even 12-bit accuracy can be overkill, but for HPC Scientific scenarios 12-bit
would be disastrous.
+There are a **lot** of operations here, and they also bring Power ISA
+up-to-date to IEEE754-2019. Fortunately the number of critical instructions
+is quite low, but the caveat is that if those operations are utilised to
+synthesise other IEEE754 operations (divide by `pi` for example) full bitlevel
+accuracy (a hard requirement for IEEE754) is lost.
+Also worth noting that the Khronos Group defines minimum acceptable bit-accuracy
+levels for 3D Graphics: these are **nowhere near* the full accuracy demanded
+by IEEE754, the reason for the Khronos definitions is a massive reduction often
+four-fold in power consumption and gate count when 3D Graphics simply has no need
+for full accuracy.
+*For 3D GPU markets this definitely needs addressing*
## Audio/Video
Found at [[sv/av_opcodes]] these do not require Saturated variants because Saturation