* [OpenCL 2.2 Extension Specification](https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenCL/specs/2.2/html/OpenCL_Ext.html)
* [OpenCL 2.2 SPIR-V Environment Specification](https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenCL/specs/2.2/html/OpenCL_Env.html)
+* OpenCL released the proposed OpenCL 3.0 spec for comments in april 2020
+* [Announcement video](https://youtu.be/h0_syTg6TtY)
+* [Announcement video slides (PDF)](https://www.khronos.org/assets/uploads/apis/OpenCL-3.0-Launch-Apr20.pdf)
Note: We are implementing hardware accelerated Vulkan and
OpenCL while relying on other software projects to translate APIs to
Vulkan. E.g. Zink allows for OpenGL-to-Vulkan in software.
+* Pixilica is heading up an initiative to create a RISC-V graphical ISA
+* [Pixilica 3D Graphical ISA Slides](https://b5792ddd-543e-4dd4-9b97-fe259caf375d.filesusr.com/ugd/841f2a_c8685ced353b4c3ea20dbb993c4d4d18.pdf)
# Various POWER Communities
- [An effort to make a 100% Libre POWER Laptop](https://www.powerpc-notebook.org/en/)
The T2080 is a POWER8 chip.