an ASIC that combines **both** JTAG Boundary Scan **and** GPIO
Muxing, down to layout considerations using coriolis2.
+# Resources, Platforms and Pins
+When creating nmigen HDL as Modules, they typically know nothing about FPGA
+Boards or ASICs. They especially do not know anything about the
+Peripheral ICs (UART, I2C, USB, SPI, PCIe) connected to a given FPGA
+on a given PCB, and they should not have to.
+Through the Resources, Platforms and Pins API, a level of abstraction
+between peripherals, boards and HDL designs is provided. Peripherals
+may be given `(nane, number)` tuples, the HDL design may "request"
+a peripheral, which is described in terms of Resources, managed
+by a ResourceManager, and a Platform may provide that peripheral.
+The Platform is given
+the resposibility to wire up the Pins to the correct FPGA (or ASIC)
+IO Pads, and it is the HDL design's responsibility to connect up
+those same named Pins, on the other side, to the implementation
+of the PHY/Controller, in the HDL.
+Here is a function that defines a UART Resource:
+ #!/usr/bin/env python3
+ from import Resource, Subsignal, Pins
+ def UARTResource(*args, rx, tx):
+ io = []
+ io.append(Subsignal("rx", Pins(rx, dir="i", assert_width=1)))
+ io.append(Subsignal("tx", Pins(tx, dir="o", assert_width=1)))
+ return*args, default_name="uart", ios=io)
+Note that the Subsignal is given a convenient name (tx, rx) and that
+there are Pins associated with it.
+UARTResource would typically be part of a larger function that defines, for either
+an FPGA or an ASIC, a full array of IO Connections:
+ def create_resources(pinset):
+ resources = []
+ resources.append(UARTResource('uart', 0, tx='A20', rx='A21'))
+ # add clock and reset
+ clk = Resource("clk", 0, Pins("sys_clk", dir="i"))
+ rst = Resource("rst", 0, Pins("sys_rst", dir="i"))
+ resources.append(clk)
+ resources.append(rst)
+ return resources
+For an FPGA, the Pins names are typically the Ball Grid Array
+Pad or Pin name: A12, or N20. ASICs can do likewise: it is
+for convenience when referring to schematics, to use the most
+recogniseable well-known name.
+Next, these Resources need to be handed to a ResourceManager or
+a Platform (Platform derives from ResourceManager)
+ from import TemplatedPlatform
+ class ASICPlatform(TemplatedPlatform):
+ def __init__(self, resources):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.add_resources(resources)
+An HDL Module may now be created, which, if given
+a platform instance during elaboration, may request
+a UART (caveat below):
+ from nmigen import Elaboratable, Module, Signal
+ class Blinker(Elaboratable):
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ # get the UART resource, mess with the output tx
+ uart = platform.request('uart')
+ intermediary = Signal()
+ m.d.comb += uart.tx.eq(~intermediary) # invert, for fun
+ m.d.comb += intermediary.eq(uart.rx) # pass rx to tx
+ return m
+The caveat here is that the Resources of the platform actually
+have to have a UART in order for it to be requestable! Thus:
+ resources = create_resources()
+ asic = ASICPlatform(resources)
+ hdl = Blinker()
+Finally the association between HDL, Resources, and ASIC Platform
+is made:
+* The Resources contain the abstract expression of the
+type of peripheral, its port names, and the corresponding
+names of the IO Pads associated with each port.
+* The HDL which knows nothing about IO Pad names requests
+ a Resource by name
+* The ASIC Platform, given the list of Resources, takes care
+ of connecting requests for Resources to actual IO Pads.
+This is the simple version. When JTAG Boundary Scan needs
+to be added, it gets a lot more complex.
# JTAG Boundary Scan
JTAG Scanning is a (paywalled) IEEE Standard: 1149.1 which with
[[!img i_o_io_tristate_jtag.JPG]]
-# Resources, Platforms and Pins
-When creating nmigen HDL as Modules, they typically know nothing about FPGA
-Boards or ASICs. They especially do not know anything about the
-Peripheral ICs (UART, I2C, USB, SPI, PCIe) connected to a given FPGA
-on a given PCB, and they should not have to.
-Through the Resources, Platforms and Pins API, a level of abstraction
-between peripherals, boards and HDL designs is provided. Peripherals
-may be given `(nane, number)` tuples, the HDL design may "request"
-a peripheral, which is described in terms of Resources, managed
-by a ResourceManager, and a Platform may provide that peripheral.
-The Platform is given
-the resposibility to wire up the Pins to the correct FPGA (or ASIC)
-IO Pads, and it is the HDL design's responsibility to connect up
-those same named Pins, on the other side, to the implementation
-of the PHY/Controller, in the HDL.
-Here is a function that defines a UART Resource:
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- from import Resource, Subsignal, Pins
- def UARTResource(*args, rx, tx):
- io = []
- io.append(Subsignal("rx", Pins(rx, dir="i", assert_width=1)))
- io.append(Subsignal("tx", Pins(tx, dir="o", assert_width=1)))
- return*args, default_name="uart", ios=io)
-It would typically be part of a larger function that defines, for either
-an FPGA or an ASIC, a full array of IO Connections:
- def create_resources(pinset):
- resources = []
- resources.append(UARTResource('uart', 0, tx='tx', rx='rx'))
- # add clock and reset
- clk = Resource("clk", 0, Pins("sys_clk", dir="i"))
- rst = Resource("rst", 0, Pins("sys_rst", dir="i"))
- resources.append(clk)
- resources.append(rst)
- return resources
-For an FPGA, the Pins names are typically the Ball Grid Array
-Pad or Pin name: A12, or N20. ASICs can do likewise: it is
-for convenience when referring to schematics, to use the most
-recogniseable well-known name.
-Next, these Resources need to be handed to a ResourceManager or
-a Platform (Platform derives from ResourceManager)
- from import TemplatedPlatform
- class ASICPlatform(TemplatedPlatform):
- def __init__(self, resources):
- super().__init__()
- self.add_resources(resources)
-An HDL Module may now be created, which, if given
-a platform instance during elaboration, may request
-a UART (caveat below):
- from nmigen import Elaboratable, Module, Signal
- class Blinker(Elaboratable):
- def elaborate(self, platform):
- m = Module()
- # get the UART resource, mess with the output tx
- uart = platform.request('uart')
- intermediary = Signal()
- m.d.comb += uart.tx.eq(intermediary)
- m.d.comb += intermediary.eq(uart.rx)
- return m