-\frametitle{Matrix Multiply Basics}
+\frametitle{Matrix Multiply: Basics}
(a00 a01 a02 x (b00 b01 =
-\frametitle{Matrix Multiply Basics}
-(a00 a01 a02 x (b00 b01 =
- a10 a11 a12) b10 b11
- b20 b21)
-(a00*b00 + a01*b10 + a02*b20 a00*b01 + a01*b11 + a02*b21
- a10*b00 + a11*b10 + a12*b20 a10*b01 + a11*b11 + a12*b21)
- (b00 b01 x (a00 a01 a02 =
- b10 b11 a10 a11 a12)
- b20 b21)
-(b00*a00 + b01*a10 b00*a01 + b01*a11 b00*a02 + b01*a12
- b10*a00 + b11*a10 b10*a01 + b11*a11 b10*a02 + b11*a12
- b20*a00 + b21*a10 b20*a01 + b21*a11 b20*a02 + b21*a12)
-\frametitle{Naive Matrix Multiply with python for-loops}
+\frametitle{Matrix Multiply: naive, with python for-loops}
result = [] # final result
-\frametitle{Matrix Multiply suitable for Hardware scheduling}
+\frametitle{Matrix Multiply: suitable for Hardware scheduling}
Unsuitable: creates massive Read-After-Write chains
-\frame{\frametitle{Generalise but Specialise}
+\frame{\frametitle{Matrix Multiply: Generalise but Specialise}
\item Why not make a general-purpose nested "Loop" system?\\
+ - Other uses (algorithms) beyond Matrix Multiplication\\
- Allow any arbitrary-sized loops\\
- Allow any permutation of nesting\\
- - Allow reversing per-dimension\vspace{8pt}
+ - Allow reversing per-dimension\vspace{5pt}
\item Specialise by making Matrix Multiply "setup" quick/easy\\
- two 32-bit instructions to set up A, B, C sizes\\
- one 64-bit SVP64 FMAC instruction.\\
- - Nothing else needed. Saves on I-Cache\vspace{8pt}
+ - Nothing else needed. Saves on I-Cache\vspace{5pt}
\item Hardware turns out to be near-identical to ZOLC\\
-\frametitle{Matrix Multiply unit test / example}
+\frametitle{Matrix Multiply: unit test / example}
94 def test_sv_remap2(self):
-\frame{\frametitle{Ehm that's all Folks}
+\frame{\frametitle{Matrix Multiply: Ehm that's all Folks}
\item Really is that straightforward: no actual Vector ops\\
- Does not dictate or limit micro-architectural detail\\
- Issues Scalar FMACs into existing back-end hardware\\
- Can use any 4-operand instruction (GF, INT, Bitmanip)\\
- - Any operand width (8/16/32/64), up to 127 ops\vspace{8pt}
- \item Specialise by making Matrix Multiply "setup" quick/easy\\
- - two 32-bit instructions to set up A, B, C sizes\\
- - one 64-bit SVP64 FMAC instruction.\\
- - Nothing else needed. Saves on I-Cache\vspace{8pt}
- \item Hardware turns out to be near-identical to ZOLC\\
- https://opencores.org/projects/hwlu\\
- https://libre-soc.org/openpower/sv/remap/\vspace{15pt}
+ - No Power-2 limits. Any operand width (8/16/32/64)\vspace{8pt}
+ \item Limited to 127 scalar ops and in-place registers. Future?\\
+ - https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.10143 CISC-like load-and-inc\\
+ - Auto-load/store (tagged) registers, keeps RISC ISA\\
+ - Extend to memory-based arbitrary NxN matrix sizes\\
+ - Still power-efficient: no I-cache usage during FMAC issue\vspace{8pt}
+ \item Future can be investigated as part of EUR 22.6m EU Grant\\
+ https://libre-soc.org/SEP-210803722-Libre-SOC-8-core/\vspace{15pt}
+\frame{\frametitle{TODO rewrite Summary}
\item Goal is to create a mass-volume low-power embedded SoC suitable