+# Copyright (c) 2021 Arm Limited
+# All rights reserved.
+# The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
+# not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
+# property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
+# to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software
+# licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license
+# terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated
+# unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software,
+# modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form.
# Copyright (c) 2005 The Regents of The University of Michigan
# Copyright (c) 2010 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
if not isinstance(value, str):
raise TypeError("wrong type '%s' should be str" % type(value))
+def _split_suffix(value, suffixes):
+ '''Split a string based on a suffix from a list of suffixes.
+ :param value: String value to test for a matching suffix.
+ :param suffixes: Container of suffixes to test.
+ :returns: A tuple of (value, suffix). Suffix is the empty string
+ if there is no match.
+ '''
+ matches = [ sfx for sfx in suffixes if value.endswith(sfx) ]
+ assert len(matches) <= 1
+ return (value[:-len(matches[0])], matches[0]) if matches \
+ else (value, '')
-# memory size configuration stuff
def toNum(value, target_type, units, prefixes, converter):
+ '''Convert a string using units and prefixes to (typically) a float or
+ integer.
+ String values are assumed to either be a naked magnitude without a
+ unit or prefix, or a magnitude with a unit and an optional prefix.
+ :param value: String value to convert.
+ :param target_type: Type name for error messages.
+ :param units: Unit (string) or list of valid units.
+ :param prefixes: Mapping of prefixes to multipliers.
+ :param converter: Helper function to convert magnitude to native
+ type.
+ :returns: Tuple of (converted value, unit)
+ '''
def convert(val):
raise ValueError(
"cannot convert '%s' to %s" % (value, target_type))
- if units and not value.endswith(units):
- units = None
+ # Units can be None, the empty string, or a list/tuple. Convert
+ # to a tuple for consistent handling.
if not units:
- return convert(value)
+ units = tuple()
+ elif isinstance(units, str):
+ units = (units,)
+ else:
+ units = tuple(units)
- value = value[:-len(units)]
+ magnitude_prefix, unit = _split_suffix(value, units)
- prefix = next((p for p in prefixes.keys() if value.endswith(p)), None)
- if not prefix:
- return convert(value)
- value = value[:-len(prefix)]
+ # We only allow a prefix if there is a unit
+ if unit:
+ magnitude, prefix = _split_suffix(magnitude_prefix, prefixes)
+ scale = prefixes[prefix] if prefix else 1
+ else:
+ magnitude, prefix, scale = magnitude_prefix, '', 1
- return convert(value) * prefixes[prefix]
+ return convert(magnitude) * scale, unit
def toFloat(value, target_type='float', units=None, prefixes=[]):
- return toNum(value, target_type, units, prefixes, float)
+ return toNum(value, target_type, units, prefixes, float)[0]
def toMetricFloat(value, target_type='float', units=None):
return toFloat(value, target_type, units, metric_prefixes)
return toFloat(value, target_type, units, binary_prefixes)
def toInteger(value, target_type='integer', units=None, prefixes=[]):
- intifier = lambda x: int(x, 0)
- return toNum(value, target_type, units, prefixes, intifier)
+ return toNum(value, target_type, units, prefixes,
+ lambda x: int(x, 0))[0]
def toMetricInteger(value, target_type='integer', units=None):
return toInteger(value, target_type, units, metric_prefixes)