pandoc -f markdown -t latex --top-level-division=section \
--filter \
-N -o tex_out/fields.tex tex_out/fields.mdwn
+ sed -i 's/\\section{/\\section*{/g' tex_out/fields.tex
tex_out/mv_vec.tex : sv/mv.vec.mdwn
mkdir -p tex_out
# Power ISA Fields
-These were originally taken from Power ISA v3.0B and are in machine-readable
+These were originally taken from Power ISA v3.0B PDF, retain the Section
+Numbering from the original Power ISA v3.0B Specification PDF,
+and are in machine-readable
format that may be parsed with the following program:
BM2-Form, TLI-Form and others. Other additions are for SVP64 such
as SVM-Form, SVL-Form.
[[!inline pages="openpower/isatables/fields.text" raw="yes" ]]