| 0.5|6.10|11.15|16.20| 21..22 | 23...30 |31| name |
| -- | -- | --- | --- | ------ | ------- |--| ------- |
-| NN | RT | RA | RB | 1 0 | RC /// |Rc| XL-Form |
+| NN | RT | RA | RB | 1 0 | RC mode |Rc| XL-Form |
for i in range(64):
idx = RT[i] << 2 | RA[i] << 1 | RB[i]
RT[i] = (RC & (1<<idx)) != 0
+mode may be used to do inversion of ordering, similar to carryless mul
another mode selection would be CRs not Ints.
| 0.5|6.8 | 9.11|12.14|15.17|18.21|22 | 23...30 |31| name |
# cmix
-based on RV bitmanip
+based on RV bitmanip, covered by ternary bitops
uint_xlen_t cmix(uint_xlen_t rs1, uint_xlen_t rs2, uint_xlen_t rs3) {