--- /dev/null
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3-or-later
+# Copyright 2024 Jacob Lifshay programmerjake@gmail.com
+# Funded by NLnet Assure Programme 2021-02-052, https://nlnet.nl/assure part
+# of Horizon 2020 EU Programme 957073.
+""" GF(2^n)
+from nmigen.hdl.ast import Shape, Signal, Value, unsigned, Mux, Const
+from nmutil.singlepipe import ControlBase
+from nmigen.hdl.dsl import Module
+from nmutil.plain_data import plain_data, fields
+from nmigen_gf.reference.state import ST
+from nmigen_gf.reference.decode_reducing_polynomial import \
+ decode_reducing_polynomial
+from nmigen_gf.hdl.decode_reducing_polynomial import DecodeReducingPolynomial
+from nmutil.clz import clz, CLZ
+from collections import defaultdict
+@plain_data(frozen=True, unsafe_hash=True)
+class GFBInvShape:
+ __slots__ = "width",
+ def __init__(self, width):
+ # type: (int) -> None
+ self.width = width
+ @property
+ def rpoly_max_degree(self):
+ return self.width
+ @property
+ def rpoly_width(self):
+ return self.width + 1
+ @property
+ def max_step_count(self):
+ return self.rpoly_max_degree * 2
+ @property
+ def step_shape(self):
+ return Shape.cast(range(self.max_step_count + 1))
+ @property
+ def rpoly_degree_shape(self):
+ return Shape.cast(range(self.rpoly_max_degree + 1))
+@plain_data(frozen=True, unsafe_hash=True, repr=False)
+class PyGFBInvState:
+ __slots__ = "shape", "a", "s", "m", "r", "v", "u", "delta", "step"
+ def __init__(self, shape, a, s, m, r, v, u, delta, step):
+ # type: (GFBInvShape, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) -> None
+ a = Const.normalize(a, unsigned(shape.width))
+ s = Const.normalize(s, unsigned(shape.rpoly_width))
+ m = Const.normalize(m, shape.rpoly_degree_shape)
+ r = Const.normalize(r, unsigned(shape.rpoly_width))
+ v = Const.normalize(v, unsigned(shape.rpoly_width))
+ u = Const.normalize(u, unsigned(shape.rpoly_width))
+ delta = Const.normalize(delta, shape.step_shape)
+ step = Const.normalize(step, shape.step_shape)
+ self.shape = shape
+ self.a = a
+ self.s = s
+ self.m = m
+ self.r = r
+ self.v = v
+ self.u = u
+ self.delta = delta
+ self.step = step
+ @property
+ def next_state(self):
+ # type: () -> PyGFBInvState
+ s = self.s
+ r = self.r
+ v = self.v
+ u = self.u
+ delta = self.delta
+ step = self.step
+ if step != self.m * 2:
+ if r >> self.m == 0: # if the MSB of `r` is zero
+ r <<= 1
+ u <<= 1
+ delta += 1
+ else:
+ if s >> self.m != 0: # if the MSB of `s` isn't zero
+ s ^= r
+ v ^= u
+ s <<= 1
+ if delta == 0:
+ r, s = s, r # swap r and s
+ u, v = v << 1, u # shift v and swap
+ delta = 1
+ else:
+ u >>= 1
+ delta -= 1
+ step += 1
+ return PyGFBInvState(
+ shape=self.shape,
+ a=self.a,
+ s=s,
+ m=self.m,
+ r=r,
+ v=v,
+ u=u,
+ delta=delta,
+ step=step,
+ )
+ else:
+ return self
+ @property
+ def output(self):
+ # type: () -> None | int
+ if self.step == self.m * 2:
+ return 0 if self.a == 0 else self.u % 2 ** self.shape.width
+ else:
+ return None
+ @staticmethod
+ def initial_state(shape, rpoly, a):
+ # type: (GFBInvShape, int, int) -> PyGFBInvState
+ assert 0 < shape.width
+ assert 0 < rpoly < 2 ** shape.rpoly_width
+ assert 0 <= a < 2 ** shape.width
+ s = rpoly
+ m = shape.rpoly_width - 1 - clz(s, shape.rpoly_width)
+ return PyGFBInvState(
+ shape=shape,
+ a=a,
+ s=s,
+ m=m,
+ r=a,
+ v=0,
+ u=1,
+ delta=0,
+ step=0,
+ )
+ def __repr__(self):
+ field_strs = []
+ for name in fields(self):
+ v = getattr(self, name, None)
+ if v is None:
+ field_strs.append("%s=<not set>" % (name,))
+ elif name in ("shape", "m", "delta", "step"):
+ field_strs.append("%s=%s" % (name, v))
+ else:
+ field_strs.append("%s=0x%x" % (name, v))
+ return "PyGFBInvState(%s)" % (", ".join(field_strs),)
+def py_gfbinv_algorithm(XLEN, REDPOLY, a):
+ # type: (int, int, int) -> int
+ rpoly = decode_reducing_polynomial()
+ shape = GFBInvShape(width=XLEN)
+ state = PyGFBInvState.initial_state(shape=shape, rpoly=rpoly, a=a)
+ while True:
+ output = state.output
+ if output is not None:
+ return output
+ state = state.next_state
+class TempSignalMaker:
+ __slots__ = "m", "base_name", "names_next_index"
+ def __init__(self, m, base_name, names_next_index=None):
+ # type: (Module, str, None | dict[str, int]) -> None
+ self.m = m
+ self.base_name = base_name
+ if names_next_index is None:
+ names_next_index = {}
+ self.names_next_index = names_next_index
+ def __call__(self, value, *, name=None, src_loc_at=0):
+ if name is None:
+ name = Signal(src_loc_at=1 + src_loc_at).name
+ assert isinstance(name, str)
+ if name in self.names_next_index:
+ idx = self.names_next_index[name]
+ self.names_next_index[name] += 1
+ else:
+ self.names_next_index[name] = 2
+ idx = ""
+ name = "%s_%s_temp%s" % (self.base_name, name, idx)
+ retval = Signal.like(value, name=name)
+ self.m.d.comb += retval.eq(value)
+ return retval
+@plain_data(frozen=True, unsafe_hash=True)
+class GFBInvState:
+ __slots__ = "shape", "a", "s", "m", "r", "v", "u", "delta", "step", "name"
+ def __init__(
+ self, shape, a, s, m, r, v, u, delta, step, *, name=None, src_loc_at=0,
+ ):
+ assert isinstance(shape, GFBInvShape)
+ if name is None:
+ name = Signal(src_loc_at=1 + src_loc_at).name
+ assert isinstance(name, str)
+ a = Value.cast(a)
+ s = Value.cast(s)
+ m = Value.cast(m)
+ r = Value.cast(r)
+ v = Value.cast(v)
+ u = Value.cast(u)
+ delta = Value.cast(delta)
+ step = Value.cast(step)
+ assert a.shape() == unsigned(shape.width)
+ assert s.shape() == unsigned(shape.rpoly_width)
+ assert m.shape() == shape.rpoly_degree_shape
+ assert r.shape() == unsigned(shape.rpoly_width)
+ assert v.shape() == unsigned(shape.rpoly_width)
+ assert u.shape() == unsigned(shape.rpoly_width)
+ assert delta.shape() == shape.step_shape
+ assert step.shape() == shape.step_shape
+ self.shape = shape
+ self.a = a
+ self.s = s
+ self.m = m
+ self.r = r
+ self.v = v
+ self.u = u
+ self.delta = delta
+ self.step = step
+ self.name = name
+ @staticmethod
+ def signals(shape, *, name=None, src_loc_at=0):
+ assert isinstance(shape, GFBInvShape)
+ if name is None:
+ name = Signal(src_loc_at=1 + src_loc_at).name
+ assert isinstance(name, str)
+ return GFBInvState(
+ shape=shape,
+ a=Signal(shape.width, name=name + "_a"),
+ s=Signal(shape.rpoly_width, name=name + "_s"),
+ m=Signal(shape.rpoly_degree_shape, name=name + "_m"),
+ r=Signal(shape.rpoly_width, name=name + "_r"),
+ v=Signal(shape.rpoly_width, name=name + "_v"),
+ u=Signal(shape.rpoly_width, name=name + "_u"),
+ delta=Signal(shape.step_shape, name=name + "_delta"),
+ step=Signal(shape.step_shape, name=name + "_step"),
+ name=name,
+ )
+ def eq(self, rhs):
+ assert isinstance(rhs, GFBInvState)
+ for f in fields(GFBInvState):
+ if f in ("shape", "name"):
+ continue
+ l = getattr(self, f)
+ r = getattr(rhs, f)
+ yield l.eq(r)
+ def next_state(self, m):
+ # type: (Module) -> GFBInvState
+ next_state = GFBInvState.signals(self.shape,
+ name=self.name + "_next_state")
+ m.d.comb += next_state.eq(self)
+ tmp = TempSignalMaker(m, self.name + "_next_state")
+ with m.If(self.step != self.m << 1):
+ with m.If(self.r >> self.m == 0): # if the MSB of `r` is zero
+ m.d.comb += [
+ next_state.r.eq(self.r << 1),
+ next_state.u.eq(self.u << 1),
+ next_state.delta.eq(self.delta + 1),
+ ]
+ with m.Else():
+ s_msb_nonzero = self.s >> self.m != 0
+ s_msb_nonzero = tmp(s_msb_nonzero)
+ # if the MSB of `s` isn't zero
+ s = tmp(Mux(s_msb_nonzero, self.s ^ self.r, self.s))
+ v = tmp(Mux(s_msb_nonzero, self.v ^ self.u, self.v))
+ s = tmp(s << 1)
+ delta_z = tmp(self.delta == 0)
+ r, s = (Mux(delta_z, s, self.r), # swap r and s
+ Mux(delta_z, self.r, s))
+ r = tmp(r)
+ s = tmp(s)
+ u, v = (Mux(delta_z, v << 1, self.u >> 1), # shift v and swap
+ Mux(delta_z, self.u, v))
+ u = tmp(u)
+ v = tmp(v)
+ delta = tmp(Mux(delta_z, 1, self.delta - 1))
+ m.d.comb += [
+ next_state.s.eq(s),
+ next_state.r.eq(r),
+ next_state.v.eq(v),
+ next_state.u.eq(u),
+ next_state.delta.eq(delta),
+ ]
+ m.d.comb += next_state.step.eq(self.step + 1)
+ return next_state
+ @property
+ def has_output(self):
+ return self.step == self.m << 1
+ @property
+ def output(self):
+ return Mux(self.a == 0, 0, self.u)
+ @staticmethod
+ def initial_state(shape, m, rpoly, a, *, name=None, src_loc_at=0):
+ assert isinstance(shape, GFBInvShape)
+ if name is None:
+ name = Signal(src_loc_at=1 + src_loc_at).name
+ assert isinstance(name, str)
+ rpoly = Value.cast(rpoly)
+ a = Value.cast(a)
+ assert rpoly.shape() == unsigned(shape.rpoly_width)
+ assert a.shape() == unsigned(shape.width)
+ s = rpoly
+ clz = CLZ(shape.rpoly_width)
+ setattr(m.submodules, name + "_clz", clz)
+ m.d.comb += clz.sig_in.eq(s)
+ state_m = Signal(shape.rpoly_degree_shape,
+ name=name + "_initial_state_m")
+ m.d.comb += state_m.eq(
+ Const(shape.rpoly_width - 1, shape.rpoly_degree_shape) - clz.lz)
+ r = Signal(shape.rpoly_width,
+ name=name + "_initial_state_r")
+ m.d.comb += r.eq(a)
+ return GFBInvState(
+ shape=shape,
+ a=a,
+ s=s,
+ m=state_m,
+ r=r,
+ v=Const(0, shape.rpoly_width),
+ u=Const(1, shape.rpoly_width),
+ delta=Const(0, shape.step_shape),
+ step=Const(0, shape.step_shape),
+ name=name,
+ )
+class GFBInvInputData:
+ def __init__(self, shape):
+ assert isinstance(shape, GFBInvShape)
+ self.shape = shape
+ self.REDPOLY = Signal(shape.width)
+ self.a = Signal(shape.width)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ """ Get member signals. """
+ yield self.REDPOLY
+ yield self.a
+ def eq(self, rhs):
+ """ Assign member signals. """
+ return [
+ self.REDPOLY.eq(rhs.REDPOLY),
+ self.a.eq(rhs.a),
+ ]
+class GFBInvOutputData:
+ def __init__(self, shape):
+ assert isinstance(shape, GFBInvShape)
+ self.shape = shape
+ self.output = Signal(shape.width)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ """ Get member signals. """
+ yield self.output
+ def eq(self, rhs):
+ """ Assign member signals. """
+ return self.output.eq(rhs.output)
+class GFBInvFSMStage(ControlBase):
+ """binary galois field inverse
+ Attributes:
+ shape: GFBInvShape
+ the shape
+ pspec:
+ pipe-spec
+ empty: Signal()
+ true if nothing is stored in `self.saved_state`
+ saved_state: GFBInvState()
+ the saved state that is currently being worked on.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, pspec, shape):
+ assert isinstance(shape, GFBInvShape)
+ self.shape = shape
+ self.pspec = pspec # store now: used in ispec and ospec
+ super().__init__(stage=self)
+ self.empty = Signal(reset=1)
+ self.saved_state = GFBInvState.signals(shape)
+ def ispec(self):
+ return GFBInvInputData(self.shape)
+ def ospec(self):
+ return GFBInvOutputData(self.shape)
+ def setup(self, m, i):
+ pass
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = super().elaborate(platform)
+ i_data = self.p.i_data
+ o_data = self.n.o_data
+ # TODO: handle cancellation
+ m.d.comb += self.n.o_valid.eq(
+ ~self.empty & self.saved_state.has_output)
+ m.d.comb += self.p.o_ready.eq(self.empty)
+ rpoly_dec = DecodeReducingPolynomial(self.shape.width)
+ m.submodules.rpoly_dec = rpoly_dec
+ m.d.comb += rpoly_dec.REDPOLY.eq(i_data.REDPOLY)
+ rpoly = rpoly_dec.reducing_polynomial
+ m.d.comb += o_data.output.eq(self.saved_state.output)
+ initial_state = GFBInvState.initial_state(
+ shape=self.shape,
+ m=m,
+ rpoly=rpoly,
+ a=i_data.a,
+ )
+ with m.If(self.empty):
+ m.d.sync += self.saved_state.eq(initial_state)
+ with m.If(self.p.i_valid):
+ m.d.sync += self.empty.eq(0)
+ with m.Else():
+ m.d.sync += self.saved_state.eq(self.saved_state.next_state(m))
+ with m.If(self.n.i_ready & self.n.o_valid):
+ m.d.sync += self.empty.eq(1)
+ return m
+ def __iter__(self):
+ yield from self.p
+ yield from self.n
+ def ports(self):
+ return list(self)
--- /dev/null
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3-or-later
+# Copyright 2024 Jacob Lifshay programmerjake@gmail.com
+# Funded by NLnet Assure Programme 2021-02-052, https://nlnet.nl/assure part
+# of Horizon 2020 EU Programme 957073.
+""" GF(2^n)
+import unittest
+from nmigen.hdl.ast import Const, unsigned
+from nmutil.formaltest import FHDLTestCase
+from nmigen_gf.reference.gfbinv import gfbinv
+from nmigen_gf.reference.cldivrem import degree, cldivrem
+from nmigen_gf.hdl.gfbinv import \
+ py_gfbinv_algorithm, GFBInvShape, GFBInvFSMStage
+from nmigen_gf.reference.decode_reducing_polynomial import \
+ decode_reducing_polynomial
+from nmigen.sim import Delay, Tick
+from nmutil.sim_util import do_sim, hash_256
+from nmigen_gf.reference.state import ST
+import itertools
+def is_irreducible(poly):
+ # type: (int) -> bool
+ assert poly < 2 ** 33, "too slow for testing"
+ if poly == 0b10:
+ return True
+ if poly & 1 == 0:
+ return False
+ d = degree(poly)
+ half_degree = d // 2
+ for trial_divisor in range(0b11, 1 << (1 + half_degree), 2):
+ q, r = cldivrem(poly, trial_divisor, width=d + 1)
+ if q != 1 and r == 0:
+ return False
+ return True
+class TestPyGFBInv(FHDLTestCase):
+ def tst(self, XLEN, full):
+ # type: (int, bool) -> None
+ def case(REDPOLY, a):
+ # type: (int, int) -> None
+ if not is_irreducible(decode_reducing_polynomial()):
+ # algorithm expects irreducible reducing polynomials, it can
+ # misbehave (intermediate values are bigger than the hardware
+ # implementation uses) if that's not satisfied. this isn't a
+ # problem for the instruction definition since we don't care
+ # what junk output you get for a junk input.
+ return
+ try:
+ expected = gfbinv(a)
+ except AssertionError as e:
+ if e.args != ("`a` is out-of-range",):
+ raise
+ expected = None
+ output = py_gfbinv_algorithm(XLEN, REDPOLY, a)
+ if expected is not None:
+ with self.subTest(expected=hex(expected),
+ output=hex(output)):
+ self.assertEqual(expected, output)
+ if full:
+ itr = itertools.product(range(1 << XLEN), repeat=2)
+ for REDPOLY, a in itr:
+ with self.subTest(REDPOLY=hex(REDPOLY), a=hex(a)):
+ case(REDPOLY, a)
+ else:
+ for i in range(100):
+ v = hash_256("py_gfbinv %i REDPOLY %i" % (XLEN, i))
+ shift = hash_256("py_gfbinv %i REDPOLY shift %i" % (XLEN, i))
+ v >>= shift % XLEN
+ REDPOLY = Const.normalize(v, unsigned(XLEN))
+ v = hash_256("py_gfbinv %i a %i" % (XLEN, i))
+ a = Const.normalize(v, unsigned(XLEN))
+ with self.subTest(REDPOLY=hex(REDPOLY), a=hex(a)):
+ case(REDPOLY, a)
+ def test_4(self):
+ self.tst(XLEN=4, full=True)
+ def test_8(self):
+ self.tst(XLEN=8, full=True)
+ def test_32(self):
+ self.tst(XLEN=32, full=False)
+class TestGFBInv(FHDLTestCase):
+ def tst(self, XLEN, full):
+ shape = GFBInvShape(width=XLEN)
+ pspec = {}
+ dut = GFBInvFSMStage(pspec, shape)
+ i_data = dut.p.i_data
+ o_data = dut.n.o_data
+ def case(REDPOLY, a):
+ expected = py_gfbinv_algorithm(shape.width, REDPOLY, a)
+ with self.subTest(REDPOLY=hex(REDPOLY),
+ a=hex(a),
+ expected=hex(expected)):
+ yield dut.p.i_valid.eq(0)
+ yield Tick()
+ yield i_data.REDPOLY.eq(REDPOLY)
+ yield i_data.a.eq(a)
+ yield dut.p.i_valid.eq(1)
+ yield Delay(0.1e-6)
+ valid = yield dut.n.o_valid
+ ready = yield dut.p.o_ready
+ with self.subTest():
+ self.assertFalse(valid)
+ self.assertTrue(ready)
+ yield Tick()
+ yield i_data.REDPOLY.eq(-1)
+ yield i_data.a.eq(-1)
+ yield dut.p.i_valid.eq(0)
+ for step in range(shape.max_step_count):
+ yield Delay(0.1e-6)
+ valid = yield dut.n.o_valid
+ ready = yield dut.p.o_ready
+ with self.subTest():
+ self.assertFalse(ready)
+ yield Tick()
+ yield Delay(0.1e-6)
+ valid = yield dut.n.o_valid
+ ready = yield dut.p.o_ready
+ with self.subTest():
+ self.assertTrue(valid)
+ self.assertFalse(ready)
+ output = yield o_data.output
+ with self.subTest(output=hex(output)):
+ self.assertEqual(output, expected)
+ yield dut.n.i_ready.eq(1)
+ yield Tick()
+ yield Delay(0.1e-6)
+ valid = yield dut.n.o_valid
+ ready = yield dut.p.o_ready
+ with self.subTest():
+ self.assertFalse(valid)
+ self.assertTrue(ready)
+ yield dut.n.i_ready.eq(0)
+ def process():
+ if full:
+ itr = itertools.product(range(1 << XLEN), repeat=2)
+ for REDPOLY, a in itr:
+ with self.subTest(REDPOLY=hex(REDPOLY), a=hex(a)):
+ yield from case(REDPOLY, a)
+ else:
+ for i in range(100):
+ v = hash_256("gfbinv %i REDPOLY %i" % (XLEN, i))
+ shift = hash_256("gfbinv %i REDPOLY shift %i" % (XLEN, i))
+ v >>= shift % XLEN
+ REDPOLY = Const.normalize(v, unsigned(XLEN))
+ v = hash_256("gfbinv %i a %i" % (XLEN, i))
+ a = Const.normalize(v, unsigned(XLEN))
+ with self.subTest(REDPOLY=hex(REDPOLY), a=hex(a)):
+ yield from case(REDPOLY, a)
+ with do_sim(self, dut, list(dut.ports())) as sim:
+ sim.add_process(process)
+ sim.add_clock(1e-6)
+ sim.run()
+ def test_4(self):
+ self.tst(XLEN=4, full=True)
+ def test_8(self):
+ self.tst(XLEN=8, full=False)
+ def test_32(self):
+ self.tst(XLEN=32, full=False)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ unittest.main()