r600g should be able to handle separate depth stencil clears as well.
Also adapt surface_fill/copy stubs to new interface (not that it matters).
-void r600_surface_copy(struct pipe_context *ctx,
- struct pipe_surface *dst,
- unsigned dstx, unsigned dsty,
- struct pipe_surface *src,
- unsigned srcx, unsigned srcy,
- unsigned width, unsigned height)
+void r600_clear_render_target(struct pipe_context *pipe,
+ struct pipe_surface *dst,
+ const float *rgba,
+ unsigned dstx, unsigned dsty,
+ unsigned width, unsigned height)
-void r600_surface_fill(struct pipe_context *ctx,
- struct pipe_surface *dst,
- unsigned dstx, unsigned dsty,
- unsigned width, unsigned height,
- unsigned value)
+void r300_clear_depth_stencil(struct pipe_context *pipe,
+ struct pipe_surface *dst,
+ unsigned clear_flags,
+ double depth,
+ unsigned stencil,
+ unsigned dstx, unsigned dsty,
+ unsigned width, unsigned height)
+void r600_resource_copy_region(struct pipe_context *pipe,
+ struct pipe_resource *dst,
+ struct pipe_subresource subdst,
+ unsigned dstx, unsigned dsty, unsigned dstz,
+ struct pipe_resource *src,
+ struct pipe_subresource subsrc,
+ unsigned srcx, unsigned srcy, unsigned srcz,
+ unsigned width, unsigned height)
/* FIXME allow this */
return 0;
+ return 1;
return 1;
const float *rgba,
double depth,
unsigned stencil);
-void r600_surface_copy(struct pipe_context *ctx,
- struct pipe_surface *dst,
- unsigned dstx, unsigned dsty,
- struct pipe_surface *src,
- unsigned srcx, unsigned srcy,
- unsigned width, unsigned height);
-void r600_surface_fill(struct pipe_context *ctx,
- struct pipe_surface *dst,
- unsigned dstx, unsigned dsty,
- unsigned width, unsigned height,
- unsigned value);
+void r600_clear_render_target(struct pipe_context *pipe,
+ struct pipe_surface *dst,
+ const float *rgba,
+ unsigned dstx, unsigned dsty,
+ unsigned width, unsigned height);
+void r300_clear_depth_stencil(struct pipe_context *pipe,
+ struct pipe_surface *dst,
+ unsigned clear_flags,
+ double depth,
+ unsigned stencil,
+ unsigned dstx, unsigned dsty,
+ unsigned width, unsigned height);
+void r600_resource_copy_region(struct pipe_context *pipe,
+ struct pipe_resource *dst,
+ struct pipe_subresource subdst,
+ unsigned dstx, unsigned dsty, unsigned dstz,
+ struct pipe_resource *src,
+ struct pipe_subresource subsrc,
+ unsigned srcx, unsigned srcy, unsigned srcz,
+ unsigned width, unsigned height);
/* helpers */
int r600_conv_pipe_format(unsigned pformat, unsigned *format);