brw_inst_set_pi_message_data(devinfo, insn, data);
+brw_broadcast(struct brw_codegen *p,
+ struct brw_reg dst,
+ struct brw_reg src,
+ struct brw_reg idx)
+ const struct brw_device_info *devinfo = p->devinfo;
+ const bool align1 = brw_inst_access_mode(devinfo, p->current) == BRW_ALIGN_1;
+ brw_inst *inst;
+ assert(src.file == BRW_GENERAL_REGISTER_FILE &&
+ src.address_mode == BRW_ADDRESS_DIRECT);
+ if ((src.vstride == 0 && (src.hstride == 0 || !align1)) ||
+ idx.file == BRW_IMMEDIATE_VALUE) {
+ /* Trivial, the source is already uniform or the index is a constant.
+ * We will typically not get here if the optimizer is doing its job, but
+ * asserting would be mean.
+ */
+ const unsigned i = idx.file == BRW_IMMEDIATE_VALUE ? idx.dw1.ud : 0;
+ brw_MOV(p, dst,
+ (align1 ? stride(suboffset(src, i), 0, 1, 0) :
+ stride(suboffset(src, 4 * i), 0, 4, 1)));
+ } else {
+ if (align1) {
+ const struct brw_reg addr =
+ retype(brw_address_reg(0), BRW_REGISTER_TYPE_UD);
+ const unsigned offset = * REG_SIZE + src.subnr;
+ /* Limit in bytes of the signed indirect addressing immediate. */
+ const unsigned limit = 512;
+ brw_push_insn_state(p);
+ brw_set_default_mask_control(p, BRW_MASK_DISABLE);
+ brw_set_default_predicate_control(p, BRW_PREDICATE_NONE);
+ /* Take into account the component size and horizontal stride. */
+ assert(src.vstride == src.hstride + src.width);
+ brw_SHL(p, addr, vec1(idx),
+ brw_imm_ud(_mesa_logbase2(type_sz(src.type)) +
+ src.hstride - 1));
+ /* We can only address up to limit bytes using the indirect
+ * addressing immediate, account for the difference if the source
+ * register is above this limit.
+ */
+ if (offset >= limit)
+ brw_ADD(p, addr, addr, brw_imm_ud(offset - offset % limit));
+ brw_pop_insn_state(p);
+ /* Use indirect addressing to fetch the specified component. */
+ brw_MOV(p, dst,
+ retype(brw_vec1_indirect(addr.subnr, offset % limit),
+ src.type));
+ } else {
+ /* In SIMD4x2 mode the index can be either zero or one, replicate it
+ * to all bits of a flag register,
+ */
+ inst = brw_MOV(p,
+ brw_null_reg(),
+ stride(brw_swizzle1(idx, 0), 0, 4, 1));
+ brw_inst_set_pred_control(devinfo, inst, BRW_PREDICATE_NONE);
+ brw_inst_set_cond_modifier(devinfo, inst, BRW_CONDITIONAL_NZ);
+ brw_inst_set_flag_reg_nr(devinfo, inst, 1);
+ /* and use predicated SEL to pick the right channel. */
+ inst = brw_SEL(p, dst,
+ stride(suboffset(src, 4), 0, 4, 1),
+ stride(src, 0, 4, 1));
+ brw_inst_set_pred_control(devinfo, inst, BRW_PREDICATE_NORMAL);
+ brw_inst_set_flag_reg_nr(devinfo, inst, 1);
+ }
+ }
* This instruction is generated as a single-channel align1 instruction by
* both the VS and FS stages when using INTEL_DEBUG=shader_time.