module \$__MUL18X18 (input [17:0] A, input [17:0] B, output [35:0] OUT);
- MULT18X18D mult_i(
.A0(A[0]), .A1(A[1]), .A2(A[2]), .A3(A[3]), .A4(A[4]), .A5(A[5]), .A6(A[6]), .A7(A[7]), .A8(A[8]), .A9(A[9]), .A10(A[10]), .A11(A[11]), .A12(A[12]), .A13(A[13]), .A14(A[14]), .A15(A[15]), .A16(A[16]), .A17(A[17]),
.B0(B[0]), .B1(B[1]), .B2(B[2]), .B3(B[3]), .B4(B[4]), .B5(B[5]), .B6(B[6]), .B7(B[7]), .B8(B[8]), .B9(B[9]), .B10(B[10]), .B11(B[11]), .B12(B[12]), .B13(B[13]), .B14(B[14]), .B15(B[15]), .B16(B[16]), .B17(B[17]),
.C17(1'b0), .C16(1'b0), .C15(1'b0), .C14(1'b0), .C13(1'b0), .C12(1'b0), .C11(1'b0), .C10(1'b0), .C9(1'b0), .C8(1'b0), .C7(1'b0), .C6(1'b0), .C5(1'b0), .C4(1'b0), .C3(1'b0), .C2(1'b0), .C1(1'b0), .C0(1'b0),
.P0(OUT[0]), .P1(OUT[1]), .P2(OUT[2]), .P3(OUT[3]), .P4(OUT[4]), .P5(OUT[5]), .P6(OUT[6]), .P7(OUT[7]), .P8(OUT[8]), .P9(OUT[9]), .P10(OUT[10]), .P11(OUT[11]), .P12(OUT[12]), .P13(OUT[13]), .P14(OUT[14]), .P15(OUT[15]), .P16(OUT[16]), .P17(OUT[17]), .P18(OUT[18]), .P19(OUT[19]), .P20(OUT[20]), .P21(OUT[21]), .P22(OUT[22]), .P23(OUT[23]), .P24(OUT[24]), .P25(OUT[25]), .P26(OUT[26]), .P27(OUT[27]), .P28(OUT[28]), .P29(OUT[29]), .P30(OUT[30]), .P31(OUT[31]), .P32(OUT[32]), .P33(OUT[33]), .P34(OUT[34]), .P35(OUT[35])
\ No newline at end of file
$(eval $(call add_share_file,share/xilinx,techlibs/xilinx/ff_map.v))
$(eval $(call add_share_file,share/xilinx,techlibs/xilinx/lut_map.v))
$(eval $(call add_share_file,share/xilinx,techlibs/xilinx/mux_map.v))
+$(eval $(call add_share_file,share/xilinx,techlibs/xilinx/dsp_map.v))
$(eval $(call add_share_file,share/xilinx,techlibs/xilinx/
$(eval $(call add_share_file,share/xilinx,techlibs/xilinx/abc_xc7.lut))
log(" -nowidelut\n");
log(" do not use MUXF[78] resources to implement LUTs larger than LUT6s\n");
+ log(" -nodsp\n");
+ log(" do not use DSP48E1s to implement multipliers and associated logic\n");
+ log("\n");
log(" -widemux <int>\n");
log(" enable inference of hard multiplexer resources (MuxFx) for muxes at or\n");
log(" above this number of inputs (minimum value 5).\n");
std::string top_opt, edif_file, blif_file, family;
- bool flatten, retime, vpr, nobram, nodram, nosrl, nocarry, nowidelut, abc9;
+ bool flatten, retime, vpr, nobram, nodram, nosrl, nocarry, nowidelut, nodsp, abc9;
int widemux;
void clear_flags() YS_OVERRIDE
nosrl = false;
nocarry = false;
nowidelut = false;
+ nodsp = false;
abc9 = false;
widemux = 0;
abc9 = true;
+ if (args[argidx] == "-nodsp") {
+ nodsp = true;
+ continue;
+ }
extra_args(args, argidx, design);
if (check_label("coarse")) {
- if (help_mode)
- run("synth -run coarse [-flatten]", "(with '-flatten')");
- else
- run("synth -run coarse" + std::string(flatten ? "" : " -flatten"), "(with '-flatten')");
+ run("proc");
+ if (flatten || help_mode)
+ run("flatten", "(with '-flatten')");
+ run("opt_expr");
+ run("opt_clean");
+ run("check");
+ run("opt");
+ run("wreduce");
+ run("peepopt");
+ run("opt_clean");
+ run("share");
+ run("techmap -map +/cmp2lut.v -D LUT_WIDTH=4");
+ run("opt_expr");
+ run("opt_clean");
+ if (!nodsp || help_mode) {
+ run("techmap -map +/mul2dsp.v -D DSP_A_MAXWIDTH=25 -D DSP_B_MAXWIDTH=18 -D DSP_NAME=$__MUL25X18");
+ run("clean");
+ run("techmap -map +/xilinx/dsp_map.v");
+ }
+ run("alumacc");
+ run("opt");
+ run("fsm");
+ run("opt -fast");
+ run("memory -nomap");
+ run("opt_clean");
if (widemux > 0 || help_mode)
run("muxpack", " ('-widemux' only)");