("\\EN_POLARITY");
+ cell->type = "$ff";
+ continue;
+ }
for (auto wire : module->wires())