#include <algorithm>
#include "rasterizer.h"
-#include "multisample.h"
#include "rdtsc_core.h"
#include "backend.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "tilemgr.h"
#include "memory/tilingtraits.h"
-void GetRenderHotTiles(DRAW_CONTEXT *pDC, uint32_t macroID, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, RenderOutputBuffers &renderBuffers,
- uint32_t numSamples, uint32_t renderTargetArrayIndex);
-void StepRasterTileX(uint32_t MaxRT, RenderOutputBuffers &buffers, uint32_t colorTileStep, uint32_t depthTileStep, uint32_t stencilTileStep);
-void StepRasterTileY(uint32_t MaxRT, RenderOutputBuffers &buffers, RenderOutputBuffers &startBufferRow,
- uint32_t colorRowStep, uint32_t depthRowStep, uint32_t stencilRowStep);
+template <uint32_t numSamples = 1>
+void GetRenderHotTiles(DRAW_CONTEXT *pDC, uint32_t macroID, uint32_t x, uint32_t y, RenderOutputBuffers &renderBuffers, uint32_t renderTargetArrayIndex);
+template <typename RT>
+void StepRasterTileX(uint32_t MaxRT, RenderOutputBuffers &buffers);
+template <typename RT>
+void StepRasterTileY(uint32_t MaxRT, RenderOutputBuffers &buffers, RenderOutputBuffers &startBufferRow);
#define MASKTOVEC(i3,i2,i1,i0) {-i0,-i1,-i2,-i3}
const __m256d gMaskToVecpd[] =
// Top left: a sample is in if it is a top or left edge.
// Out: !(horizontal && above) = !horizontal && below
// Out: !horizontal && left = !(!horizontal && left) = horizontal and right
-INLINE __m256d adjustTopLeftRuleIntFix16(const __m128i vA, const __m128i vB, const __m256d vEdge)
+INLINE void adjustTopLeftRuleIntFix16(const __m128i vA, const __m128i vB, __m256d &vEdge)
// if vA < 0, vC--
// if vA == 0 && vB < 0, vC--
msk2 &= _mm_movemask_ps(_mm_castsi128_ps(vB));
// if either of these are true and we're on the line (edge == 0), bump it outside the line
- vEdgeOut = _mm256_blendv_pd(vEdgeOut, vEdgeAdjust, gMaskToVecpd[msk | msk2]);
- return vEdgeOut;
+ vEdge = _mm256_blendv_pd(vEdgeOut, vEdgeAdjust, gMaskToVecpd[msk | msk2]);
+/// @struct adjustEdgeConservative
+/// @brief Primary template definition used for partially specializing
+/// the adjustEdgeConservative function. This struct should never
+/// be instantiated.
+/// @tparam RT: rasterizer traits
+/// @tparam IsConservativeT: is conservative rast enabled?
+template <typename RT, typename IsConservativeT>
+struct adjustEdgeConservative
+ INLINE adjustEdgeConservative(const __m128i &vAi, const __m128i &vBi, __m256d &vEdge) = delete;
+/// @brief adjustEdgeConservative<RT, std::true_type> specialization
+/// of adjustEdgeConservative. Used for conservative rasterization specific
+/// edge adjustments
+template <typename RT>
+struct adjustEdgeConservative<RT, std::true_type>
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// @brief Performs calculations to adjust each edge of a triangle away
+ /// from the pixel center by 1/2 pixel + uncertainty region in both the x and y
+ /// direction.
+ ///
+ /// Uncertainty regions arise from fixed point rounding, which
+ /// can snap a vertex +/- by min fixed point value.
+ /// Adding 1/2 pixel in x/y bumps the edge equation tests out towards the pixel corners.
+ /// This allows the rasterizer to test for coverage only at the pixel center,
+ /// instead of having to test individual pixel corners for conservative coverage
+ INLINE adjustEdgeConservative(const __m128i &vAi, const __m128i &vBi, __m256d &vEdge)
+ {
+ /// Assumes CCW winding order. Subtracting from the evaluated edge equation moves the edge away
+ /// from the pixel center (in the direction of the edge normal A/B)
+ /// edge = Ax + Bx + C - (manh/e)
+ /// manh = manhattan distance = abs(A) + abs(B)
+ /// e = absolute rounding error from snapping from float to fixed point precision
+ /// 'fixed point' multiply (in double to be avx1 friendly)
+ /// need doubles to hold result of a fixed multiply: 16.8 * 16.9 = 32.17, for example
+ __m256d vAai = _mm256_cvtepi32_pd(_mm_abs_epi32(vAi)), vBai = _mm256_cvtepi32_pd(_mm_abs_epi32(vBi));
+ __m256d manh = _mm256_add_pd(_mm256_mul_pd(vAai, _mm256_set1_pd(RT::ConservativeEdgeOffsetT::value)),
+ _mm256_mul_pd(vBai, _mm256_set1_pd(RT::ConservativeEdgeOffsetT::value)));
+ static_assert(RT::PrecisionT::BitsT::value + RT::ConservativePrecisionT::BitsT::value >= RT::EdgePrecisionT::BitsT::value,
+ "Inadequate precision of result of manh calculation ");
+ /// rasterizer incoming edge precision is x.16, so we need to get our edge offset into the same precision
+ /// since we're doing fixed math in double format, multiply by multiples of 1/2 instead of a bit shift right
+ manh = _mm256_mul_pd(manh, _mm256_set1_pd(((RT::PrecisionT::BitsT::value +
+ RT::ConservativePrecisionT::BitsT::value) -
+ RT::EdgePrecisionT::BitsT::value) * 0.5));
+ /// move the edge away from the pixel center by the required conservative precision + 1/2 pixel
+ /// this allows the rasterizer to do a single conservative coverage test to see if the primitive
+ /// intersects the pixel at all
+ vEdge = _mm256_sub_pd(vEdge, manh);
+ };
+/// @brief adjustEdgeConservative<RT, std::false_type> specialization
+/// of adjustEdgeConservative. Allows code to be generically called; when
+/// IsConservativeT trait is disabled this inlines an empty function, which
+/// should get optimized out.
+template <typename RT>
+struct adjustEdgeConservative<RT, std::false_type>
+ INLINE adjustEdgeConservative(const __m128i &vAi, const __m128i &vBi, __m256d &vEdge){};
+/// @brief Performs calculations to adjust each a scalar edge out
+/// from the pixel center by 1/2 pixel + uncertainty region in both the x and y
+/// direction.
+template <typename RT>
+INLINE void adjustScissorEdge(const double a, const double b, __m256d &vEdge)
+ int32_t aabs = std::abs(static_cast<int32_t>(a)), babs = std::abs(static_cast<int32_t>(b));
+ int64_t manh = ((aabs * RT::ConservativeEdgeOffsetT::value) + (babs * RT::ConservativeEdgeOffsetT::value)) >>
+ ((RT::PrecisionT::BitsT::value + RT::ConservativePrecisionT::BitsT::value) - RT::EdgePrecisionT::BitsT::value);
+ static_assert(RT::PrecisionT::BitsT::value + RT::ConservativePrecisionT::BitsT::value >= RT::EdgePrecisionT::BitsT::value,
+ "Inadequate precision of result of manh calculation ");
+ vEdge = _mm256_sub_pd(vEdge, _mm256_set1_pd(manh));
+/// @brief Perform any needed adjustments to evaluated triangle edges
+template <typename RT>
+INLINE void adjustEdgesFix16(const __m128i &vAi, const __m128i &vBi, __m256d &vEdge)
+ static_assert(std::is_same<typename RT::EdgePrecisionT, FixedPointTraits<Fixed_X_16>>::value,
+ "Edge equation expected to be in x.16 fixed point");
+ /// need to offset the edge before applying the top-left rule
+ adjustEdgeConservative<RT, typename RT::IsConservativeT>(vAi, vBi, vEdge);
+ adjustTopLeftRuleIntFix16(vAi, vBi, vEdge);
// max(abs(dz/dx), abs(dz,dy)
ComputeEdgeData(p0.y - p1.y, p1.x - p0.x, edge);
-template<bool RasterizeScissorEdges, SWR_MULTISAMPLE_COUNT sampleCount>
+/// @brief Primary template definition used for partially specializing
+/// the UpdateEdgeMasks function. Offset evaluated edges from UL pixel
+/// corner to sample position, and test for coverage
+/// @tparam sampleCount: multisample count
+template <uint32_t numEdges>
+INLINE void UpdateEdgeMasks(const __m256d (&vEdgeTileBbox)[3], const __m256d (&vEdgeFix16)[7],
+ int32_t &mask0, int32_t &mask1, int32_t &mask2)
+ __m256d vSampleBboxTest0, vSampleBboxTest1, vSampleBboxTest2;
+ // evaluate edge equations at the tile multisample bounding box
+ vSampleBboxTest0 = _mm256_add_pd(vEdgeTileBbox[0], vEdgeFix16[0]);
+ vSampleBboxTest1 = _mm256_add_pd(vEdgeTileBbox[1], vEdgeFix16[1]);
+ vSampleBboxTest2 = _mm256_add_pd(vEdgeTileBbox[2], vEdgeFix16[2]);
+ mask0 = _mm256_movemask_pd(vSampleBboxTest0);
+ mask1 = _mm256_movemask_pd(vSampleBboxTest1);
+ mask2 = _mm256_movemask_pd(vSampleBboxTest2);
+/// @brief UpdateEdgeMasks<SWR_MULTISAMPLE_1X, numEdges> partial specialization,
+/// instantiated when MSAA is disabled.
+template <>
+INLINE void UpdateEdgeMasks<SWR_MULTISAMPLE_1X>(const __m256d(&)[3], const __m256d (&vEdgeFix16)[7],
+ int32_t &mask0, int32_t &mask1, int32_t &mask2)
+ mask0 = _mm256_movemask_pd(vEdgeFix16[0]);
+ mask1 = _mm256_movemask_pd(vEdgeFix16[1]);
+ mask2 = _mm256_movemask_pd(vEdgeFix16[2]);
+/// @struct ComputeScissorEdges
+/// @brief Primary template definition. Allows the function to be generically
+/// called. When paired with below specializations, will result in an empty
+/// inlined function if scissor is not enabled
+/// @tparam RasterScissorEdgesT: is scissor enabled?
+/// @tparam IsConservativeT: is conservative rast enabled?
+/// @tparam RT: rasterizer traits
+template <typename RasterScissorEdgesT, typename IsConservativeT, typename RT>
+struct ComputeScissorEdges
+ INLINE ComputeScissorEdges(const BBOX &triBBox, const BBOX &scissorBBox, const int32_t x, const int32_t y,
+ EDGE (&rastEdges)[RT::NumEdgesT::value], __m256d (&vEdgeFix16)[7]){};
+/// @brief ComputeScissorEdges<std::true_type, std::true_type, RT> partial
+/// specialization. Instantiated when conservative rast and scissor are enabled
+template <typename RT>
+struct ComputeScissorEdges<std::true_type, std::true_type, RT>
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// @brief Intersect tri bbox with scissor, compute scissor edge vectors,
+ /// evaluate edge equations and offset them away from pixel center.
+ INLINE ComputeScissorEdges(const BBOX &triBBox, const BBOX &scissorBBox, const int32_t x, const int32_t y,
+ EDGE (&rastEdges)[RT::NumEdgesT::value], __m256d (&vEdgeFix16)[7])
+ {
+ /// if conservative rasterizing, triangle bbox intersected with scissor bbox is used
+ BBOX scissor;
+ scissor.left = std::max(triBBox.left, scissorBBox.left);
+ scissor.right = std::min(triBBox.right, scissorBBox.right);
+ scissor.top = std::max(triBBox.top, scissorBBox.top);
+ scissor.bottom = std::min(triBBox.bottom, scissorBBox.bottom);
+ POS topLeft{scissor.left, scissor.top};
+ POS bottomLeft{scissor.left, scissor.bottom};
+ POS topRight{scissor.right, scissor.top};
+ POS bottomRight{scissor.right, scissor.bottom};
+ // construct 4 scissor edges in ccw direction
+ ComputeEdgeData(topLeft, bottomLeft, rastEdges[3]);
+ ComputeEdgeData(bottomLeft, bottomRight, rastEdges[4]);
+ ComputeEdgeData(bottomRight, topRight, rastEdges[5]);
+ ComputeEdgeData(topRight, topLeft, rastEdges[6]);
+ vEdgeFix16[3] = _mm256_set1_pd((rastEdges[3].a * (x - scissor.left)) + (rastEdges[3].b * (y - scissor.top)));
+ vEdgeFix16[4] = _mm256_set1_pd((rastEdges[4].a * (x - scissor.left)) + (rastEdges[4].b * (y - scissor.bottom)));
+ vEdgeFix16[5] = _mm256_set1_pd((rastEdges[5].a * (x - scissor.right)) + (rastEdges[5].b * (y - scissor.bottom)));
+ vEdgeFix16[6] = _mm256_set1_pd((rastEdges[6].a * (x - scissor.right)) + (rastEdges[6].b * (y - scissor.top)));
+ /// if conservative rasterizing, need to bump the scissor edges out by the conservative uncertainty distance, else do nothing
+ adjustScissorEdge<RT>(rastEdges[3].a, rastEdges[3].b, vEdgeFix16[3]);
+ adjustScissorEdge<RT>(rastEdges[4].a, rastEdges[4].b, vEdgeFix16[4]);
+ adjustScissorEdge<RT>(rastEdges[5].a, rastEdges[5].b, vEdgeFix16[5]);
+ adjustScissorEdge<RT>(rastEdges[6].a, rastEdges[6].b, vEdgeFix16[6]);
+ }
+/// @brief ComputeScissorEdges<std::true_type, std::false_type, RT> partial
+/// specialization. Instantiated when scissor is enabled and conservative rast
+/// is disabled.
+template <typename RT>
+struct ComputeScissorEdges<std::true_type, std::false_type, RT>
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// @brief Compute scissor edge vectors and evaluate edge equations
+ INLINE ComputeScissorEdges(const BBOX &, const BBOX &scissorBBox, const int32_t x, const int32_t y,
+ EDGE (&rastEdges)[RT::NumEdgesT::value], __m256d (&vEdgeFix16)[7])
+ {
+ const BBOX &scissor = scissorBBox;
+ POS topLeft{scissor.left, scissor.top};
+ POS bottomLeft{scissor.left, scissor.bottom};
+ POS topRight{scissor.right, scissor.top};
+ POS bottomRight{scissor.right, scissor.bottom};
+ // construct 4 scissor edges in ccw direction
+ ComputeEdgeData(topLeft, bottomLeft, rastEdges[3]);
+ ComputeEdgeData(bottomLeft, bottomRight, rastEdges[4]);
+ ComputeEdgeData(bottomRight, topRight, rastEdges[5]);
+ ComputeEdgeData(topRight, topLeft, rastEdges[6]);
+ vEdgeFix16[3] = _mm256_set1_pd((rastEdges[3].a * (x - scissor.left)) + (rastEdges[3].b * (y - scissor.top)));
+ vEdgeFix16[4] = _mm256_set1_pd((rastEdges[4].a * (x - scissor.left)) + (rastEdges[4].b * (y - scissor.bottom)));
+ vEdgeFix16[5] = _mm256_set1_pd((rastEdges[5].a * (x - scissor.right)) + (rastEdges[5].b * (y - scissor.bottom)));
+ vEdgeFix16[6] = _mm256_set1_pd((rastEdges[6].a * (x - scissor.right)) + (rastEdges[6].b * (y - scissor.top)));
+ }
+template <typename RT>
void RasterizeTriangle(DRAW_CONTEXT* pDC, uint32_t workerId, uint32_t macroTile, void* pDesc)
vRecipW = _mm_load_ps(workDesc.pTriBuffer + 12);
// convert to fixed point
+ static_assert(std::is_same<typename RT::PrecisionT, FixedPointTraits<Fixed_16_8>>::value, "Rasterizer expects 16.8 fixed point precision");
__m128i vXi = fpToFixedPoint(vX);
__m128i vYi = fpToFixedPoint(vY);
// determinant
float det = calcDeterminantInt(vAi, vBi);
- /// @todo: This test is flipped...we have a stray '-' sign somewhere
+ /// Verts in Pixel Coordinate Space at this point
+ /// Det > 0 = CW winding order
// Convert CW triangles to CCW
if (det > 0.0)
det = -det;
+ /// @todo: handle degenerates for ConservativeRast
__m128 vC;
// Finish triangle setup - C edge coef
triangleSetupC(vX, vY, vA, vB, vC);
// add depth bias
triDesc.Z[2] += ComputeDepthBias(&rastState, &triDesc, workDesc.pTriBuffer + 8);
- // Compute edge data
- OSALIGNSIMD(int32_t) aAi[4], aBi[4];
- _mm_store_si128((__m128i*)aAi, vAi);
- _mm_store_si128((__m128i*)aBi, vBi);
- const uint32_t numEdges = 3 + (RasterizeScissorEdges ? 4 : 0);
- EDGE rastEdges[7];
- // compute triangle edges
- ComputeEdgeData(aAi[0], aBi[0], rastEdges[0]);
- ComputeEdgeData(aAi[1], aBi[1], rastEdges[1]);
- ComputeEdgeData(aAi[2], aBi[2], rastEdges[2]);
- // compute scissor edges if enabled
- if (RasterizeScissorEdges)
- {
- POS topLeft{state.scissorInFixedPoint.left, state.scissorInFixedPoint.top};
- POS bottomLeft{state.scissorInFixedPoint.left, state.scissorInFixedPoint.bottom};
- POS topRight{state.scissorInFixedPoint.right, state.scissorInFixedPoint.top};
- POS bottomRight{state.scissorInFixedPoint.right, state.scissorInFixedPoint.bottom};
- // construct 4 scissor edges in ccw direction
- ComputeEdgeData(topLeft, bottomLeft, rastEdges[3]);
- ComputeEdgeData(bottomLeft, bottomRight, rastEdges[4]);
- ComputeEdgeData(bottomRight, topRight, rastEdges[5]);
- ComputeEdgeData(topRight, topLeft, rastEdges[6]);
- }
// Calc bounding box of triangle
calcBoundingBoxInt(vXi, vYi, bbox);
// Intersect with scissor/viewport
- bbox.left = std::max(bbox.left, state.scissorInFixedPoint.left);
- bbox.right = std::min(bbox.right - 1, state.scissorInFixedPoint.right);
- bbox.top = std::max(bbox.top, state.scissorInFixedPoint.top);
- bbox.bottom = std::min(bbox.bottom - 1, state.scissorInFixedPoint.bottom);
+ OSALIGNSIMD(BBOX) intersect;
+ intersect.left = std::max(bbox.left, state.scissorInFixedPoint.left);
+ intersect.right = std::min(bbox.right - 1, state.scissorInFixedPoint.right);
+ intersect.top = std::max(bbox.top, state.scissorInFixedPoint.top);
+ intersect.bottom = std::min(bbox.bottom - 1, state.scissorInFixedPoint.bottom);
triDesc.triFlags = workDesc.triFlags;
int32_t macroBoxTop = macroY * KNOB_MACROTILE_Y_DIM_FIXED;
int32_t macroBoxBottom = macroBoxTop + KNOB_MACROTILE_Y_DIM_FIXED - 1;
- OSALIGNSIMD(BBOX) intersect;
- intersect.left = std::max(bbox.left, macroBoxLeft);
- intersect.top = std::max(bbox.top, macroBoxTop);
- intersect.right = std::min(bbox.right, macroBoxRight);
- intersect.bottom = std::min(bbox.bottom, macroBoxBottom);
+ intersect.left = std::max(intersect.left, macroBoxLeft);
+ intersect.top = std::max(intersect.top, macroBoxTop);
+ intersect.right = std::min(intersect.right, macroBoxRight);
+ intersect.bottom = std::min(intersect.bottom, macroBoxBottom);
SWR_ASSERT(intersect.left <= intersect.right && intersect.top <= intersect.bottom && intersect.left >= 0 && intersect.right >= 0 && intersect.top >= 0 && intersect.bottom >= 0);
int32_t x = AlignDown(intersect.left, (FIXED_POINT_SCALE * KNOB_TILE_X_DIM));
int32_t y = AlignDown(intersect.top, (FIXED_POINT_SCALE * KNOB_TILE_Y_DIM));
- if(sampleCount == SWR_MULTISAMPLE_1X)
+ if(RT::MT::sampleCount == SWR_MULTISAMPLE_1X)
// Add 0.5, in fixed point, to offset to pixel center
__m128i vTopLeftY = _mm_set1_epi32(y);
// evaluate edge equations at top-left pixel using 64bit math
- // all other evaluations will be 32bit steps from it
- // small triangles could skip this and do all 32bit math
- // edge 0
// line = Ax + By + C
// solving for C:
// we know x0 and y0 are on the line; plug them in:
// C = -Ax0 - By0
// plug C back into line equation:
- // line = Ax - Bx - Ax0 - Bx1
+ // line = Ax - By - Ax0 - By0
// line = A(x - x0) + B(y - y0)
- // line = A(x0+dX) + B(y0+dY) + C = Ax0 + AdX + By0 + BdY + c = AdX + BdY
+ // dX = (x-x0), dY = (y-y0)
+ // so all this simplifies to
+ // edge = A(dX) + B(dY), our first test at the top left of the bbox we're rasterizing within
- // edge 0 and 1
- // edge0 = A0(x - x0) + B0(y - y0)
- // edge1 = A1(x - x1) + B1(y - y1)
__m128i vDeltaX = _mm_sub_epi32(vTopLeftX, vXi);
__m128i vDeltaY = _mm_sub_epi32(vTopLeftY, vYi);
- __m256d vEdgeFix16[7];
// evaluate A(dx) and B(dY) for all points
__m256d vAipd = _mm256_cvtepi32_pd(vAi);
__m256d vBipd = _mm256_cvtepi32_pd(vBi);
__m256d vBiDeltaYFix16 = _mm256_mul_pd(vBipd, vDeltaYpd);
__m256d vEdge = _mm256_add_pd(vAiDeltaXFix16, vBiDeltaYFix16);
- // adjust for top-left rule
- vEdge = adjustTopLeftRuleIntFix16(vAi, vBi, vEdge);
+ // apply and edge adjustments(top-left, crast, etc)
+ adjustEdgesFix16<RT>(vAi, vBi, vEdge);
// broadcast respective edge results to all lanes
double* pEdge = (double*)&vEdge;
+ __m256d vEdgeFix16[7];
vEdgeFix16[0] = _mm256_set1_pd(pEdge[0]);
vEdgeFix16[1] = _mm256_set1_pd(pEdge[1]);
vEdgeFix16[2] = _mm256_set1_pd(pEdge[2]);
- // evaluate edge equations for scissor edges
- if (RasterizeScissorEdges)
- {
- const BBOX &scissor = state.scissorInFixedPoint;
- vEdgeFix16[3] = _mm256_set1_pd((rastEdges[3].a * (x - scissor.left)) + (rastEdges[3].b * (y - scissor.top)));
- vEdgeFix16[4] = _mm256_set1_pd((rastEdges[4].a * (x - scissor.left)) + (rastEdges[4].b * (y - scissor.bottom)));
- vEdgeFix16[5] = _mm256_set1_pd((rastEdges[5].a * (x - scissor.right)) + (rastEdges[5].b * (y - scissor.bottom)));
- vEdgeFix16[6] = _mm256_set1_pd((rastEdges[6].a * (x - scissor.right)) + (rastEdges[6].b * (y - scissor.top)));
- }
+ OSALIGNSIMD(int32_t) aAi[4], aBi[4];
+ _mm_store_si128((__m128i*)aAi, vAi);
+ _mm_store_si128((__m128i*)aBi, vBi);
+ EDGE rastEdges[RT::NumEdgesT::value];
+ // Compute and store triangle edge data
+ ComputeEdgeData(aAi[0], aBi[0], rastEdges[0]);
+ ComputeEdgeData(aAi[1], aBi[1], rastEdges[1]);
+ ComputeEdgeData(aAi[2], aBi[2], rastEdges[2]);
+ // Compute and store triangle edge data if scissor needs to rasterized
+ ComputeScissorEdges<typename RT::RasterizeScissorEdgesT, typename RT::IsConservativeT, RT>
+ (bbox, state.scissorInFixedPoint, x, y, rastEdges, vEdgeFix16);
// Evaluate edge equations at sample positions of each of the 4 corners of a raster tile
// used to for testing if entire raster tile is inside a triangle
- for (uint32_t e = 0; e < numEdges; ++e)
+ for (uint32_t e = 0; e < RT::NumEdgesT::value; ++e)
vEdgeFix16[e] = _mm256_add_pd(vEdgeFix16[e], rastEdges[e].vRasterTileOffsets);
// | |
// min(xSamples),max(ySamples) ------ max(xSamples),max(ySamples)
__m256d vEdgeTileBbox[3];
- if (sampleCount > SWR_MULTISAMPLE_1X)
+ if (RT::MT::sampleCount > SWR_MULTISAMPLE_1X)
- __m128i vTileSampleBBoxXh = MultisampleTraits<sampleCount>::TileSampleOffsetsX();
- __m128i vTileSampleBBoxYh = MultisampleTraits<sampleCount>::TileSampleOffsetsY();
+ __m128i vTileSampleBBoxXh = RT::MT::TileSampleOffsetsX();
+ __m128i vTileSampleBBoxYh = RT::MT::TileSampleOffsetsY();
__m256d vTileSampleBBoxXFix8 = _mm256_cvtepi32_pd(vTileSampleBBoxXh);
__m256d vTileSampleBBoxYFix8 = _mm256_cvtepi32_pd(vTileSampleBBoxYh);
uint32_t maxY = maxTileY;
uint32_t maxX = maxTileX;
- // compute steps between raster tiles for render output buffers
- static const uint32_t colorRasterTileStep{(KNOB_TILE_X_DIM * KNOB_TILE_Y_DIM * (FormatTraits<KNOB_COLOR_HOT_TILE_FORMAT>::bpp / 8)) * MultisampleTraits<sampleCount>::numSamples};
- static const uint32_t colorRasterTileRowStep{(KNOB_MACROTILE_X_DIM / KNOB_TILE_X_DIM) * colorRasterTileStep};
- static const uint32_t depthRasterTileStep{(KNOB_TILE_X_DIM * KNOB_TILE_Y_DIM * (FormatTraits<KNOB_DEPTH_HOT_TILE_FORMAT>::bpp / 8)) * MultisampleTraits<sampleCount>::numSamples};
- static const uint32_t depthRasterTileRowStep{(KNOB_MACROTILE_X_DIM / KNOB_TILE_X_DIM)* depthRasterTileStep};
- static const uint32_t stencilRasterTileStep{(KNOB_TILE_X_DIM * KNOB_TILE_Y_DIM * (FormatTraits<KNOB_STENCIL_HOT_TILE_FORMAT>::bpp / 8)) * MultisampleTraits<sampleCount>::numSamples};
- static const uint32_t stencilRasterTileRowStep{(KNOB_MACROTILE_X_DIM / KNOB_TILE_X_DIM) * stencilRasterTileStep};
RenderOutputBuffers renderBuffers, currentRenderBufferRow;
- GetRenderHotTiles(pDC, macroTile, tileX, tileY, renderBuffers, MultisampleTraits<sampleCount>::numSamples,
- triDesc.triFlags.renderTargetArrayIndex);
+ GetRenderHotTiles<RT::MT::numSamples>(pDC, macroTile, tileX, tileY, renderBuffers, triDesc.triFlags.renderTargetArrayIndex);
currentRenderBufferRow = renderBuffers;
// rasterize and generate coverage masks per sample
- uint32_t maxSamples = MultisampleTraits<sampleCount>::numSamples;
for (uint32_t tileY = tY; tileY <= maxY; ++tileY)
- __m256d vStartOfRowEdge[numEdges];
- for (uint32_t e = 0; e < numEdges; ++e)
+ __m256d vStartOfRowEdge[RT::NumEdgesT::value];
+ for (uint32_t e = 0; e < RT::NumEdgesT::value; ++e)
vStartOfRowEdge[e] = vEdgeFix16[e];
// is the corner of the edge outside of the raster tile? (vEdge < 0)
int mask0, mask1, mask2;
- if (sampleCount == SWR_MULTISAMPLE_1X)
- {
- mask0 = _mm256_movemask_pd(vEdgeFix16[0]);
- mask1 = _mm256_movemask_pd(vEdgeFix16[1]);
- mask2 = _mm256_movemask_pd(vEdgeFix16[2]);
- }
- else
- {
- __m256d vSampleBboxTest0, vSampleBboxTest1, vSampleBboxTest2;
- // evaluate edge equations at the tile multisample bounding box
- vSampleBboxTest0 = _mm256_add_pd(vEdgeTileBbox[0], vEdgeFix16[0]);
- vSampleBboxTest1 = _mm256_add_pd(vEdgeTileBbox[1], vEdgeFix16[1]);
- vSampleBboxTest2 = _mm256_add_pd(vEdgeTileBbox[2], vEdgeFix16[2]);
- mask0 = _mm256_movemask_pd(vSampleBboxTest0);
- mask1 = _mm256_movemask_pd(vSampleBboxTest1);
- mask2 = _mm256_movemask_pd(vSampleBboxTest2);
- }
+ UpdateEdgeMasks<RT::MT::sampleCount>(vEdgeTileBbox, vEdgeFix16, mask0, mask1, mask2);
- for (uint32_t sampleNum = 0; sampleNum < maxSamples; sampleNum++)
+ for (uint32_t sampleNum = 0; sampleNum < RT::MT::numSamples; sampleNum++)
// trivial reject, at least one edge has all 4 corners of raster tile outside
bool trivialReject = (!(mask0 && mask1 && mask2)) ? true : false;
- __m256d vEdgeAtSample[numEdges];
- if(sampleCount == SWR_MULTISAMPLE_1X)
+ __m256d vEdgeAtSample[RT::NumEdgesT::value];
+ if(RT::MT::sampleCount == SWR_MULTISAMPLE_1X)
// should get optimized out for single sample case (global value numbering or copy propagation)
- for (uint32_t e = 0; e < numEdges; ++e)
+ for (uint32_t e = 0; e < RT::NumEdgesT::value; ++e)
vEdgeAtSample[e] = vEdgeFix16[e];
- __m128i vSampleOffsetXh = MultisampleTraits<sampleCount>::vXi(sampleNum);
- __m128i vSampleOffsetYh = MultisampleTraits<sampleCount>::vYi(sampleNum);
+ __m128i vSampleOffsetXh = RT::MT::vXi(sampleNum);
+ __m128i vSampleOffsetYh = RT::MT::vYi(sampleNum);
__m256d vSampleOffsetX = _mm256_cvtepi32_pd(vSampleOffsetXh);
__m256d vSampleOffsetY = _mm256_cvtepi32_pd(vSampleOffsetYh);
- // *note*: none of this needs to be vectorized as rasterizePartialTile just takes vEdge[0]
- // for each edge and broadcasts it before offsetting to individual pixel quads
// step edge equation tests from UL tile corner to pixel sample position
- for (uint32_t e = 0; e < numEdges; ++e)
+ for (uint32_t e = 0; e < RT::NumEdgesT::value; ++e)
__m256d vResultAxFix16 = _mm256_mul_pd(_mm256_set1_pd(rastEdges[e].a), vSampleOffsetX);
__m256d vResultByFix16 = _mm256_mul_pd(_mm256_set1_pd(rastEdges[e].b), vSampleOffsetY);
- double startQuadEdges[numEdges];
+ double startQuadEdges[RT::NumEdgesT::value];
const __m256i vLane0Mask = _mm256_set_epi32(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1);
- for (uint32_t e = 0; e < numEdges; ++e)
+ for (uint32_t e = 0; e < RT::NumEdgesT::value; ++e)
_mm256_maskstore_pd(&startQuadEdges[e], vLane0Mask, vEdgeAtSample[e]);
// not trivial accept or reject, must rasterize full tile
- if (RasterizeScissorEdges)
- {
- triDesc.coverageMask[sampleNum] = rasterizePartialTile<7>(pDC, startQuadEdges, rastEdges);
- }
- else
- {
- triDesc.coverageMask[sampleNum] = rasterizePartialTile<3>(pDC, startQuadEdges, rastEdges);
- }
+ triDesc.coverageMask[sampleNum] = rasterizePartialTile<RT::NumEdgesT::value>(pDC, startQuadEdges, rastEdges);
RDTSC_STOP(BERasterizePartial, 0, 0);
triDesc.anyCoveredSamples |= triDesc.coverageMask[sampleNum];
// if we're calculating coverage per sample, need to store it off. otherwise no covered samples, don't need to do anything
- if(sampleCount > SWR_MULTISAMPLE_1X)
+ if(RT::MT::sampleCount > SWR_MULTISAMPLE_1X)
triDesc.coverageMask[sampleNum] = 0;
// step to the next tile in X
- for (uint32_t e = 0; e < numEdges; ++e)
+ for (uint32_t e = 0; e < RT::NumEdgesT::value; ++e)
vEdgeFix16[e] = _mm256_add_pd(vEdgeFix16[e], _mm256_set1_pd(rastEdges[e].stepRasterTileX));
- StepRasterTileX(state.psState.numRenderTargets, renderBuffers, colorRasterTileStep, depthRasterTileStep, stencilRasterTileStep);
+ StepRasterTileX<RT>(state.psState.numRenderTargets, renderBuffers);
// step to the next tile in Y
- for (uint32_t e = 0; e < numEdges; ++e)
+ for (uint32_t e = 0; e < RT::NumEdgesT::value; ++e)
vEdgeFix16[e] = _mm256_add_pd(vStartOfRowEdge[e], _mm256_set1_pd(rastEdges[e].stepRasterTileY));
- StepRasterTileY(state.psState.numRenderTargets, renderBuffers, currentRenderBufferRow, colorRasterTileRowStep, depthRasterTileRowStep, stencilRasterTileRowStep);
+ StepRasterTileY<RT>(state.psState.numRenderTargets, renderBuffers, currentRenderBufferRow);
RDTSC_STOP(BERasterizeTriangle, 1, 0);
// setup triangle rasterizer function
- if (rastState.samplePattern == SWR_MSAA_STANDARD_PATTERN)
- {
- pfnTriRast = gRasterizerTable[rastState.scissorEnable][rastState.sampleCount];
- }
- else
- {
- // for center sample pattern, all samples are at pixel center; calculate coverage
- // once at center and broadcast the results in the backend
- pfnTriRast = gRasterizerTable[rastState.scissorEnable][SWR_MULTISAMPLE_1X];
- }
+ // for center sample pattern, all samples are at pixel center; calculate coverage
+ // once at center and broadcast the results in the backend
+ uint32_t sampleCount = (rastState.samplePattern == SWR_MSAA_STANDARD_PATTERN) ? rastState.sampleCount : SWR_MULTISAMPLE_1X;
+ // conservative rast not supported for points/lines
+ pfnTriRast = GetRasterizerFunc(sampleCount, false, SWR_INPUT_COVERAGE_NONE, (rastState.scissorEnable > 0));
// overwrite texcoords for point sprites
if (isPointSpriteTexCoordEnabled)
RenderOutputBuffers renderBuffers;
GetRenderHotTiles(pDC, macroTile, tileAlignedX >> KNOB_TILE_X_DIM_SHIFT , tileAlignedY >> KNOB_TILE_Y_DIM_SHIFT,
- renderBuffers, 1, triDesc.triFlags.renderTargetArrayIndex);
+ renderBuffers, triDesc.triFlags.renderTargetArrayIndex);
backendFuncs.pfnBackend(pDC, workerId, tileAlignedX, tileAlignedY, triDesc, renderBuffers);
// Get pointers to hot tile memory for color RT, depth, stencil
-void GetRenderHotTiles(DRAW_CONTEXT *pDC, uint32_t macroID, uint32_t tileX, uint32_t tileY, RenderOutputBuffers &renderBuffers,
- uint32_t numSamples, uint32_t renderTargetArrayIndex)
+template <uint32_t numSamples>
+void GetRenderHotTiles(DRAW_CONTEXT *pDC, uint32_t macroID, uint32_t tileX, uint32_t tileY, RenderOutputBuffers &renderBuffers, uint32_t renderTargetArrayIndex)
const API_STATE& state = GetApiState(pDC);
SWR_CONTEXT *pContext = pDC->pContext;
-void StepRasterTileX(uint32_t NumRT, RenderOutputBuffers &buffers, uint32_t colorTileStep, uint32_t depthTileStep, uint32_t stencilTileStep)
+template <typename RT>
+INLINE void StepRasterTileX(uint32_t NumRT, RenderOutputBuffers &buffers)
for(uint32_t rt = 0; rt < NumRT; ++rt)
- buffers.pColor[rt] += colorTileStep;
+ buffers.pColor[rt] += RT::colorRasterTileStep;
- buffers.pDepth += depthTileStep;
- buffers.pStencil += stencilTileStep;
+ buffers.pDepth += RT::depthRasterTileStep;
+ buffers.pStencil += RT::stencilRasterTileStep;
-void StepRasterTileY(uint32_t NumRT, RenderOutputBuffers &buffers, RenderOutputBuffers &startBufferRow, uint32_t colorRowStep, uint32_t depthRowStep, uint32_t stencilRowStep)
+template <typename RT>
+INLINE void StepRasterTileY(uint32_t NumRT, RenderOutputBuffers &buffers, RenderOutputBuffers &startBufferRow)
for(uint32_t rt = 0; rt < NumRT; ++rt)
- startBufferRow.pColor[rt] += colorRowStep;
+ startBufferRow.pColor[rt] += RT::colorRasterTileRowStep;
buffers.pColor[rt] = startBufferRow.pColor[rt];
- startBufferRow.pDepth += depthRowStep;
+ startBufferRow.pDepth += RT::depthRasterTileRowStep;
buffers.pDepth = startBufferRow.pDepth;
- startBufferRow.pStencil += stencilRowStep;
+ startBufferRow.pStencil += RT::stencilRasterTileRowStep;
buffers.pStencil = startBufferRow.pStencil;
-// initialize rasterizer function table
- {
- RasterizeTriangle<false, SWR_MULTISAMPLE_1X>,
- RasterizeTriangle<false, SWR_MULTISAMPLE_2X>,
- RasterizeTriangle<false, SWR_MULTISAMPLE_4X>,
- RasterizeTriangle<false, SWR_MULTISAMPLE_8X>,
- RasterizeTriangle<false, SWR_MULTISAMPLE_16X>
- },
- {
- RasterizeTriangle<true, SWR_MULTISAMPLE_1X>,
- RasterizeTriangle<true, SWR_MULTISAMPLE_2X>,
- RasterizeTriangle<true, SWR_MULTISAMPLE_4X>,
- RasterizeTriangle<true, SWR_MULTISAMPLE_8X>,
- RasterizeTriangle<true, SWR_MULTISAMPLE_16X>
- }
void RasterizeLine(DRAW_CONTEXT *pDC, uint32_t workerId, uint32_t macroTile, void *pData)
+ // setup triangle rasterizer function
+ PFN_WORK_FUNC pfnTriRast;
+ uint32_t sampleCount = (rastState.samplePattern == SWR_MSAA_STANDARD_PATTERN) ? rastState.sampleCount : SWR_MULTISAMPLE_1X;
+ // conservative rast not supported for points/lines
+ pfnTriRast = GetRasterizerFunc(sampleCount, false, SWR_INPUT_COVERAGE_NONE, (rastState.scissorEnable > 0));
// make sure this macrotile intersects the triangle
__m128i vXai = fpToFixedPoint(vXa);
__m128i vYai = fpToFixedPoint(vYa);
bboxA.bottom - 1 < macroBoxTop ||
bboxA.bottom - 1 < state.scissorInFixedPoint.top)) {
// rasterize triangle
- gRasterizerTable[rastState.scissorEnable][rastState.sampleCount](pDC, workerId, macroTile, (void*)&newWorkDesc);
+ pfnTriRast(pDC, workerId, macroTile, (void*)&newWorkDesc);
// triangle 1
bboxA.bottom - 1 < macroBoxTop ||
bboxA.bottom - 1 < state.scissorInFixedPoint.top)) {
// rasterize triangle
- gRasterizerTable[rastState.scissorEnable][rastState.sampleCount](pDC, workerId, macroTile, (void*)&newWorkDesc);
+ pfnTriRast(pDC, workerId, macroTile, (void*)&newWorkDesc);
RDTSC_STOP(BERasterizeLine, 1, 0);
+struct RasterizerChooser
+ typedef PFN_WORK_FUNC FuncType;
+ template <typename... ArgsB>
+ static FuncType GetFunc()
+ {
+ return RasterizeTriangle<RasterizerTraits<ArgsB...>>;
+ }
+// Selector for correct templated RasterizeTriangle function
+PFN_WORK_FUNC GetRasterizerFunc(
+ uint32_t numSamples,
+ bool IsConservative,
+ uint32_t InputCoverage,
+ bool RasterizeScissorEdges
+ return TemplateArgUnroller<RasterizerChooser>::GetFunc(numSamples, IsConservative, InputCoverage, RasterizeScissorEdges);