extremely simple memory block, to be replaced by a proper I-Cache
with a proper connection to the Memory Bus (wishbone).
-# IO Ring
+# IO Ring and JTAG
-The IO Ring is autogenerated from the same program
-that created the [[180nm_Oct2020/pinmux]] and the SVG
+The IO Ring is autogenerated from the same pinmux program
+that created the [[180nm_Oct2020/pinouts]] and the SVG
+image. The image was used by Greatek for packaging as well as
+a PCB designed by Professor Galayko of Sorbonne University.
+The exact same pinmux program's output, specifying all interfaces,
+was also used to autogenerate the HDL for the JTAG Boundary Scan.
+By strictly using the exact same *machine readable* specification
+for all Interfaces using only autogenerated techniques it was possible
+to ensure complete consistency across
+* Markdown file
+* SVG Image for packaging
+* IO Ring
+* JTAG Boundary Scan
[[!img 180nm_Oct2020/ls180.svg size="400x" ]]