--- /dev/null
+/********************* */
+/*! \file theory_engine_white.cpp
+ ** \verbatim
+ ** Top contributors (to current version):
+ ** Aina Niemetz, Morgan Deters, Andres Noetzli
+ ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
+ ** Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
+ ** in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
+ ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
+ ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
+ **
+ ** \brief White box testing of CVC4::theory::Theory.
+ **
+ ** White box testing of CVC4::theory::Theory. This test creates
+ ** "fake" theory interfaces and injects them into TheoryEngine, so we
+ ** can test TheoryEngine's behavior without relying on independent
+ ** theory behavior. This is done in TheoryEngineWhite::setUp() by
+ ** means of the TheoryEngineWhite::registerTheory() interface.
+ **/
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include "base/check.h"
+#include "context/context.h"
+#include "expr/kind.h"
+#include "expr/node.h"
+#include "options/options.h"
+#include "test_smt.h"
+#include "theory/bv/theory_bv_rewrite_rules_normalization.h"
+#include "theory/bv/theory_bv_rewrite_rules_simplification.h"
+#include "theory/rewriter.h"
+#include "theory/theory.h"
+#include "theory/theory_engine.h"
+#include "theory/theory_rewriter.h"
+#include "theory/valuation.h"
+#include "util/integer.h"
+#include "util/rational.h"
+namespace CVC4 {
+using namespace theory;
+using namespace expr;
+using namespace context;
+using namespace kind;
+using namespace smt;
+using namespace theory::bv;
+namespace test {
+class FakeTheoryRewriter : public TheoryRewriter
+ public:
+ RewriteResponse preRewrite(TNode n) override
+ {
+ return RewriteResponse(REWRITE_DONE, n);
+ }
+ RewriteResponse postRewrite(TNode n) override
+ {
+ return RewriteResponse(REWRITE_DONE, n);
+ }
+ * Fake Theory interface. Looks like a Theory, but really all it does is note
+ * when and how rewriting behavior is requested.
+ */
+template <TheoryId theoryId>
+class FakeTheory : public Theory
+ public:
+ FakeTheory(context::Context* ctxt,
+ context::UserContext* uctxt,
+ OutputChannel& out,
+ Valuation valuation,
+ const LogicInfo& logicInfo,
+ ProofNodeManager* pnm)
+ : Theory(theoryId, ctxt, uctxt, out, valuation, logicInfo, pnm)
+ {
+ }
+ TheoryRewriter* getTheoryRewriter() override { return &d_rewriter; }
+ std::string identify() const override { return "Fake" + d_id; }
+ void presolve() override { Unimplemented(); }
+ void preRegisterTerm(TNode) override { Unimplemented(); }
+ void registerTerm(TNode) { Unimplemented(); }
+ void propagate(Theory::Effort) override { Unimplemented(); }
+ TrustNode explain(TNode) override
+ {
+ Unimplemented();
+ return TrustNode::null();
+ }
+ Node getValue(TNode n) { return Node::null(); }
+ private:
+ /**
+ * This fake theory class is equally useful for bool, uf, arith, etc. It
+ * keeps an identifier to identify itself.
+ */
+ std::string d_id;
+ /** The theory rewriter for this theory. */
+ FakeTheoryRewriter d_rewriter;
+class TestTheoryWhiteEngine : public TestSmt
+ protected:
+ void SetUp() override
+ {
+ TestSmt::SetUp();
+ d_context = d_smtEngine->getContext();
+ d_user_context = d_smtEngine->getUserContext();
+ d_theoryEngine = d_smtEngine->getTheoryEngine();
+ for (TheoryId id = THEORY_FIRST; id != THEORY_LAST; ++id)
+ {
+ delete d_theoryEngine->d_theoryOut[id];
+ delete d_theoryEngine->d_theoryTable[id];
+ d_theoryEngine->d_theoryOut[id] = NULL;
+ d_theoryEngine->d_theoryTable[id] = NULL;
+ }
+ d_theoryEngine->addTheory<FakeTheory<THEORY_BUILTIN> >(THEORY_BUILTIN);
+ d_theoryEngine->addTheory<FakeTheory<THEORY_BOOL> >(THEORY_BOOL);
+ d_theoryEngine->addTheory<FakeTheory<THEORY_UF> >(THEORY_UF);
+ d_theoryEngine->addTheory<FakeTheory<THEORY_ARITH> >(THEORY_ARITH);
+ d_theoryEngine->addTheory<FakeTheory<THEORY_ARRAYS> >(THEORY_ARRAYS);
+ d_theoryEngine->addTheory<FakeTheory<THEORY_BV> >(THEORY_BV);
+ }
+ Context* d_context;
+ UserContext* d_user_context;
+ TheoryEngine* d_theoryEngine;
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteEngine, rewriter_simple)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkVar("x", d_nodeManager->integerType());
+ Node y = d_nodeManager->mkVar("y", d_nodeManager->integerType());
+ Node z = d_nodeManager->mkVar("z", d_nodeManager->integerType());
+ // make the expression (PLUS x y (MULT z 0))
+ Node zero = d_nodeManager->mkConst(Rational("0"));
+ Node zTimesZero = d_nodeManager->mkNode(MULT, z, zero);
+ Node n = d_nodeManager->mkNode(PLUS, x, y, zTimesZero);
+ Node nExpected = n;
+ Node nOut;
+ // do a full rewrite; FakeTheory::preRewrite() and FakeTheory::postRewrite()
+ // assert that the rewrite calls that are made match the expected sequence
+ // set up above
+ nOut = Rewriter::rewrite(n);
+ // assert that the rewritten node is what we expect
+ ASSERT_EQ(nOut, nExpected);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteEngine, rewriter_complex)
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkVar("x", d_nodeManager->integerType());
+ Node y = d_nodeManager->mkVar("y", d_nodeManager->realType());
+ TypeNode u = d_nodeManager->mkSort("U");
+ Node z1 = d_nodeManager->mkVar("z1", u);
+ Node z2 = d_nodeManager->mkVar("z2", u);
+ Node f = d_nodeManager->mkVar(
+ "f",
+ d_nodeManager->mkFunctionType(d_nodeManager->integerType(),
+ d_nodeManager->integerType()));
+ Node g = d_nodeManager->mkVar(
+ "g",
+ d_nodeManager->mkFunctionType(d_nodeManager->realType(),
+ d_nodeManager->integerType()));
+ Node one = d_nodeManager->mkConst(Rational("1"));
+ Node two = d_nodeManager->mkConst(Rational("2"));
+ Node f1 = d_nodeManager->mkNode(APPLY_UF, f, one);
+ Node f2 = d_nodeManager->mkNode(APPLY_UF, f, two);
+ Node fx = d_nodeManager->mkNode(APPLY_UF, f, x);
+ Node ffx = d_nodeManager->mkNode(APPLY_UF, f, fx);
+ Node gy = d_nodeManager->mkNode(APPLY_UF, g, y);
+ Node z1eqz2 = d_nodeManager->mkNode(EQUAL, z1, z2);
+ Node f1eqf2 = d_nodeManager->mkNode(EQUAL, f1, f2);
+ Node ffxeqgy = d_nodeManager->mkNode(EQUAL, ffx, gy);
+ Node and1 = d_nodeManager->mkNode(AND, ffxeqgy, z1eqz2);
+ Node ffxeqf1 = d_nodeManager->mkNode(EQUAL, ffx, f1);
+ Node or1 = d_nodeManager->mkNode(OR, and1, ffxeqf1);
+ // make the expression:
+ // (IMPLIES (EQUAL (f 1) (f 2))
+ // (OR (AND (EQUAL (f (f x)) (g y))
+ // (EQUAL z1 z2))
+ // (EQUAL (f (f x)) (f 1))))
+ Node n = d_nodeManager->mkNode(IMPLIES, f1eqf2, or1);
+ Node nExpected = n;
+ Node nOut;
+ // do a full rewrite; FakeTheory::preRewrite() and FakeTheory::postRewrite()
+ // assert that the rewrite calls that are made match the expected sequence
+ // set up above
+ nOut = Rewriter::rewrite(n);
+ // assert that the rewritten node is what we expect
+ ASSERT_EQ(nOut, nExpected);
+TEST_F(TestTheoryWhiteEngine, rewrite_rules)
+ TypeNode t = d_nodeManager->mkBitVectorType(8);
+ Node x = d_nodeManager->mkVar("x", t);
+ Node y = d_nodeManager->mkVar("y", t);
+ Node z = d_nodeManager->mkVar("z", t);
+ // (x - y) * z --> (x * z) - (y * z)
+ Node expr = d_nodeManager->mkNode(
+ BITVECTOR_MULT, d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_SUB, x, y), z);
+ Node result = expr;
+ if (RewriteRule<MultDistrib>::applies(expr))
+ {
+ result = RewriteRule<MultDistrib>::apply(expr);
+ }
+ Node expected =
+ d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_SUB,
+ d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_MULT, x, z),
+ d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_MULT, y, z));
+ ASSERT_EQ(result, expected);
+ // Try to apply MultSlice to a multiplication of two and three different
+ // variables, expect different results (x * y and x * y * z should not get
+ // rewritten to the same term).
+ expr = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_MULT, x, y, z);
+ result = expr;
+ Node expr2 = d_nodeManager->mkNode(BITVECTOR_MULT, x, y);
+ Node result2 = expr;
+ if (RewriteRule<MultSlice>::applies(expr))
+ {
+ result = RewriteRule<MultSlice>::apply(expr);
+ }
+ if (RewriteRule<MultSlice>::applies(expr2))
+ {
+ result2 = RewriteRule<MultSlice>::apply(expr2);
+ }
+ ASSERT_NE(result, result2);
+} // namespace test
+} // namespace CVC4
+++ /dev/null
-/********************* */
-/*! \file theory_engine_white.h
- ** \verbatim
- ** Top contributors (to current version):
- ** Morgan Deters, Andres Noetzli, Dejan Jovanovic
- ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
- ** Copyright (c) 2009-2020 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
- ** in the top-level source directory and their institutional affiliations.
- ** All rights reserved. See the file COPYING in the top-level source
- ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
- **
- ** \brief White box testing of CVC4::theory::Theory.
- **
- ** White box testing of CVC4::theory::Theory. This test creates
- ** "fake" theory interfaces and injects them into TheoryEngine, so we
- ** can test TheoryEngine's behavior without relying on independent
- ** theory behavior. This is done in TheoryEngineWhite::setUp() by
- ** means of the TheoryEngineWhite::registerTheory() interface.
- **/
-#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
-#include <deque>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <memory>
-#include <string>
-#include "base/check.h"
-#include "context/context.h"
-#include "expr/kind.h"
-#include "expr/node.h"
-#include "expr/node_manager.h"
-#include "options/options.h"
-#include "smt/smt_engine.h"
-#include "smt/smt_engine_scope.h"
-#include "theory/bv/theory_bv_rewrite_rules_normalization.h"
-#include "theory/bv/theory_bv_rewrite_rules_simplification.h"
-#include "theory/rewriter.h"
-#include "theory/theory.h"
-#include "theory/theory_engine.h"
-#include "theory/theory_rewriter.h"
-#include "theory/valuation.h"
-#include "util/integer.h"
-#include "util/rational.h"
-using namespace CVC4;
-using namespace CVC4::theory;
-using namespace CVC4::expr;
-using namespace CVC4::context;
-using namespace CVC4::kind;
-using namespace CVC4::smt;
-using namespace CVC4::theory::bv;
-using namespace std;
-class FakeOutputChannel : public OutputChannel {
- void conflict(TNode n) override { Unimplemented(); }
- bool propagate(TNode n) override { Unimplemented(); }
- void lemma(TNode n, LemmaProperty p = LemmaProperty::NONE) override
- {
- Unimplemented();
- }
- void requirePhase(TNode, bool) override { Unimplemented(); }
- void setIncomplete() override { Unimplemented(); }
- void handleUserAttribute(const char* attr, Theory* t) override {
- Unimplemented();
- }
- void splitLemma(TNode n, bool removable) override { Unimplemented(); }
-}; /* class FakeOutputChannel */
-template<TheoryId theory>
-class FakeTheory;
-/** Expected rewrite calls can be PRE- or POST-rewrites */
-enum RewriteType {
- PRE,
-};/* enum RewriteType */
- * Stores an "expected" rewrite call. The main test class will set up a sequence
- * of these RewriteItems, then do a rewrite, ensuring that the actual call sequence
- * matches the sequence of expected RewriteItems. */
-struct RewriteItem {
- RewriteType d_type;
-// FakeTheory* d_theory;
- Node d_node;
- bool d_topLevel;
-};/* struct RewriteItem */
-class FakeTheoryRewriter : public TheoryRewriter
- public:
- RewriteResponse preRewrite(TNode n) override
- {
- return RewriteResponse(REWRITE_DONE, n);
- }
- RewriteResponse postRewrite(TNode n) override
- {
- return RewriteResponse(REWRITE_DONE, n);
- }
- * Fake Theory interface. Looks like a Theory, but really all it does is note
- * when and how rewriting behavior is requested.
- */
-template <TheoryId theoryId>
-class FakeTheory : public Theory
- public:
- FakeTheory(context::Context* ctxt,
- context::UserContext* uctxt,
- OutputChannel& out,
- Valuation valuation,
- const LogicInfo& logicInfo,
- ProofNodeManager* pnm)
- : Theory(theoryId, ctxt, uctxt, out, valuation, logicInfo, pnm)
- {
- }
- TheoryRewriter* getTheoryRewriter() override { return &d_rewriter; }
- /** Register an expected rewrite call */
- static void expect(RewriteType type,
- FakeTheory* thy,
- TNode n,
- bool topLevel) throw()
- {
- RewriteItem item = {type, thy, n, topLevel};
- // s_expected.push_back(item);
- }
- /**
- * Returns whether the expected queue is empty. This is done after a call
- * into the rewriter to ensure that the actual set of observed rewrite calls
- * completed the sequence of expected rewrite calls.
- */
- static bool nothingMoreExpected() throw()
- {
- return true; // s_expected.empty();
- }
- std::string identify() const override {
- return "Fake" + d_id;
- }
- void presolve() override { Unimplemented(); }
- void preRegisterTerm(TNode) override { Unimplemented(); }
- void registerTerm(TNode) { Unimplemented(); }
- void propagate(Theory::Effort) override { Unimplemented(); }
- TrustNode explain(TNode) override
- {
- Unimplemented();
- return TrustNode::null();
- }
- Node getValue(TNode n) { return Node::null(); }
- private:
- /**
- * This fake theory class is equally useful for bool, uf, arith, etc. It
- * keeps an identifier to identify itself.
- */
- std::string d_id;
- /** The theory rewriter for this theory. */
- FakeTheoryRewriter d_rewriter;
-}; /* class FakeTheory */
-/* definition of the s_expected static field in FakeTheory; see above */
-// std::deque<RewriteItem> FakeTheory::s_expected;
- * Test the TheoryEngine.
- */
-class TheoryEngineWhite : public CxxTest::TestSuite {
- Context* d_ctxt;
- UserContext* d_uctxt;
- ExprManager* d_em;
- NodeManager* d_nm;
- SmtEngine* d_smt;
- SmtScope* d_scope;
- FakeOutputChannel *d_nullChannel;
- TheoryEngine* d_theoryEngine;
- void setUp() override {
- d_em = new ExprManager();
- d_nm = NodeManager::fromExprManager(d_em);
- d_smt = new SmtEngine(d_nm);
- d_scope = new SmtScope(d_smt);
- d_ctxt = d_smt->getContext();
- d_uctxt = d_smt->getUserContext();
- d_nullChannel = new FakeOutputChannel();
- // Notice that this unit test uses the theory engine of a created SMT
- // engine d_smt. We must ensure that d_smt is properly initialized via
- // the following call, which constructs its underlying theory engine.
- d_smt->finishInit();
- d_theoryEngine = d_smt->getTheoryEngine();
- for(TheoryId id = THEORY_FIRST; id != THEORY_LAST; ++id) {
- delete d_theoryEngine->d_theoryOut[id];
- delete d_theoryEngine->d_theoryTable[id];
- d_theoryEngine->d_theoryOut[id] = NULL;
- d_theoryEngine->d_theoryTable[id] = NULL;
- }
- d_theoryEngine->addTheory< FakeTheory<THEORY_BUILTIN> >(THEORY_BUILTIN);
- d_theoryEngine->addTheory< FakeTheory<THEORY_BOOL> >(THEORY_BOOL);
- d_theoryEngine->addTheory< FakeTheory<THEORY_UF> >(THEORY_UF);
- d_theoryEngine->addTheory< FakeTheory<THEORY_ARITH> >(THEORY_ARITH);
- d_theoryEngine->addTheory< FakeTheory<THEORY_ARRAYS> >(THEORY_ARRAYS);
- d_theoryEngine->addTheory< FakeTheory<THEORY_BV> >(THEORY_BV);
- }
- void tearDown() override {
- delete d_nullChannel;
- delete d_scope;
- delete d_smt;
- delete d_em;
- }
- void testRewriterSimple() {
- Node x = d_nm->mkVar("x", d_nm->integerType());
- Node y = d_nm->mkVar("y", d_nm->integerType());
- Node z = d_nm->mkVar("z", d_nm->integerType());
- // make the expression (PLUS x y (MULT z 0))
- Node zero = d_nm->mkConst(Rational("0"));
- Node zTimesZero = d_nm->mkNode(MULT, z, zero);
- Node n = d_nm->mkNode(PLUS, x, y, zTimesZero);
- Node nExpected = n;
- Node nOut;
-// // set up the expected sequence of calls
-// FakeTheory::expect(PRE, d_arith, n, true);
-// FakeTheory::expect(PRE, d_arith, x, false);
-// FakeTheory::expect(POST, d_arith, x, false);
-// FakeTheory::expect(PRE, d_arith, y, false);
-// FakeTheory::expect(POST, d_arith, y, false);
-// FakeTheory::expect(PRE, d_arith, zTimesZero, false);
-// FakeTheory::expect(PRE, d_arith, z, false);
-// FakeTheory::expect(POST, d_arith, z, false);
-// FakeTheory::expect(PRE, d_arith, zero, false);
-// FakeTheory::expect(POST, d_arith, zero, false);
-// FakeTheory::expect(POST, d_arith, zTimesZero, false);
-// FakeTheory::expect(POST, d_arith, n, true);
- // do a full rewrite; FakeTheory::preRewrite() and FakeTheory::postRewrite()
- // assert that the rewrite calls that are made match the expected sequence
- // set up above
- nOut = Rewriter::rewrite(n);
- // assert that we consumed the sequence of expected calls completely
-// TS_ASSERT(FakeTheory::nothingMoreExpected());
- // assert that the rewritten node is what we expect
-// TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(nOut, nExpected);
- }
- void testRewriterComplicated() {
- Node x = d_nm->mkVar("x", d_nm->integerType());
- Node y = d_nm->mkVar("y", d_nm->realType());
- TypeNode u = d_nm->mkSort("U");
- Node z1 = d_nm->mkVar("z1", u);
- Node z2 = d_nm->mkVar("z2", u);
- Node f = d_nm->mkVar("f", d_nm->mkFunctionType(d_nm->integerType(),
- d_nm->integerType()));
- Node g = d_nm->mkVar("g", d_nm->mkFunctionType(d_nm->realType(),
- d_nm->integerType()));
- Node one = d_nm->mkConst(Rational("1"));
- Node two = d_nm->mkConst(Rational("2"));
- Node f1 = d_nm->mkNode(APPLY_UF, f, one);
- Node f2 = d_nm->mkNode(APPLY_UF, f, two);
- Node fx = d_nm->mkNode(APPLY_UF, f, x);
- Node ffx = d_nm->mkNode(APPLY_UF, f, fx);
- Node gy = d_nm->mkNode(APPLY_UF, g, y);
- Node z1eqz2 = d_nm->mkNode(EQUAL, z1, z2);
- Node f1eqf2 = d_nm->mkNode(EQUAL, f1, f2);
- Node ffxeqgy = d_nm->mkNode(EQUAL, ffx, gy);
- Node and1 = d_nm->mkNode(AND, ffxeqgy, z1eqz2);
- Node ffxeqf1 = d_nm->mkNode(EQUAL, ffx, f1);
- Node or1 = d_nm->mkNode(OR, and1, ffxeqf1);
- // make the expression:
- // (IMPLIES (EQUAL (f 1) (f 2))
- // (OR (AND (EQUAL (f (f x)) (g y))
- // (EQUAL z1 z2))
- // (EQUAL (f (f x)) (f 1))))
- Node n = d_nm->mkNode(IMPLIES, f1eqf2, or1);
- Node nExpected = n;
- Node nOut;
- // set up the expected sequence of calls
-// FakeTheory::expect(PRE, d_bool, n, true);
-// FakeTheory::expect(PRE, d_uf, f1eqf2, true);
-// FakeTheory::expect(PRE, d_uf, f1, false);
- //FakeTheory::expect(PRE, d_builtin, f, true);
- //FakeTheory::expect(POST, d_builtin, f, true);
-// FakeTheory::expect(PRE, d_arith, one, true);
-// FakeTheory::expect(POST, d_arith, one, true);
-// FakeTheory::expect(POST, d_uf, f1, false);
-// FakeTheory::expect(PRE, d_uf, f2, false);
- // these aren't called because they're in the rewrite cache
- //FakeTheory::expect(PRE, d_builtin, f, true);
- //FakeTheory::expect(POST, d_builtin, f, true);
-// FakeTheory::expect(PRE, d_arith, two, true);
-// FakeTheory::expect(POST, d_arith, two, true);
-// FakeTheory::expect(POST, d_uf, f2, false);
-// FakeTheory::expect(POST, d_uf, f1eqf2, true);
-// FakeTheory::expect(PRE, d_bool, or1, false);
-// FakeTheory::expect(PRE, d_bool, and1, false);
-// FakeTheory::expect(PRE, d_uf, ffxeqgy, true);
-// FakeTheory::expect(PRE, d_uf, ffx, false);
-// FakeTheory::expect(PRE, d_uf, fx, false);
- // these aren't called because they're in the rewrite cache
- //FakeTheory::expect(PRE, d_builtin, f, true);
- //FakeTheory::expect(POST, d_builtin, f, true);
-// FakeTheory::expect(PRE, d_arith, x, true);
-// FakeTheory::expect(POST, d_arith, x, true);
-// FakeTheory::expect(POST, d_uf, fx, false);
-// FakeTheory::expect(POST, d_uf, ffx, false);
-// FakeTheory::expect(PRE, d_uf, gy, false);
- //FakeTheory::expect(PRE, d_builtin, g, true);
- //FakeTheory::expect(POST, d_builtin, g, true);
-// FakeTheory::expect(PRE, d_arith, y, true);
-// FakeTheory::expect(POST, d_arith, y, true);
-// FakeTheory::expect(POST, d_uf, gy, false);
-// FakeTheory::expect(POST, d_uf, ffxeqgy, true);
-// FakeTheory::expect(PRE, d_uf, z1eqz2, true);
-// FakeTheory::expect(PRE, d_uf, z1, false);
-// FakeTheory::expect(POST, d_uf, z1, false);
-// FakeTheory::expect(PRE, d_uf, z2, false);
-// FakeTheory::expect(POST, d_uf, z2, false);
-// FakeTheory::expect(POST, d_uf, z1eqz2, true);
-// FakeTheory::expect(POST, d_bool, and1, false);
-// FakeTheory::expect(PRE, d_uf, ffxeqf1, true);
- // these aren't called because they're in the rewrite cache
- //FakeTheory::expect(PRE, d_uf, ffx, false);
- //FakeTheory::expect(POST, d_uf, ffx, false);
- //FakeTheory::expect(PRE, d_uf, f1, false);
- //FakeTheory::expect(POST, d_uf, f1, false);
-// FakeTheory::expect(POST, d_uf, ffxeqf1, true);
-// FakeTheory::expect(POST, d_bool, or1, false);
-// FakeTheory::expect(POST, d_bool, n, true);
- // do a full rewrite; FakeTheory::preRewrite() and FakeTheory::postRewrite()
- // assert that the rewrite calls that are made match the expected sequence
- // set up above
- nOut = Rewriter::rewrite(n);
- // assert that we consumed the sequence of expected calls completely
-// TS_ASSERT(FakeTheory::nothingMoreExpected());
- // assert that the rewritten node is what we expect
-// TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(nOut, nExpected);
- }
- void testRewriterRules() {
- TypeNode t = d_nm->mkBitVectorType(8);
- Node x = d_nm->mkVar("x", t);
- Node y = d_nm->mkVar("y", t);
- Node z = d_nm->mkVar("z", t);
- // (x - y) * z --> (x * z) - (y * z)
- Node expr =
- d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_MULT, d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_SUB, x, y), z);
- Node result = expr;
- if (RewriteRule<MultDistrib>::applies(expr)) {
- result = RewriteRule<MultDistrib>::apply(expr);
- }
- Node expected =
- d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_SUB, d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_MULT, x, z),
- d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_MULT, y, z));
- TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(result, expected);
- // Try to apply MultSlice to a multiplication of two and three different
- // variables, expect different results (x * y and x * y * z should not get
- // rewritten to the same term).
- expr = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_MULT, x, y, z);
- result = expr;
- Node expr2 = d_nm->mkNode(BITVECTOR_MULT, x, y);
- Node result2 = expr;
- if (RewriteRule<MultSlice>::applies(expr)) {
- result = RewriteRule<MultSlice>::apply(expr);
- }
- if (RewriteRule<MultSlice>::applies(expr2)) {
- result2 = RewriteRule<MultSlice>::apply(expr2);
- }
- TS_ASSERT_DIFFERS(result, result2);
- }