Note: the default value for EmitCondCodes is FALSE. This means the GLSL
compiler will emit code like this:
SEQ TEMP[0].x, A, B;
IF TEMP[0].x;
But if EmitCondCodes is TRUE, condition codes will be used instead:
SEQ.C TEMP[0].x, A, B;
IF (NE.xxxx);
* are generated by the GLSL compiler.
ctx->Shader.EmitHighLevelInstructions = GL_TRUE;
- ctx->Shader.EmitCondCodes = GL_FALSE;/*GL_TRUE;*/ /* XXX probably want GL_FALSE... */
+ ctx->Shader.EmitCondCodes = GL_FALSE;
ctx->Shader.EmitComments = GL_FALSE;
ctx->Shader.Flags = get_shader_flags();