* libgnat/a-tifiio.adb: Mark body not in SPARK.
* libgnat/a-tifiio.ads: Mark spec in SPARK.
* libgnat/a-tifiio__128.adb: Mark body not in SPARK.
with System.Val_Fixed_64; use System.Val_Fixed_64;
with System.Val_LLF; use System.Val_LLF;
-package body Ada.Text_IO.Fixed_IO is
+package body Ada.Text_IO.Fixed_IO with SPARK_Mode => Off is
-- Note: we still use the floating-point I/O routines for types whose small
-- is not the ratio of two sufficiently small integers. This will result in
private generic
type Num is delta <>;
-package Ada.Text_IO.Fixed_IO is
+package Ada.Text_IO.Fixed_IO with SPARK_Mode => On is
Default_Fore : Field := Num'Fore;
Default_Aft : Field := Num'Aft;
with System.Val_Fixed_128; use System.Val_Fixed_128;
with System.Val_LLF; use System.Val_LLF;
-package body Ada.Text_IO.Fixed_IO is
+package body Ada.Text_IO.Fixed_IO with SPARK_Mode => Off is
-- Note: we still use the floating-point I/O routines for types whose small
-- is not the ratio of two sufficiently small integers. This will result in