std::map<int, int> bvsizes;
dict<IdString, char*> ids;
+ bool is_smtlib2_module;
const char *get_id(IdString n)
if (ids.count(n) == 0) {
Smt2Worker(RTLIL::Module *module, bool bvmode, bool memmode, bool wiresmode, bool verbose, bool statebv, bool statedt, bool forallmode,
- dict<IdString, int> &mod_stbv_width, dict<IdString, dict<IdString, pair<bool, bool>>> &mod_clk_cache) :
- ct(module->design), sigmap(module), module(module), bvmode(bvmode), memmode(memmode), wiresmode(wiresmode),
- verbose(verbose), statebv(statebv), statedt(statedt), forallmode(forallmode), mod_stbv_width(mod_stbv_width)
+ dict<IdString, int> &mod_stbv_width, dict<IdString, dict<IdString, pair<bool, bool>>> &mod_clk_cache)
+ : ct(module->design), sigmap(module), module(module), bvmode(bvmode), memmode(memmode), wiresmode(wiresmode), verbose(verbose),
+ statebv(statebv), statedt(statedt), forallmode(forallmode), mod_stbv_width(mod_stbv_width),
+ is_smtlib2_module(module->has_attribute(ID::smtlib2_module))
pool<SigBit> noclock;
memories = Mem::get_all_memories(module);
for (auto &mem : memories)
+ if (is_smtlib2_module)
+ log_error("Memory %s.%s not allowed in module with smtlib2_module attribute", get_id(module), mem.memid.c_str());
mem_dict[mem.memid] = &mem;
for (auto &port : mem.wr_ports)
log_id(cell->type), log_id(module), log_id(cell));
+ void verify_smtlib2_module()
+ {
+ if (!module->get_blackbox_attribute())
+ log_error("Module %s with smtlib2_module attribute must also have blackbox attribute.\n", log_id(module));
+ if (module->cells().size() > 0)
+ log_error("Module %s with smtlib2_module attribute must not have any cells inside it.\n", log_id(module));
+ for (auto wire : module->wires())
+ if (!wire->port_id)
+ log_error("Wire %s.%s must be input or output since module has smtlib2_module attribute.\n", log_id(module),
+ log_id(wire));
+ }
void run()
if (verbose) log("=> export logic driving outputs\n");
+ if (is_smtlib2_module)
+ verify_smtlib2_module();
pool<SigBit> reg_bits;
for (auto cell : module->cells())
if (cell->$ff), ID($dff), ID($_FF_), ID($_DFF_P_), ID($_DFF_N_))) {
+ std::string smtlib2_inputs;
+ if (is_smtlib2_module) {
+ for (auto wire : module->wires()) {
+ if (!wire->port_input)
+ continue;
+ smtlib2_inputs += stringf("(|%s| (|%s_n %s| state))\n", get_id(wire), get_id(module), get_id(wire));
+ }
+ }
for (auto wire : module->wires()) {
bool is_register = false;
for (auto bit : SigSpec(wire))
if (reg_bits.count(bit))
is_register = true;
+ bool is_smtlib2_comb_expr = wire->has_attribute(ID::smtlib2_comb_expr);
+ if (is_smtlib2_comb_expr && !is_smtlib2_module)
+ log_error("smtlib2_comb_expr is only valid in a module with the smtlib2_module attribute: wire %s.%s", log_id(module),
+ log_id(wire));
if (wire->port_id || is_register || wire->get_bool_attribute(ID::keep) || (wiresmode && wire->name.isPublic())) {
RTLIL::SigSpec sig = sigmap(wire);
std::vector<std::string> comments;
if (GetSize(wire) == 1 && (clock_posedge.count(sig) || clock_negedge.count(sig)))
comments.push_back(stringf("; yosys-smt2-clock %s%s%s\n", get_id(wire),
clock_posedge.count(sig) ? " posedge" : "", clock_negedge.count(sig) ? " negedge" : ""));
+ std::string smtlib2_comb_expr;
+ if (is_smtlib2_comb_expr) {
+ smtlib2_comb_expr =
+ "(let (\n" + smtlib2_inputs + ")\n" + wire->get_string_attribute(ID::smtlib2_comb_expr) + "\n)";
+ if (wire->port_input || !wire->port_output)
+ log_error("smtlib2_comb_expr is only valid on output: wire %s.%s", log_id(module), log_id(wire));
+ if (!bvmode && GetSize(sig) > 1)
+ log_error("smtlib2_comb_expr is unsupported on multi-bit wires when -nobv is specified: wire %s.%s",
+ log_id(module), log_id(wire));
+ }
if (bvmode && GetSize(sig) > 1) {
- std::string sig_bv = get_bv(sig);
+ std::string sig_bv = is_smtlib2_comb_expr ? smtlib2_comb_expr : get_bv(sig);
if (!comments.empty())
decls.insert(decls.end(), comments.begin(), comments.end());
decls.push_back(stringf("(define-fun |%s_n %s| ((state |%s_s|)) (_ BitVec %d) %s)\n",
} else {
std::vector<std::string> sig_bool;
for (int i = 0; i < GetSize(sig); i++) {
- sig_bool.push_back(get_bool(sig[i]));
+ sig_bool.push_back(is_smtlib2_comb_expr ? smtlib2_comb_expr : get_bool(sig[i]));
if (!comments.empty())
decls.insert(decls.end(), comments.begin(), comments.end());
vector<string> init_list;
for (auto wire : module->wires())
if (wire->attributes.count(ID::init)) {
+ if (is_smtlib2_module)
+ log_error("init attribute not allowed on wires in module with smtlib2_module attribute: wire %s.%s",
+ log_id(module), log_id(wire));
RTLIL::SigSpec sig = sigmap(wire);
Const val = wire->;
val.bits.resize(GetSize(sig), State::Sx);
for (auto module : sorted_modules)
- if (module->get_blackbox_attribute() || module->has_processes_warn())
+ if (module->get_blackbox_attribute() && !module->has_attribute(ID::smtlib2_module))
+ continue;
+ if (module->has_processes_warn())
log("Creating SMT-LIBv2 representation of module %s.\n", log_id(module));
--- /dev/null
+; SMT-LIBv2 description generated by Yosys $VERSION
+; yosys-smt2-module smtlib2
+(declare-sort |smtlib2_s| 0)
+(declare-fun |smtlib2_is| (|smtlib2_s|) Bool)
+(declare-fun |smtlib2#0| (|smtlib2_s|) (_ BitVec 8)) ; \a
+; yosys-smt2-input a 8
+(define-fun |smtlib2_n a| ((state |smtlib2_s|)) (_ BitVec 8) (|smtlib2#0| state))
+; yosys-smt2-output add 8
+(define-fun |smtlib2_n add| ((state |smtlib2_s|)) (_ BitVec 8) (let (
+(|a| (|smtlib2_n a| state))
+(|b| (|smtlib2_n b| state))
+(bvadd a b)
+(declare-fun |smtlib2#1| (|smtlib2_s|) (_ BitVec 8)) ; \b
+; yosys-smt2-input b 8
+(define-fun |smtlib2_n b| ((state |smtlib2_s|)) (_ BitVec 8) (|smtlib2#1| state))
+; yosys-smt2-output eq 1
+(define-fun |smtlib2_n eq| ((state |smtlib2_s|)) Bool (let (
+(|a| (|smtlib2_n a| state))
+(|b| (|smtlib2_n b| state))
+(= a b)
+; yosys-smt2-output sub 8
+(define-fun |smtlib2_n sub| ((state |smtlib2_s|)) (_ BitVec 8) (let (
+(|a| (|smtlib2_n a| state))
+(|b| (|smtlib2_n b| state))
+(bvadd a (bvneg b))
+(define-fun |smtlib2_a| ((state |smtlib2_s|)) Bool true)
+(define-fun |smtlib2_u| ((state |smtlib2_s|)) Bool true)
+(define-fun |smtlib2_i| ((state |smtlib2_s|)) Bool true)
+(define-fun |smtlib2_h| ((state |smtlib2_s|)) Bool true)
+(define-fun |smtlib2_t| ((state |smtlib2_s|) (next_state |smtlib2_s|)) Bool true) ; end of module smtlib2
+; yosys-smt2-module uut
+(declare-sort |uut_s| 0)
+(declare-fun |uut_is| (|uut_s|) Bool)
+; yosys-smt2-cell smtlib2 s
+(declare-fun |uut#0| (|uut_s|) (_ BitVec 8)) ; \add
+(declare-fun |uut#1| (|uut_s|) Bool) ; \eq
+(declare-fun |uut#2| (|uut_s|) (_ BitVec 8)) ; \sub
+(declare-fun |uut_h s| (|uut_s|) |smtlib2_s|)
+; yosys-smt2-anyconst uut#3 8 smtlib2_module.v:14.17-14.26
+(declare-fun |uut#3| (|uut_s|) (_ BitVec 8)) ; \a
+; yosys-smt2-anyconst uut#4 8 smtlib2_module.v:14.32-14.41
+(declare-fun |uut#4| (|uut_s|) (_ BitVec 8)) ; \b
+(define-fun |uut#5| ((state |uut_s|)) (_ BitVec 8) (bvadd (|uut#3| state) (|uut#4| state))) ; \add2
+(define-fun |uut#6| ((state |uut_s|)) Bool (= (|uut#0| state) (|uut#5| state))) ; $0$formal$smtlib2_module.v:28$1_CHECK[0:0]$9
+; yosys-smt2-assert 0 $assert$smtlib2_module.v:28$19 smtlib2_module.v:28.17-29.22
+(define-fun |uut_a 0| ((state |uut_s|)) Bool (or (|uut#6| state) (not true))) ; $assert$smtlib2_module.v:28$19
+(define-fun |uut#7| ((state |uut_s|)) (_ BitVec 8) (bvsub (|uut#3| state) (|uut#4| state))) ; \sub2
+(define-fun |uut#8| ((state |uut_s|)) Bool (= (|uut#2| state) (|uut#7| state))) ; $0$formal$smtlib2_module.v:29$2_CHECK[0:0]$11
+; yosys-smt2-assert 1 $assert$smtlib2_module.v:29$20 smtlib2_module.v:29.23-30.22
+(define-fun |uut_a 1| ((state |uut_s|)) Bool (or (|uut#8| state) (not true))) ; $assert$smtlib2_module.v:29$20
+(define-fun |uut#9| ((state |uut_s|)) Bool (= (|uut#3| state) (|uut#4| state))) ; $eq$smtlib2_module.v:31$17_Y
+(define-fun |uut#10| ((state |uut_s|)) Bool (= (ite (|uut#1| state) #b1 #b0) (ite (|uut#9| state) #b1 #b0))) ; $0$formal$smtlib2_module.v:30$3_CHECK[0:0]$13
+; yosys-smt2-assert 2 $assert$smtlib2_module.v:30$21 smtlib2_module.v:30.23-31.25
+(define-fun |uut_a 2| ((state |uut_s|)) Bool (or (|uut#10| state) (not true))) ; $assert$smtlib2_module.v:30$21
+(define-fun |uut_a| ((state |uut_s|)) Bool (and
+ (|uut_a 0| state)
+ (|uut_a 1| state)
+ (|uut_a 2| state)
+ (|smtlib2_a| (|uut_h s| state))
+(define-fun |uut_u| ((state |uut_s|)) Bool
+ (|smtlib2_u| (|uut_h s| state))
+(define-fun |uut_i| ((state |uut_s|)) Bool
+ (|smtlib2_i| (|uut_h s| state))
+(define-fun |uut_h| ((state |uut_s|)) Bool (and
+ (= (|uut_is| state) (|smtlib2_is| (|uut_h s| state)))
+ (= (|uut#3| state) (|smtlib2_n a| (|uut_h s| state))) ; smtlib2.a
+ (= (|uut#0| state) (|smtlib2_n add| (|uut_h s| state))) ; smtlib2.add
+ (= (|uut#4| state) (|smtlib2_n b| (|uut_h s| state))) ; smtlib2.b
+ (= (|uut#1| state) (|smtlib2_n eq| (|uut_h s| state))) ; smtlib2.eq
+ (= (|uut#2| state) (|smtlib2_n sub| (|uut_h s| state))) ; smtlib2.sub
+ (|smtlib2_h| (|uut_h s| state))
+(define-fun |uut_t| ((state |uut_s|) (next_state |uut_s|)) Bool (and
+ (= (|uut#4| state) (|uut#4| next_state)) ; $anyconst$5 \b
+ (= (|uut#3| state) (|uut#3| next_state)) ; $anyconst$4 \a
+ (|smtlib2_t| (|uut_h s| state) (|uut_h s| next_state))
+)) ; end of module uut
+; yosys-smt2-topmod uut
+; end of yosys output