Allows arrays of vertex arrays to be rendered with one call.
+ Separate stencil modes for front and back-facing polygons.
Device Driver Status
should use this.
+5. In tnl's struct vertex_buffer, the field "ProjectedClipCoords"
+ has been replaced by "NdcPtr" to better match the OpenGL spec's
+ terminology.
+6. Since GL_EXT_stencil_two_side has been implemented, many of the
+ ctx->Stencil fields are now 2-element arrays. For example,
+ "GLenum Ref" is now "GLenum Ref[2]" The [0] elements are the front-face
+ values and the [1] elements are the back-face values.
+ ctx->Stencil.ActiveFace is 0 or 1 to indicate the current face for
+ the glStencilOp/Func/Mask() functions.
+ ctx->Stencil.TestTwoSide controls whether or not 1 or 2-sided stenciling
+ is enabled.
-$Id: RELNOTES-4.1,v 1.15 2002/08/17 00:23:19 brianp Exp $
+$Id: RELNOTES-4.1,v 1.16 2002/09/19 16:34:29 brianp Exp $