block["src"] = "%s:%d" % (filename, linenr)
block["pattern"] = (current_pattern, current_subpattern)
+ block["genargs"] = None
+ block["gencode"] = None
line = line.split()
assert len(line) == 2
assert (line[1] not in state_types[current_pattern]) or (state_types[current_pattern][line[1]] == "Cell*")
block["semioptional"] = True
+ if a[0] == "generate":
+ block["genargs"] = list([int(s) for s in a[1:]])
+ block["gencode"] = list()
+ assert len(block["genargs"]) < 2
+ while True:
+ linenr += 1
+ l = f.readline()
+ assert l != ""
+ a = l.split()
+ if a[0] == "endmatch": break
+ block["gencode"].append(rewrite_cpp(l.rstrip()))
+ break
assert False
if block["optional"]:
print("struct {}_pm {{".format(prefix), file=f)
print(" Module *module;", file=f)
print(" SigMap sigmap;", file=f)
- print(" std::function<void()> on_accept;".format(prefix), file=f)
+ print(" std::function<void()> on_accept;", file=f)
+ print(" bool generate_mode;", file=f)
+ print("", file=f)
+ print(" uint32_t rngseed;", file=f)
+ print(" int rng(unsigned int n) {", file=f)
+ print(" rngseed ^= rngseed << 13;", file=f)
+ print(" rngseed ^= rngseed >> 17;", file=f)
+ print(" rngseed ^= rngseed << 5;", file=f)
+ print(" return rngseed % n;", file=f)
+ print(" }", file=f)
print("", file=f)
for index in range(len(blocks)):
print("", file=f)
print(" {}_pm(Module *module, const vector<Cell*> &cells) :".format(prefix), file=f)
- print(" module(module), sigmap(module) {", file=f)
+ print(" module(module), sigmap(module), generate_mode(false), rngseed(12345678) {", file=f)
for current_pattern in sorted(patterns.keys()):
for s, t in sorted(udata_types[current_pattern].items()):
if t.endswith("*"):
print(" run_{}([&](){{on_accept_f(*this);}});".format(current_pattern), file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
print("", file=f)
- print(" void run_{}(std::function<void(state_{}_t&)> on_accept_f) {{".format(current_pattern, current_pattern), file=f)
- print(" run_{}([&](){{on_accept_f(st_{});}});".format(current_pattern, current_pattern), file=f)
- print(" }", file=f)
- print("", file=f)
print(" void run_{}() {{".format(current_pattern), file=f)
print(" run_{}([](){{}});".format(current_pattern, current_pattern), file=f)
print(" }", file=f)
print("", file=f)
- for p, s in sorted(subpatterns.keys()):
- print(" void block_subpattern_{}_{}() {{ block_{}(); }}".format(p, s, subpatterns[(p, s)]), file=f)
+ if len(subpatterns):
+ for p, s in sorted(subpatterns.keys()):
+ print(" void block_subpattern_{}_{}() {{ block_{}(); }}".format(p, s, subpatterns[(p, s)]), file=f)
+ print("", file=f)
current_pattern = None
current_subpattern = None
print(" std::get<{}>(key) = {};".format(field, entry[2]), file=f)
print(" const vector<Cell*> &cells = index_{}[key];".format(index), file=f)
- if block["semioptional"]:
- print(" bool found_semioptional_match = false;", file=f)
+ if block["semioptional"] or block["genargs"] is not None:
+ print(" bool found_any_match = false;", file=f)
print("", file=f)
print(" for (int idx = 0; idx < GetSize(cells); idx++) {", file=f)
print(" if (blacklist_cells.count({})) continue;".format(block["cell"]), file=f)
for expr in block["filter"]:
print(" if (!({})) continue;".format(expr), file=f)
- if block["semioptional"]:
- print(" found_semioptional_match = true;", file=f)
+ if block["semioptional"] or block["genargs"] is not None:
+ print(" found_any_match = true;", file=f)
print(" block_{}();".format(index+1), file=f)
print(" if (rollback) {", file=f)
print(" if (rollback != {}) {{".format(index+1), file=f)
print(" block_{}();".format(index+1), file=f)
if block["semioptional"]:
- print(" if (!found_semioptional_match) block_{}();".format(index+1), file=f)
+ print(" if (!found_any_match) block_{}();".format(index+1), file=f)
print(" {} = backup_{};".format(block["cell"], block["cell"]), file=f)
+ if block["genargs"] is not None:
+ print(" if (generate_mode && !found_any_match) {", file=f)
+ if len(block["genargs"]) == 1:
+ print(" if (rng(100) >= {}) return;".format(block["genargs"][0]), file=f)
+ for line in block["gencode"]:
+ print(" " + line, file=f)
+ print(" }", file=f)
assert False
+// for peepopt_pm
+bool did_something;
#include "passes/pmgen/test_pmgen_pm.h"
+#include "passes/pmgen/ice40_dsp_pm.h"
+#include "passes/pmgen/peepopt_pm.h"
void reduce_chain(test_pmgen_pm &pm)
log(" -> %s (%s)\n", log_id(c), log_id(c->type));
+#define GENERATE_PATTERN(pmclass, pattern) \
+ generate_pattern<pmclass>([](pmclass &pm, std::function<void()> f){ return pm.run_ ## pattern(f); }, #pmclass, #pattern, design)
+void pmtest_addports(Module *module)
+ pool<SigBit> driven_bits, used_bits;
+ SigMap sigmap(module);
+ int icnt = 0, ocnt = 0;
+ for (auto cell : module->cells())
+ for (auto conn : cell->connections())
+ {
+ if (cell->input(conn.first))
+ for (auto bit : sigmap(conn.second))
+ used_bits.insert(bit);
+ if (cell->output(conn.first))
+ for (auto bit : sigmap(conn.second))
+ driven_bits.insert(bit);
+ }
+ for (auto wire : vector<Wire*>(module->wires()))
+ {
+ SigSpec ibits, obits;
+ for (auto bit : sigmap(wire)) {
+ if (!used_bits.count(bit))
+ obits.append(bit);
+ if (!driven_bits.count(bit))
+ ibits.append(bit);
+ }
+ if (!ibits.empty()) {
+ Wire *w = module->addWire(stringf("\\i%d", icnt++), GetSize(ibits));
+ w->port_input = true;
+ module->connect(ibits, w);
+ }
+ if (!obits.empty()) {
+ Wire *w = module->addWire(stringf("\\o%d", ocnt++), GetSize(obits));
+ w->port_output = true;
+ module->connect(w, obits);
+ }
+ }
+ module->fixup_ports();
+template <class pm>
+void generate_pattern(std::function<void(pm&,std::function<void()>)> run, const char *pmclass, const char *pattern, Design *design)
+ log("Generating \"%s\" patterns for pattern matcher \"%s\".\n", pattern, pmclass);
+ int modcnt = 0;
+ while (modcnt < 100)
+ {
+ int submodcnt = 0, itercnt = 0, cellcnt = 0;
+ Module *mod = design->addModule(NEW_ID);
+ while (submodcnt < 10 && itercnt++ < 1000)
+ {
+ pm matcher(mod, mod->cells());
+ matcher.rng(1);
+ matcher.rngseed += modcnt;
+ matcher.rng(1);
+ matcher.rngseed += submodcnt;
+ matcher.rng(1);
+ matcher.rngseed += itercnt;
+ matcher.rng(1);
+ matcher.rngseed += cellcnt;
+ matcher.rng(1);
+ if (GetSize(mod->cells()) != cellcnt)
+ {
+ bool found_match = false;
+ run(matcher, [&](){ found_match = true; });
+ if (found_match) {
+ Module *m = design->addModule(stringf("\\pmtest_%s_%s_%05d",
+ pmclass, pattern, modcnt++));
+ mod->cloneInto(m);
+ pmtest_addports(m);
+ submodcnt++;
+ }
+ cellcnt = GetSize(mod->cells());
+ }
+ matcher.generate_mode = true;
+ run(matcher, [](){});
+ }
+ design->remove(mod);
+ }
struct TestPmgenPass : public Pass {
TestPmgenPass() : Pass("test_pmgen", "test pass for pmgen") { }
void help() YS_OVERRIDE
log("Demo for recursive pmgen patterns. Map chains of AND/OR/XOR to $reduce_*.\n");
log(" test_pmgen -reduce_tree [options] [selection]\n");
log("Demo for recursive pmgen patterns. Map trees of AND/OR/XOR to $reduce_*.\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log(" test_pmgen -generate [options] <pattern_name>\n");
+ log("\n");
+ log("Create modules that match the specified pattern.\n");
+ log("\n");
void execute_reduce_chain(std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design)
test_pmgen_pm(module, module->selected_cells()).run_reduce(reduce_tree);
+ void execute_generate(std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design)
+ {
+ log_header(design, "Executing TEST_PMGEN pass (-generate).\n");
+ size_t argidx;
+ for (argidx = 2; argidx < args.size(); argidx++)
+ {
+ // if (args[argidx] == "-singleton") {
+ // singleton_mode = true;
+ // continue;
+ // }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (argidx+1 != args.size())
+ log_cmd_error("Expected exactly one pattern.\n");
+ string pattern = args[argidx];
+ if (pattern == "reduce")
+ return GENERATE_PATTERN(test_pmgen_pm, reduce);
+ if (pattern == "ice40_dsp")
+ return GENERATE_PATTERN(ice40_dsp_pm, ice40_dsp);
+ if (pattern == "peepopt-muldiv")
+ return GENERATE_PATTERN(peepopt_pm, muldiv);
+ if (pattern == "peepopt-shiftmul")
+ return GENERATE_PATTERN(peepopt_pm, shiftmul);
+ log_cmd_error("Unkown pattern: %s\n", pattern.c_str());
+ }
void execute(std::vector<std::string> args, RTLIL::Design *design) YS_OVERRIDE
if (GetSize(args) > 1)
return execute_reduce_chain(args, design);
if (args[1] == "-reduce_tree")
return execute_reduce_tree(args, design);
+ if (args[1] == "-generate")
+ return execute_generate(args, design);
log_cmd_error("Missing or unsupported mode parameter.\n");
match first
select first->$_AND_, $_OR_, $_XOR_)
filter !non_first_cells.count(first)
+ SigSpec A = module->addWire(NEW_ID);
+ SigSpec B = module->addWire(NEW_ID);
+ SigSpec Y = module->addWire(NEW_ID);
+ switch (rng(3))
+ {
+ case 0:
+ module->addAndGate(NEW_ID, A, B, Y);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ module->addOrGate(NEW_ID, A, B, Y);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ module->addXorGate(NEW_ID, A, B, Y);
+ break;
+ }
select next->$_AND_, $_OR_, $_XOR_)
index <IdString> next->type === chain.back().first->type
index <SigSpec> port(next, \Y) === port(chain.back().first, chain.back().second)
+generate 50
+ SigSpec A = module->addWire(NEW_ID);
+ SigSpec B = module->addWire(NEW_ID);
+ SigSpec Y = port(chain.back().first, chain.back().second);
+ Cell *c = module->addAndGate(NEW_ID, A, B, Y);
+ c->type = chain.back().first->type;