def ini_str(self):
return '%f' % self.getValue()
+class Current(float, ParamValue):
+ cxx_type = 'double'
+ ex_str = "1mA"
+ cmd_line_settable = False
+ def __new__(cls, value):
+ # convert to current
+ val = convert.toCurrent(value)
+ return super(cls, Current).__new__(cls, val)
+ def __call__(self, value):
+ val = convert.toCurrent(value)
+ self.__init__(val)
+ return value
+ def __str__(self):
+ return str(self.getValue())
+ def getValue(self):
+ value = float(self)
+ return value
+ def ini_str(self):
+ return '%f' % self.getValue()
class NetworkBandwidth(float,ParamValue):
cxx_type = 'float'
ex_str = "1Gbps"
raise ValueError, "cannot convert '%s' to voltage" % value
+def toCurrent(value):
+ if not isinstance(value, str):
+ raise TypeError, "wrong type '%s' should be str" % type(value)
+ if value.endswith('A'):
+ return toFloat(value[:-1])
+ raise ValueError, "cannot convert '%s' to current" % value