if (nfni.d_nf.size() <= 1 && nfnj.d_nf.size() <= 1)
+ // If normal forms have size <=1, then we are comparing either:
+ // (1) variable to variable,
+ // (2) variable to constant-like (empty, constant string/seq or SEQ_UNIT),
+ // (3) SEQ_UNIT to constant-like.
+ // We only have to process (3) here, since disequalities of the form of (1)
+ // and (2) are satisfied by construction.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ {
+ NormalForm& nfc = i == 0 ? nfni : nfnj;
+ if (nfc.d_nf.size() == 0 || nfc.d_nf[0].getKind() != SEQ_UNIT)
+ {
+ // may need to look at the other side
+ continue;
+ }
+ Node u = nfc.d_nf[0];
+ // if the other side is constant like
+ NormalForm& nfo = i == 0 ? nfnj : nfni;
+ if (nfo.d_nf.size() == 0 || !utils::isConstantLike(nfo.d_nf[0]))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ // v is the other side (a possibly constant seq.unit term)
+ Node v = nfo.d_nf[0];
+ Node vc;
+ if (v.isConst())
+ {
+ // get the list of characters (strings of length 1)
+ std::vector<Node> vchars = Word::getChars(v);
+ if (vchars.size() != 1)
+ {
+ // constant of size != 1, disequality is satisfied
+ break;
+ }
+ // get the element of the character
+ vc = vchars[0].getConst<Sequence>().getVec()[0];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Assert(v.getKind() == SEQ_UNIT);
+ vc = v[0];
+ }
+ Assert(u[0].getType() == vc.getType());
+ // if already disequal, we are done
+ if (d_state.areDisequal(u[0], vc))
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ // seq.unit(x) != seq.unit(y) => x != y
+ // Notice this is a special case, since the code below would justify this
+ // disequality by reasoning that a component is disequal. However, the
+ // disequality components are the entire disequality.
+ Node deq = u.eqNode(v).notNode();
+ std::vector<Node> premises;
+ premises.push_back(deq);
+ Node conc = u[0].eqNode(vc).notNode();
+ d_im.sendInference(premises, conc, Inference::UNIT_INJ_DEQ, false, true);
+ return;
+ }
+ Trace("strings-solve-debug") << "...trivial" << std::endl;
if (processReverseDeq(nfi, nfj, ni, nj))
+ Trace("strings-solve-debug") << "...processed reverse" << std::endl;
if (processSimpleDeq(nfi, nfj, ni, nj, index, false))
+ Trace("strings-solve-debug") << "...processed simple" << std::endl;
// if both are constants, they should be distinct, and its trivial
Assert(cols[i][j] != cols[i][k]);
- else
+ else if (d_state.areDisequal(cols[i][j], cols[i][k]))
- if (d_state.areDisequal(cols[i][j], cols[i][k]))
+ Assert(!d_state.isInConflict());
+ if (Trace.isOn("strings-solve"))
- Assert(!d_state.isInConflict());
- if (Trace.isOn("strings-solve"))
- {
- Trace("strings-solve") << "- Compare " << cols[i][j] << " ";
- utils::printConcatTrace(getNormalForm(cols[i][j]).d_nf, "strings-solve");
- Trace("strings-solve") << " against " << cols[i][k] << " ";
- utils::printConcatTrace(getNormalForm(cols[i][k]).d_nf, "strings-solve");
- Trace("strings-solve") << "..." << std::endl;
- }
- processDeq(cols[i][j], cols[i][k]);
- if (d_im.hasProcessed())
- {
- return;
- }
+ Trace("strings-solve") << "- Compare " << cols[i][j] << ", nf ";
+ utils::printConcatTrace(getNormalForm(cols[i][j]).d_nf,
+ "strings-solve");
+ Trace("strings-solve") << " against " << cols[i][k] << ", nf ";
+ utils::printConcatTrace(getNormalForm(cols[i][k]).d_nf,
+ "strings-solve");
+ Trace("strings-solve") << "..." << std::endl;
+ }
+ processDeq(cols[i][j], cols[i][k]);
+ if (d_im.hasProcessed())
+ {
+ return;