+ aub->has_default_setup = true;
+aub_write_ggtt(struct aub_file *aub, uint64_t virt_addr, uint64_t size, const void *data)
+ if (aub->verbose_log_file) {
+ fprintf(aub->verbose_log_file,
+ " Writting GGTT address: 0x%" PRIx64 ", size: %" PRIu64"\n",
+ virt_addr, size);
+ }
+ /* Default setup assumes a 1 to 1 mapping between physical and virtual GGTT
+ * addresses. This is somewhat incompatible with the aub_write_ggtt()
+ * function. In practice it doesn't matter as the GGTT writes are used to
+ * replace the default setup and we've taken care to setup the PML4 as the
+ * top of the GGTT.
+ */
+ assert(!aub->has_default_setup);
+ /* Makes the code below a bit simpler. In practice all of the write we
+ * receive from error2aub are page aligned.
+ */
+ assert(virt_addr % 4096 == 0);
+ assert((aub->phys_addrs_allocator + size) < (1UL << 32));
+ /* GGTT PT */
+ uint32_t ggtt_ptes = DIV_ROUND_UP(size, 4096);
+ uint64_t phys_addr = aub->phys_addrs_allocator << 12;
+ aub->phys_addrs_allocator += ggtt_ptes;
+ if (aub->verbose_log_file) {
+ fprintf(aub->verbose_log_file,
+ " Writting GGTT address: 0x%" PRIx64 ", size: %" PRIu64" phys_addr=0x%lx entries=%u\n",
+ virt_addr, size, phys_addr, ggtt_ptes);
+ }
+ mem_trace_memory_write_header_out(aub,
+ (virt_addr >> 12) * GEN8_PTE_SIZE,
+ ggtt_ptes * GEN8_PTE_SIZE,
+ "GGTT PT");
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ggtt_ptes; i++) {
+ dword_out(aub, 1 + phys_addr + i * 4096);
+ dword_out(aub, 0);
+ }
+ /* We write the GGTT buffer through the GGTT aub command rather than the
+ * PHYSICAL aub command. This is because the Gen9 simulator seems to have 2
+ * different set of memory pools for GGTT and physical (probably someone
+ * didn't really understand the concept?).
+ */
+ static const char null_block[8 * 4096];
+ for (uint64_t offset = 0; offset < size; offset += 4096) {
+ uint32_t block_size = min(4096, size - offset);
+ mem_trace_memory_write_header_out(aub, virt_addr + offset, block_size,
+ "GGTT buffer");
+ data_out(aub, (char *) data + offset, block_size);
+ /* Pad to a multiple of 4 bytes. */
+ data_out(aub, null_block, -block_size & 3);
+ }
+aub_write_context_execlists(struct aub_file *aub, uint64_t context_addr,
+ enum drm_i915_gem_engine_class engine_class)
+ const struct engine *cs = engine_from_engine_class(engine_class);
+ uint64_t descriptor = ((uint64_t)1 << 62 | context_addr | CONTEXT_FLAGS);
+ aub_dump_execlist(aub, cs, descriptor);
struct aub_file {
FILE *file;
+ bool has_default_setup;
/* Set if you want extra logging */
FILE *verbose_log_file;
void aub_write_default_setup(struct aub_file *aub);
void aub_map_ppgtt(struct aub_file *aub, uint64_t start, uint64_t size);
+void aub_write_ggtt(struct aub_file *aub, uint64_t virt_addr, uint64_t size, const void *data);
void aub_write_trace_block(struct aub_file *aub,
uint32_t type, void *virtual,
uint32_t size, uint64_t gtt_offset);
void aub_write_exec(struct aub_file *aub, uint64_t batch_addr,
uint64_t offset, enum drm_i915_gem_engine_class engine_class);
+void aub_write_context_execlists(struct aub_file *aub, uint64_t context_addr,
+ enum drm_i915_gem_engine_class engine_class);
#ifdef __cplusplus
NULL, pci_id, "error_state");
"%s currently only works on gen8+\n", argv[0]);
- aub_write_default_setup(&aub);
+ /* Find the batch that trigger the hang */
+ struct bo *batch_bo = NULL;
+ list_for_each_entry(struct bo, bo_entry, &bo_list, link) {
+ if (bo_entry->type == BO_TYPE_BATCH) {
+ batch_bo = bo_entry;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ fail_if(!batch_bo, "Failed to find batch buffer.\n");
/* Add all the BOs to the aub file */
+ struct bo *hwsp_bo = NULL;
list_for_each_entry(struct bo, bo_entry, &bo_list, link) {
switch (bo_entry->type) {
aub_map_ppgtt(&aub, bo_entry->addr, bo_entry->size);
aub_write_trace_block(&aub, AUB_TRACE_TYPE_NOTYPE,
bo_entry->data, bo_entry->size, bo_entry->addr);
- default:
- }
- }
+ if (bo_entry->engine_class == batch_bo->engine_class &&
+ bo_entry->engine_instance == batch_bo->engine_instance) {
+ hwsp_bo = bo_entry;
+ uint32_t *context = (uint32_t *) (bo_entry->data + 4096 /* GuC */ + 4096 /* HWSP */);
+ if (context[1] == 0) {
+ fprintf(stderr,
+ "Invalid context image data.\n"
+ "This is likely a kernel issue : https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=107691\n");
+ }
+ /* Update the ring buffer at the last known location. */
+ context[5] = engines[bo_entry->engine_class].instances[bo_entry->engine_instance].ring_buffer_head;
+ context[7] = engines[bo_entry->engine_class].instances[bo_entry->engine_instance].ring_buffer_tail;
+ fprintf(stdout, "engine start=0x%x head/tail=0x%x/0x%x\n",
+ context[9], context[5], context[7]);
+ /* The error state doesn't provide a dump of the page tables, so
+ * we have to provide our own, that's easy enough.
+ */
+ context[49] = aub.pml4.phys_addr >> 32;
+ context[51] = aub.pml4.phys_addr & 0xffffffff;
+ fprintf(stdout, "context dump:\n");
+ for (int i = 0; i < 60; i++) {
+ if (i % 4 == 0)
+ fprintf(stdout, "\n 0x%08lx: ", bo_entry->addr + 8192 + i * 4);
+ fprintf(stdout, "0x%08x ", context[i]);
+ }
+ fprintf(stdout, "\n");
- /* Finally exec the batch BO */
- bool batch_found = false;
- list_for_each_entry(struct bo, bo_entry, &bo_list, link) {
- if (bo_entry->type == BO_TYPE_BATCH) {
- aub_write_exec(&aub, bo_entry->addr, aub_gtt_size(&aub), bo_entry->engine_class);
- batch_found = true;
+ }
+ aub_write_ggtt(&aub, bo_entry->addr, bo_entry->size, bo_entry->data);
+ break;
+ aub_write_ggtt(&aub, bo_entry->addr, bo_entry->size, bo_entry->data);
+ break;
+ if (bo_entry->gtt == PPGTT) {
+ aub_map_ppgtt(&aub, bo_entry->addr, bo_entry->size);
+ if (bo_entry->data) {
+ aub_write_trace_block(&aub, AUB_TRACE_TYPE_NOTYPE,
+ bo_entry->data, bo_entry->size, bo_entry->addr);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (bo_entry->size > 0) {
+ void *zero_data = calloc(1, bo_entry->size);
+ aub_write_ggtt(&aub, bo_entry->addr, bo_entry->size, zero_data);
+ free(zero_data);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
- fail_if(!batch_found, "Failed to find batch buffer.\n");
+ fail_if(!hwsp_bo, "Failed to find Context buffer.\n");
+ aub_write_context_execlists(&aub, hwsp_bo->addr + 4096 /* skip GuC page */, hwsp_bo->engine_class);
/* Cleanup */
list_for_each_entry_safe(struct bo, bo_entry, &bo_list, link) {